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36 Cards in this Set

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kwashiorkor (caused by, results of)
caused by not enough protein;
results in permanent brain damage
marasmus (caused by, results of-3 things)
caused by calorie deficit;
infants weigh 60% less than they should, permantent neurological damage, parasitic infections)
micronutrient malnutrition
deficiency of vitamins/minerals
macronutrient malnutrition
too few calories
infant mortality
death within the first year after birth
SIDS (how to avoid, age)
smoking, sleeping position (back), sleep patterns, winter - viral infections, apnea;
between 1 month and 1 year
visual acuity in infants
20/200 to 20/400
age that most children reach 20/20 vision
most developed sense in infants
least developed sense in infants
the process of following a moving object with your eyes
visual cliff
depth perception
claim that most perceptual abilities are inborn
claim that perceptual abilities are learned
repetitive vowel sounds, particularly the uuu sound
repetitive vocalizing of consonant-vowel combinations
telegraphic speech
simple two-word sentences that usually include a noun and a verb
naming explosion
period when toddlers experience rapid vocabulary growth, typically beginning between 16 and 24 months
behaviorist view (what, who)
wordlike babbling becomes more frequent as it is praised by parents
B. F. Skinner
nativist view (what, who)
overregularization of errors
Noam Chomsky
language acquisition device
language processor which contains the basic grammatical structure of all human language
interactionist view (what, who)
combination of behaviorist and nativist views
Melissa Bowerman
attachment theory (what, who)
infants are biologically predisposed to form emotional bonds with caregivers
John Bowlby
phase 1 (attachment)
nonfocused orienting and signaling (birth to 3 mos.)
babies draw attention of others and signal needs
phase 2 (attachment)
focus on one or more figures (3 to 6 mos)
babies direct "come here" signals to fewer people, less responsive to familiar people
phase 3 (attachment)
secure base behavior (6 to 24 mos)
true attachment emerges - following, clinging
phase 4 (attachment)
internal model (24 mos and beyond)
children imagine how an anticipated action might affect the bonds they share with their caregivers
social referencing
an infant's use of others' facial expressions as a guide to his or her own emotions
secure attachment
pattern of attachment in which an infant readily separates from the parent, seeks proximity when stressed, and uses the parent as a safe base for exploration
insecure/avoidant attachment
pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids contact with parent and shows no preference for the parent over other people
insecure/ambivalent attachment
pattern of attachment in which the infant shows little exploratory behavior, is greatly upset when sepatared from the mother, and is not reassured by her return or efforts to comfort him
insecure/disorganized attachment
a pattern of attachment in which an infant seems confused or apprehensive and shows contradictory behavior, such as moving toward the mother while looking away from her
the process of selecting experiences on the basis of temperament
degree to which an infant's temperament is adaptable to his or her environment, and vice versa
subjective self
infant's awareness that she or he is a separate person who endures through time and space and can act on the environment
objective (categorical) self
toddler's understanding that she or he is defined by various categories such as gender or qualities such as shyness