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138 Cards in this Set

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Margaret Oats
Investigation on cause of maternal deaths in UK
Andrea Gates
Falsely diagnosed as depressed
Actually psychotic
Drowned children
--> post partum psychosis is hard to detect
John Cox, Jenifer Holden, Ruth Sagovsky
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
Tiffany Field
Proved infants need stimulation
Massage therapist showed calming effects
William (Bill) Greenough
Looked at brains of rats
Stimulating environment increased number of synapses to increase brains ability or good cognitive functioning
Ellenor Gibson
Animals perceive depth
Visual cliff experiment
Environment matters for motor development
cross cultural studies
Cultural context influences by opportunity to develop skills
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Concrete operational
Formal operational
Nancy Bayley
Bayley scales of infant and toddler development
Mental, Motor, Infant behavior profile
Renee Baillergeon
Object permanence demonstration
Social Contextual Approach
Social interactions influence cognitive competence
Abecedarian Intervention Program- randomly select to give full time care others only medically
Locked in Attic
missed critical period for language development
BF Skinner
Responses acquired through reinforcement
Noam Chomsky
Biologically predisposed to learn language
Language Acquisition Devise
Arnold Gesell
Height and weight for temperament
Alexander Thomas, Stella Chess
New York Longitudinal Study of temperament
Interviews with mothers and rating on 9 dimensions for 4 types of babies
Jerome Kagan
Shyness, inhabition to unfamiliar
Extraversion and intraversion
Strange situation- assessment of attachment
Secure and insecure attachment
Erik Erikson
Trust and Mistrust for attachment
Conclude and on basis of interactions with caregivers if they can trust environment or need to take care of themselves
Initiative vs guild
autonomy vs shame and doubt
Conscience and parenting styles
Compliance and cooperation
General guidance not negative control
Room with toys and cant play with them
Suziki Method- development of musical ability for language development
See pattern of behavior
Primary attachment changes with age
Kohlberg Cognitive Development Theory
Gender typing follows gender identity
Know you are a boy before you can act like a boy
Bem's Gender Schema Theory
Gender typing occurs when children are cognitively able to encode information about gender roles
Social learning approach
Bobo doll
Parten's Classic Study of Play
Social dimensions
Cognitive levels of play
Function al, constructive, pretend, games with rules
Tiger Mother
Structured vs unstructured play
Baumrind, Macccoby, and Martin
Parenting styles
authoritarian, authoritative, uninvolved, permissive
Wansink B and Wansink C
Study of 52 paintings of last supper
80% of immigrants feeble minded because didnt know english
Correlation coefficient
Native british and jews--> inferior physically and mentally
Brought over IQ test
Mexican and native americans
"no rational support" for racist
Harvard Educational Review
Boost IQ and scholastic achievement
AA score lower on avg than whites due to genetic differences
Overlap of frequency distributions contradicts raist philosophy
Hemstein and Murray
Under the Bell Curve
Ethnic group differences in intelligence traced to genetics
Nobel prize winner
"color coded"
Lawrence Kolber
Moral Development
Gottman, Gonso, and Rasmussen
Psychosocial development in popularity
asked popular children and unpopular in role of play
friendship making process pretending experimenter was child
Stages of friendship
stages 0-4
Major Depression
Depressed mood, decreased / increased appetite, insomnia, low energy, loss of interest/pleasure
5 or more syptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks
must include depressed mood or loss of interest
Gateway symptoms
Depressed mood/ loss of interest
Inventory to Diagnose Depression (IDD)
Developed at Iowa- self report measure
Measures clinically significant symptoms and assesses for MDD diagnosis
Income matters
Postpartum Blues
Bee Sting
most common perinatal mood disorder- 50-80% of new mothers
brief, onset in first week, can lead to depression
Postpartum Psychosis
Rare 1/1000
agressive intervention necessary
different than postpartum depression
Ex: andrea gates
Postpartum Depression
mild to severe
often under detected
Sensitive Mothering
Aware of infants signals
infant cant speak but can still communicate
game with baby and highchair to test communication
US Preventative Service Task Force
Screen for depression in clinical practices with accurate diagnosis, treatment, and follow up
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
John cox, jenifer holden, Ruth Sagovsky
10 item depression screening tool
Neonatal period
first 4 weeks
Large head, receeding chin, misshaped head, fosfonel, ianugo, vernix caseosa
Soft spot on head where bones havent fused
Hairy infant
Vernix Caseosa
Cheesy cloth, protects against infection of infant
Apgar Scale
Asses newborns 1 and 5 min after birth
