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15 Cards in this Set

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initiative versus guilt
3rd stage of Erikson, try new activities but feels guilt when they fail
the child's cognitive representation of self
moral development
development of rules and conventions about what people should do in their interactions with other people
herteronomous morality
1st stage of moral development in Piaget's theory(4-7yrs) Justice and rules are made and unchangeable properties of the world, removed from the control of people.
autonomout morality
2nd stage of moral devel. Piaget's theory(<10yrs) Becomes award the rules and laws are created by people and that in judging an action, one should consider the actor's intentions as well as consequences.
immanent justice
Piaget's concept that if a rule is broken, punishment will be meted our immediately
social and psychological dimensions of being female or male
gender role
set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, or feel.
gender typing
process by which children acquire the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are considered appropriate for their gender in their culture
a main class of sex horomones. Estradiol influences the development of female physical sex characteristics and helps regulate the mentrual cylce.
main class of sex horomones, Testosterone, promotes the development of male genitals and secondary sex characteristics
social role theory
Eagly's theory that psychological gender differences are caused by the contrasting social roles of women and men
pychoanalytic theory of gender
(stems from Freud) preschool children develop a sexual attraction to teh opposite-sex parent, then at 5-6 years old child renounces this attraction bc of anxiety, and then develops the same sex parent's characteristics
social cognitive theory of gender
the idea that children's gender of development occurs through observation and imitation of gender behavios, as well as through the rewards and punishment children experience for behaviors believed to be appropriate or inappropriate for their genders
cognitive development theory of gender
the theory that children's gender typing occurs after they think of themselves as boys and girls.