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57 Cards in this Set

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The ________ secretes hormones that are released into the bloodstream to effect target cells.
endocrine system
______ glands that secrete products directly into the bloodstream without ducts and _____ glands possess ducts and secrete their products into their ducts.
Endocrine, exocrine
Which of the following hormones is/are not secreted by the anterior pituitary?
The gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH) are produced by the:
anterior pituitary
T3, T4, and calcitonin are produced by the _____.
thyroid glands
The posterior pituitary gland produces:
ADH and oxytocin
Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by the:
adrenal medulla
Insulin and glucagon are secreted by the ____________.
Steroid hormones are derived from ________.
What influenced Julie's Siamese cat to produce milk when she had kittens?
oxytocin being released from the hypothalamus and stimulating the release of milk.
Mike was exhibiting excessive urine production or polyuria. This is a symptom of diabetes insipidus and is related to the inability of the posterior pituitary to produce the proper amount of _________.
antidiuretic hormone
The hormone TSH produced by the anterior pituitary serves to:
stimulate the thyroid gland
Nathan was below the growth curve and was not able to produce the necessary amount of growth hormone. He was diagnosed with ______.
pituitary dwarfism
The hypothalamus regulates the anterior pituitary via:
releasing hormones
The hypothalamic-releasing hormones directly control the:
anterior pituitary
Which of the following structures is not stimulated by the anterior pituitary?
adrenal medulla
The ________ gland is the largest endocrine gland located in the neck region and attached to the trachea below the larynx.
The thyroid gland releases the hormones _____________.
All of the choices are correct.
In some inland regions where seafood is not plentiful, people may suffer from an iodine deficiency known as ____.
Janet's eyes bulged, she became hyperactive and nervous, and could not sleep. She was diagnosed with ____________.
The release of parathyroid hormone triggers:
an increase in blood calcium
The adrenal glands sit atop the ____________.
___________ serve/serves to regulate salt/water balance and _________ serve/serves to regulate glucose levels.
Mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids
President John Kennedy exhibited a bronzing of the skin, weight loss, and dehydration. He was diagnosed with _____.
Addison disease
Tim's little brother exhibited symptoms of obesity, a "moon" face, muscle weakness, and loss of bone mass. He was soon diagnosed with ____.
Cushing syndrome
In an emergency situation where the rate of heartbeat decreases, a doctor would most likely administer an injection of:
The primary target organ of aldosterone is ______ where it regulates sodium and potassium balance.
the kidneys
Which statement is not true about the renin-angiotensin/aldosterone system?
renin converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II
The patient was diagnosed with ___________ because his pancreas would not produce insulin.
type I diabetes
In ____________ the cells of the body especially those of the liver and muscles fail to take up glucose.
diabetes mellitus
___________ stimulates the liver to break down glycogen into glucose.
Living a sedentary life style and too many sweets were responsible for Mr. Wilson developing _____________.
type II diabetes
Control of circadian rhythms is associated with the:
pineal gland and melatonin
Perhaps seasonal depression syndrome and even onset of early puberty can be related to the ____.
pineal gland
Recent research links some types of obesity to _______.
An organism that causes an infectious disease is called a ______________.
________________ is the study of diseases in populations including their causes, distribution, and control.
Epidemics of global proportions are known as _______________.
If more cases of disease than expected exist in a certain area, a/an _______________ exists.
A/an __________________ is an epidemic confined to a local area.
Infections that have the chance to occur only because the immune system is severely weakened are known as:
opportunistic infections
AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome caused by the ______________.
HIV virus
It is accepted that the HIV virus originated in _____________.
HIV was found to be the cause of AIDS in:
The number of HIV particles in the blood is called the:
viral load
The highest percentage of adults infected with HIV occurs in:
Sub-Saharan Africa
It is hard to believe that Beth had AIDS she showed no symptoms and seemed so healthy. However, she was infective and in ___________ of HIV.
Category A: Acute phase
As the CD4 count decreases, symptoms such as yeast infections, diarrhea and shingles may arise although the individual does not have AIDS. This stage is:
Category B
A normal CD4 T cell count is ____________.
800 cells/mm3
The CD4 T cell count in the body following initial HIV infection is:
500 per mm3 or greater
The CD4 T cell count in the body when a person has AIDS is:
less than 200 per mm3
During the "kitchen sink" model:
the victim's immune system is holding its own
During her rounds, Kelli noticed that her AIDS patient had reddish purple coin-sized spots and lesions on his skin. She inferred that this was _______.
Kaposi's sarcoma
Death usually occurs after ______ years after entering Category C.
The enzyme that allows HIV RNA to be converted into HIV DNA is called
reverse transcriptase
If an HIV did not have Gp120, then it would not be able to:
gain entry into a host cell
As the result of _____________, new "superbugs" are evolving.
antibiotic resistance