Evaluates heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tone and activity, body color, reflex irritability
2 points for each total of 10
<7--> NICU
usually 8 or 9 because of hands and feet being blue
Brazelton Neonaal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
High risk situations--> not routine
24-36 hours after birth
evaluates neurological development, reflexes and reactions to people
Small for Gestational Age
Correct birth date but very small
Kangaroo Care
Skin to skin
counteract isolation with massage
Cephalocaudal Growth
Head downward
Pattern of motor development is from top down
lift head then shoulders then down
Proximodistal Growth
Torso out
Growth/control physical motor is inside out
Receive info and fire impulses down axon to synaptic
all or nothing
Fire action potential across axon
Na out of cell
Speeds up transmission
Reduce neurons and synapses
More efficient synaptic configurations
Sucking Test
Dr suess in utero
suck pacifier to hear tape of mothers voice reading the same book as in utero
sucked more to in utero book--> recognize mothers voice
Denver Developmental Screening Test
1 month- 6 years
Assess gross fine motor skills, language, and social development
thinking or range of mental ability, problem solving, categorization, reasoning, language development
Ability to think and understand
Jean Piaget
Behaviorist Approach to Cognitive development
How does behavior change as a result of experience
Classical conditioning- associations
Operant conditioning- reinforcement and punishment
Psychometric Approach to cognitive development
How do infants think to solve problems
how well they solve problem compared to other infants
how well they do it
Denver Developmental Test
Bayley Scales
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development
Nancy Bayley
Mental Scale: intellectual function, memory, problem solving, language
Motor scale: sit stand jump
Infant behavioral profile: social and emotional development through standardized behavior during testing situation
Cognitive scale: audio/visual stimuli, manipulation, interaction, memory, goal behavior, follow directions
Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development
how do infants learn to solve problems
Sensorimotor (birth-2 years)
Preoperational (2-7)
Concrete Operational (7-11)
Formal Operational (11-adult)
Object Permanance
Realizing an object exists even when it is out of sight
Before 8 moths--> can't do
Representational Thinking
pictorial competence
understanding nature of pictures
word and picture are the same thing
~19 months
Understanding of particular things that go on in the world, routines to help understand
assimilate: expanding, assimilate new items as example of food
Accommodation: changing scheme
Information Processing Approach of Cognitive development
Encoding storge and use of information
look at how information is stored and manipulated
Infants prefer to pay attention to novel sensory experiences
used to (habituated) stimulus: resume normal activity
New stimulus: stop normal activity to pay attention (dishabituation)
Violation of Expectations
Asses what infants expect
familiarization phase
look longer--> surprise and understanding of unusual event
Cognitive Neuroscience approach of Cognitive development
Study of biological underpinnings of cognition
Examines relationship of cognitive functions to neural/brain activity
what brain structures are involved in cognition
Social Contextual Approach of Cognitive development
Social interactions influence cognitive competence
environment influences cognitive development
Abecedarian Intervention Program
Randomly select to give full time care
others only receive medical care
intervention= better development
Language Development
crying cooing babbling gestures, 1st words, naming, sentances
Theory of Mind
Pointing is indication of not being autistic
Dont see things from others perspective when autistic
Pointing is a way of sharing
Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
Biological endowment that enables language acquisition
uniform across cultures
create language in absence of input
Enhance language development with high pitch voice
Primary Emotions
Present at birth and shared with animals
surprise joy anger sadness fear disgust
Secondary Emotions
Embarrassment, enby, pride, shame, guild
Self awareness--> not in animals or culturally seen
Social Referencing
Follow cues of pat rents
communication before speaking
watch parents to see how to respond
communicate before actual language develops
An individuals behavior style and characteristic way of responding emotionally
usually seen at birth and lasts a lifetime
How (style) of behavior and distinct from what (abilities) and why (motivation) of behavior
Easy Babies
positive mood
quickly established routine
adapt easily
Difficult Babies
react negatively
cry frequently
no regular routine
slow to accept change
Slow to Warm Up Babies
Low activity level
negative reactions
low adaptability
Average Babies
Goodness of Fit
Childs temperment and parenting style predicts childs outcomes
Secure Attachment
Check in with caregiver
