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55 Cards in this Set

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Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution

Early life…
 Farmer
 Dog breeder
 Pre-med student
-Later in life…
 The Beagle
 Evolution
 Change in populations over
time-- From one common ancestor
 Suggested the mechanism
driving/causing evolution
Natural selection


Fertilization-involves the fusion of an ovum and spermatazoon forming a zygote that has 46 chromosomes.


Step 1--Oocyte at Ovulation.

Step 2--Fertilization and Oocyte Activation.

Step 3--Pronucleus Formation Begins

Step 4--Spindle Formation and Cleavage Preparation.

Step 5--Fusion of Pronuclei and cleavage of Zygote begins.

Step 6--Cytokinesis Begins

Gregor Mendel

- Pea plants
-Self pollinating
-But what if you could
choose the parents?


genetic makeup of an organism


physical expression of the


-variations of the same gene (eg, eye color)

- Typically represented by a letter

Homozygous = identical alleles
Dominant AA
Recessive aa

Heterozygous = dissimilar alleles

Mendel’s Laws of Genetics

-Alleles account for variation in inherited traits

-For each gene, an organism inherits 2 alleles,
one allele from each parent
-Dominant allele determines phenotype

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

• Nucleotides
-Purine (2 rings)
- Adenine (A)
-Guanine (G)

- Pyrimidine (1 ring)
-Cytosine (C)
-Thymine (T)
-Paired with H bonds
- Phosphate and deoxyribose sugar backbone
• Template for RNA synthesis


A: Adenine
T: Thymine
G: Guanine
C: Cytosine


Nucleotide sequence in DNA that provides
instructions for transcription of RNA,
which when translated into proteins, express a

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)

Single stranded
• Phosphate and ribose sugar backbone
 Nucleotides:
 Purine (2 rings)
 Adenine (A)
 Guanine (G)
 Pyrimidine (1 ring)
 Cytosine (C)
 Uracil (U)

- Paired with H bonds
• Template for protein synthesis


• DNA is template for RNA
• Occurs in nucleus
• DNA helicase
• Unzips DNA strand
• RNA polymerase
– “reads” and adds complementary RNA nucleotides
• Product is pre-mRNA
– Introns (non-coding regions)
– Exons (coding regions)
• Fully functional mRNA moves into cytosol


• RNA is protein template
• Occurs in cytosol

• Houses amino acid pool
• mRNA (“the blueprint”) is protein template
• rRNA (“the architect”) `
• Reads codons
• tRNA (“the construction workers”)
• Pairs anticodons
• Carry amino acid

Translation and the Role of RNA

• The completed mRNA moves through a
nuclear pore, guided by the G cap.
• The mRNA interacts with a ribosome
which is 60% rRNA
• A tRNA with an
attached Amino Acid
(Methionine) will
act as a start codon

-Other tRNA with associated amino acids
will line up and form polypeptides through
peptide bonds
• After the amino acid
of a tRNA forms a
peptide bond with
neighboring amino acid,
the tRNA is released
• Translation ends
with a stop codon

• DNA--> mRNA-->amino acids (tRNA)

Nucleus --> Ribosome (rRNA) -->Golgi
• Genotype becoming Phenotype



amino acids are added one by one to the growing polypeptide chain


occurs as a protein releasing factor, not a tRNA molecule, recognizes the stop codon

Cell Theory

-Cells are the building blocks of all plants and animals.

-All new cells come from the division of pre-existing cells.

-Cells are the smallest structural units that carry out all vital physiological functions.

Fertilized Ovum

All cells are descendants of a single cell--the fertilized ovum


Gradual specialization produces the specialized cells that form tissues of the body.

Extracellular fluid surrounds the cell

It is a watery medium

Plasma Membrane

Is a physical barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the surrounding extracellular fluid.

-It is a selectively permeable barrier that controls the entry of ions and nutrients, such as glucose.

