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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of Cuna in Levi Strauss' paper?
Facilitate delivery in certain cases of childbirth.
When does the intervention of the shaman occur in Levi Strauss' paper?
The intervention of shaman is rare and occurs in cases of failure after request of a midwife
What is Muu according to Levi Strauss' paper?
Muu is the spirit that is thought to be in charge of hte reproductive capacities of the women. It is in charge of the uterus, the development of the fetus
When does difficult childbirth occur according to Levi Strauss' paper?
Difficult childbirth occurs when Muu has exceeded her functions and has captured the soul or the Purba, soul of the pregnant woman;
What does the shaman do to alleviate the difficult childbirth in Levi Strauss' article?
The shaman sings a song. By doing this, he is undertaking a quest through the spirit world to recapture the Pubra, liberate her uterus, so that normal delivery takes place
Each bodily organ of the pregnant woman has its own ________ according to Levi Strauss' paper.
Purba, soul
When does the shaman intervene in the case of difficult childbirth according to Levi Strauss' paper?
Shaman intervenes when Indian midwife cannot get the baby out with use of all techniques. Shaman manages to accomplish psychological manipulation of sick uterus in difficult labor to deliver baby.
Why is levi strauss' paper ridiculous?
He is suggesting that a woman in truly difficult labor could be cured by the shaman singing the song without any physical manipulation of her pelvis
What does Professor Wall believe Levi Strauss' paper represents?
He believes it represents an obstetrical prayer for deliverance rather than an obstetrical tool with clinical track record for success
What is Dystocia?
Difficult Labor
What are the three factors involved in expulsions during dystocia?
1. Powers - mechanical forces involved in expulsions
2. Passage - for instance, birth canal
3. Passenger - Fetus size and shape and how it is loaded into birth canal
What are the four types of abnormalities that occur with dystocia?
1. Expulsive Forces - related to contraction of uterus, sometimes contractions are not strong enough or coordinated enough to produce effective effacement of cervix
2. Fetus - abnormalities in presentation of fetus into birth canal, position of fetus, and development of fetus
3. Boney Abnormalities - abnormalities in bony architecture of pelvis can be extreme
4. Soft Tissue Abnormalities - fat is an example of soft tissue that obstructs birth, obese women have more difficult labor because too much fat for fetus to get through
What is most common presentation of fetus in birth canal?
Occiput Anterior - head firts
What is the most common reason for C Section in the US?
What is second most common reason for C Section?
Fetal Intolerance to labor where people observing labor feel baby is not tolerating labor and feel it is at risk for developing distress
What are the two components of the first stage of labor and describe them?
1. Latent - early stages of cervical dilation stops at 4 cm
2. Active Phase - 4cm - 10 cm, women who are having their first delivery can last up to 12 hours in this phase.
What are the two phases you are having if your uterus is not contracting properly?
Hypotonic - weak contractions that are not strong enough to row the boat forward nad get baby out

Hypertonic - elevated unterine contraction and uterus never relaxed appropriately, uncoordinated uterine contractions
What percent of babies are in breach fetal position?
What is Frank Breach position?
Buttocks comes down first and extremities are flexed at knees
What is complete breach?
One or both knees are flexed rather than both being extended
What is Incomplete breach?
One of knees maybe extended so what you have is one of lower extremeties as the presenting part, either knee or foot
What are the two problems with breach?
Problem 1 - normally head comes down first since it is biggest part, now if biggest part comes out last it may get trapped in cervix if uterus not fully dilated

Problem 2 - umbilical cord can hang down the cervix or pull on head in breach
What is umbilical cord prolapse? What does the physician do during this situation?
Extreme obstetrical emergency and leaves to extreme loss of human dignity because you want to preserve babies life and you have to get pressure and head off umbilical cord, so women have to get on knees with head as low as possible and somebody sticks hand up vagina and pushes baby's head off cord and then do C Section
Breach positions have higher incidence of __________.
Breach positions is also associated with higher _____ of mother because of higher rate of operative delivery.
When are breach presentations very common? Why is it better to occur during this time?
Early pregnancies; In early pregnancies, the baby continues to move so it is okay but as pregnancy progresses, babies come to rest in head down position and remain there into third trimester
What do physicians try to do in late pregnancy breach positions?
External Cephalic Version - try to turn head from outside and induce labor immediately
What is Face Presentation?
This is when the face is presenting rather than back of head. The leading point is the chin.
How often does face presentation occur?
1 in 600 delivieries
When does face presentation usually occur?
When bony diameters of pelvis are not normal so head flexes incorrectly as it starts to go through mechanism of labor
What are problems associated with face presentation?
possibility of breaking heck if chin is presenting
T/F Chin-posterior face presentation is one that cannot be delivered through pelvis because of physics.
What is Brow Presentation?
Forehead is presenting. This is rare presentation that usually converts to face or occiput
What is the worst presentation?
Transverse Lie - the long axis of fetus is perpendicular to the long axis of mother -> uterus ruptures and baby asphyxiates
What are compound presentations?
Varieties that involved extremities presenting simultaneously with a presenting part
What is most common compound presentation?
Occiput with hand coming down along with it
What does physician do for Occiput Posterior Presentation?
These rotate spontaneously and deliver okay. Some require forceps for rotation and some just cannot make it out and they end up with C Section.
What is Fetal Macrosomia?
BIG BABY > 4500 grams , increase in body size related to head size making it difficult to deliver shoulders
What predisposes someone to have fetal macrosomia?
Diabetes, Big Parents, Birth Order (babies bigger in successive pregnancies), Fat Women, Long Pregnancy
What was used to get the biggest baby out during childbirth?
Blunt Hook
How big was the biggest baby?
24 lb with 4lb placenta and 35 inches long
What is shoulder Dystocia?
Baby's body is big size in relation to head so there is trouble with delivering shoulder after delivering head. Shoulder is trapped behind pubic symphysis
What is the Turtle Sign?
It is a sign of shoulder dystocia because head pops out and snaps back in because shoulder is not descending. This is an emergency and you must get baby out in short period of time or you will get asphyxiation. Do not pull on head!
How should a physician deal with Turtle Sign?
Get a fat labor and delivery nurse and have her put pressure on pubic symphysis to see if you can pop shoulder out and rotate patients thighs up so you will change axis of outlet. Or you can split perineum or split pubic symphysis in half or push baby back in and do C Section.
What is Fetal Hydrocephalis?
too much Water on the brain inside of head. It is caused by defect in development of brain so normal circulation of cerebral spinal fluid is impaired so fetal head grows to enormous size which is impossible to get out of vagina, There is almost no brain left because pressure in skull has destroyed brain
How do you deliver a fetal hydrocephalis baby?
Puncture fetal skull, decompress head, and deliver baby vaginally
What is hydrops?
Fetal swelling of body, particularly abdomen
What is Locked Twins?
Two separate individuals who are not conjoined but happen to get entangled. They are both coming out simultaneously so you can't disarticulate them.