go explore
depart easily
may cry a little with reuniting
Insecure Attachment
Avoidant- engage in litter interaction, little distress, couldnt care less, no contact with returning
Resistant- cling to caregiver then push away
Disorganized- dazed, confused, fearful, avoid and resist
Sense that you can do things
Shame and Doubt
Insecure about abilities from excessive impatience and criticism
Process in which children develop habits, skills, motives with individuals in society
Emotional discomfort about wrong doing and ability to refreain from doing it
Symbolic Function
Gain ability to mentally represent an object that is not present
understand objects in space, causality, number
Internal sets of actions that allow children to do mentally what they used to do physically
Only see from our own perspective
Belief that everything that exists has some consciousness
Fast Mapping
Hypothesized mental process where new concept is learned based only on a single exposure to a given unit of information
Practical knowledge needed to use language for communicative purposes
Characteristics of people as male and female
Gender Identity
Awareness of gender
Gender Stability
Recognition that gender is constant
Gender Roles
Set of expectations about behavior of males and females
Gender Typing
Socialization process
Gender Stereotypes
Preconceived generalizations about male/female behavior
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Adrenal gland enlarged, high levels of androgens
genetically female but very in way genitals resemble males
androgens/hormones responsible for gender specific behavior
Androgen Insensitive Males
No androgen receptors in cells
affect of complete insensitivity is very sensitive
body looks female and develop female identity
Gender Schema Theory
Gender typing occurs when children are cognitively able to encode information about gender roles
Social Learning Approach of Gender Typing
Childrens gender typing results from observation and reinforcement/punishment
Bandura - bobo doll
Parten's Classic Study of Play
Social dimensions
unoccupied- no goal
solitary- alone, engrossed in activity
onlooker- alone, watch others dont engage
parallel- separate but with alike toys
associative- social interaction, little organization
cooperative- organized games
Cognitive levels of Play
Functional- 1st year simple an repetitive
constructive- manipulate objects to construct
pretend: 2-7 pretend, elaborate
games with rules: 10 years, board games
Authoritarian Parenting
Rigid, because i said so, im the boss
Roaring lion
Baumrind maccoby and martin
Authoritative Parenting
Assertive, self regulation, flexible, supportive, guidelines, standards
best parenting style
baumrind maccoby and martin
Uninvolved Parenting
distance, uninterested, neglectful, passive
lead to behavioral disorders
baumrind maccob and martin
Permissive Parenting
nondirective, over involved, indulgent, no guidelines
baumrind maccoby and martin
Weight for Height
measuring obesity
20% over expected weight for individual's height is considered obese
Edible School Yard
Alice Waters
Movement to prevent obesity in school lunches
Piaget Concrete Operational Period
7 years
spatial thinking and causality
categorization: interrelationships family tree
inductive/deductive reasoning
can get to shcool
Inductive Reasoning
Particular to general
my dog barks terrys dog barks all dogs bark
Deductive Reasoning
General to specific
all dogs bark, spot is a dog, spot must bark
Awareness that altering the appearance of an object or substance does not change its basic properties
Information Processing Approach
Development of executive function
control of thought actions and emotions
Knowledge about process of memory
aware of ability to understand
study longer--> know it better
Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC)
individual test
verbal and performance subtests
yields IQ score
verbal: information, vocab, arithmetic, similarities, comprehension, digit span
Performance: picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, object assembly, digit symbol
Flynn Effect
Noticed difference that IQ changes steadily over time, recalibrate IQ back down to 100 to adapt for change in knowledge
Lawrence Kohlberg Moral Development Theory
Reasons for choices formed basis
interviewed boys 10-16 presented with moral dilemma
Preconventional Stage of Moral Development
Morality in terms of external consequences (9yrs)
1. obedience
2. self interest
Conventional Stage of Moral Development
Morality in terms of what other people define as good and bad (adolescence)
3. conformity
4. law and order
Post Conventional Stage of Moral Development
Morality in terms of underlying principles (Adults)
5. human rights-
6. universal human ethics
Sociometric Popularity
How much you like or dislike peers
Perceived Popularity
Ask children which peer they like best, dont have to rank each child
Stages of Friendship
stage 0: monetary
stage 1: one way assistance
stage 2: fair weather cooperation
stage 3: intimate mutually shared relationships
stage 4: autonomous interdependence
Binet Scales
mental age/chronological age x 100