-It is called the phospholipid bilayer because the different phospholipid molecules form two layers-hydrophilic tails at the membrane and hydrophobic tails on the inside


Is an important component of plasma membranes with almost one cholesterol molecule for every phospholipid membrane

Integral and Peripheral Protiens

Integral are part of the membrane structure and peripheral are bound to the inner or outer surface of the membrane


Glycolipids-when carbs or lipids attatch to the membrane or

Glycoproteins--protein with some carbs attached to the membrane

-Allows cells to communicate

Receptor Proteins

Bind to specific extracellular molecules--they receive messages


In plasma membrane may be integral or peripheral proteins--they catalyze

Ion Channels

Are integral proteins containing a central pore that forms a passageway completely through the plasma membrane. The channel permits the passage of water and small solutes that cannot otherwise cross the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane


Functions as the cell's skeleton-it provides an internal protein framework that gives the cytoplasm strength and flexibility


-Are finger shaped extensions of the plasma membrane of some cells

-Digestive and Surface absorption-intestines and tongue


-Found in the Respiratory system

-Long slender extensions of the plasma membrane

-Multiple Motile cilia propel fluids of solids across cell surface


Much longer and beat in a wavelike fashion-sperm cells-mobile cells


Small Protein Strands Provide strength and alter cell shape, bind to the cytoskeleton, to the plasma membrane and are involved in muscle contraction

Intermediate Filaments

Provide strength and move materials through cytoplasm


The largest component, they extend outward of the cell into the periphery from the centrosome and provide strength and move organelles


Are responsible for protein synthesis

-Contains special proteins and rRNA

Endoplasmic Reticulum ER

is a network of intercellular membranes continuous with nuclear envelope


The ER forms hollow tubes, flattened sheets and chambers called cisternae

Smooth ER

-Lacks ribosomes and the Cisternae is tubular.

-Synthesize the phospholipids and cholesterol needed for the plasma membrane, ER, nuclearn envelope and Golgi

-Synthesize steroid hormones

-Synthesize and store glycerides in liver and fat cells

-Synthesize and store glycogen in skeletal and liver cells



-Functions as a combination of a workshop and shipping warehouse

-Where newly synthesized proteins are chemically modified and packaged for export to their next destination-the Golgio

Polypeptide is synthesized on a ribosome, the growing chain enters the cisterna-->the polypeptide assumes its secondary structure-->the completed protein may become an enzyme or glycoprotein-->are packaged in transport vesicles-->which deliver the proteins enzymes etc to Golgi Apparatus


Golgi Apparatus

-Membrane Renewal vesicles add to the surface of the plasma membrane--can change properties of plasma membrane which can profoundly alter the sensitivity and function of the cell

-Secretory Vesicles-contain products that will be discharged from the cell

-Enzymes for cytosol-Or Lysosomes are special vesicles that provide an isolated environment for potentially dangerous chemical reactions-contain digestive enzymes-Breakdown of organic compounds and damaged organelles or pathogens


Produces 95% of the ATP required by the cell

-Require Organic Molecules and O2

-Has a double membrane

-inner membrane has inner folds called cristae and the matrix is the liquid enclosed by the inner membrane

-A cell with a lot of mitochondria implies that it is a cell that needs energy-muscle cell

Aerobic Metabolism

-Or cellular respiration requires oxygen to produce ATP

-Glucose + Oxygen = Water + Carbon Dioxide + Energy (ATP and Heat)

-Release H20 and CO2


Cell division produces two daughter cells each containing a complete set of 46 chromosomes


-Somatic cells spend most of their functional lives in Interphase

-During interphase in a cell in preparing to divide the chromosomes of the cell are duplicated and associated proteins are synthesized


In a cell preparing to divide interphase can be divided into G1, S and G2 phases

-G1 normal cell functions plus cell growth, organelle duplication, and protein synthesis 8 or more hours--1 chromatid per chromosome

-S phase- DNA replication, synthesis of histones and lasts 6-8 hours

-G2 phase-Last minute protein synthesis and centriole replication-2-5 hours--2 chromatids per chromosome

S Phase-DNA Replication

DNA helicase- enzymes unwind strands of DNA.

DNA polymerase- adds nucleotides to
make continuous copy of upper DNA

-DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to
make complementary copy of lower DNA


Begins when chromosomes coil so tightly that they become visible as individual structures

-They are replicated and are connected at a region called the centromere

-nuclear membrane disintegrates

-Spindles form


• Chromosomes line up on metaphase plate,
centromeres on spindle fibers
– “equator” of cell


• Spindle fibers contract
– Pulls sister chromatids apart
– Chromatids move to opposite poles of cell


• Spindle fibers disappear
• Nuclear membrane reforms
• Chromosomes de-condense


• cleavage fully forms, splitting cell into 2
identical daughter cells