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56 Cards in this Set

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Anatomy is the study of body's ________________?

Structure and Shape

Physiology is the study of how a structure _____________?

Works and Functions

Structure determines what ____________ can occur


What are the 6 levels of Organization?

1. Chemical Level, consists of atom and molecules

2. Cellular Level, cells are made up of molecules

3. Tissue Level, consists of similar types of cells with a common function

4. Organ Level, organs are made up of 2 or more tissues to perform a function

5. Organ System Level, consists of different organs that closely work together

6. Organismal Level, made of many organ systems

Structures and Function of Organ system - Integumentary


Protection, synthesizes vitamin D

Structures and Function of Organ system - Skeletal

Bones, Cartilages, Joints, Ligaments

Support, framework, storehouse for minerals

Structures and Function of Organ system - Muscular

Skeletal Muscles

Contract for movement

Structures and Function of Organ system - Nervous

Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves, Sensory Receptors

Respond to changes in the environment

Structures and Function of Organ system - Endocrine

Endocrine glands, thyroid, pancreas

Regulates growth and metabolism

Structures and Function of Organ system - Circulatory

Heart, Blood vessels

Transport blood

Structures and Function of Organ system - Lymphatic

Lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen

Cleanse blood, immunity

Structures and Function of Organ system - Respiratory

Nasal passage, Pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

Transport gases

Structures and Function of Organ system - Digestive

Oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, anus

Digest, absorb nutrients

Structures and Function of Organ system - Urinary

Kidneys, urethra, and urinary bladder

Structures and Function of Organ system - Reproductive

Testicles, penis, ovaries, vagina

What is responsiveness?

Ability to sense changes in the environment and react

What is metabolism?

The chemical reactions that occur within the body's cells

5 basic survival needs for living organisms

1. Nutrients

2. Oxygen

3. Water

4. Normal Body Temperature

5. Atmospheric Pressure

Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a relatively _____________ internal environment.


What do receptors do?

Detect the change of a variable in the body

What is an effector?

The bodies way of restoring a variable to homeostatic balance

What does a negative feedback mechanism do in the body?

Once a variable changes the negative feedback mechanism will "pull" it back to the original value

What is a positive feedback mechanism do in the body?

"Pushes" a variable away from original value

Directional terms for Above and Below

Superior and Inferior

Directional terms for Front and Back

Anterior and posterior

Directional terms for Away and Toward - midline

Lateral and Medial

Directional terms for Away and Toward - trunk

Proximal and Distal

Directional terms for Toward body surface and Toward body core

Superficial and Deep

Body plane that separates body into Right and Left

Midsagittal Plane

Body plane that separates body into Front and Back

Coronal Plane

Body plane that separates body into Top and Bottom

Transverse Plane

Name the cavity with Brain and Spinal Cord


Name the cavity with Brain


Name the cavity with Spinal Cord


Name the cavity with Heart and Lungs


Name the cavity with Liver, Stomach, and Intestines


Name the cavity with Urinary Bladder, Rectum, and Female Reproductive Organs


Name the cavity with all organs of the chest and abdomen

Ventral Body

Name the cavity with all organs of the abdomen and pelvis


Chemistry studies the nature of _______________


4 forms of energy

Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Radiant

Where is chemical energy stored?

In the bonds of chemical substances

All energy generates ________________


What 4 elements form 96% of the Human body?

Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Hydrogen (H)

What does the pH of a solution measure?

The amount of Hydrogen ions in the solution

What is the range of the pH scale?

0 to 14

What is the pH value of a neutral solution?


What is the pH value of an acidic solution?

Less than 7

What is the pH value of a basic solution?

More than 7

What are Carbohydrates?

Starches and Sugars

What are Proteins?

Long chains of Amino Acids. Proteins account for more than half of organic matter in the body

What are Lipids?

Fatty acids that are insoluble in water. Provide twice as much energy than Carbohydrates

What are Nucleic Acids?

Largest organic molecules in the body, genes that are in DNA and RNA

What are the 4 nitrogen-containing bases in DNA?

Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C)

How is DNA structured?

Double Stranded Helix

A bonds to T

C bonds to G

What is ATP?

High energy molecule that provides chemical energy usable by all cells in the body.