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70 Cards in this Set

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What chamber of the heart pulmonary circulation start in and where in the body does it end?
Right side of the heart to lungs
what chamber of the heart systemic circulation start in and where in the body does it end?
left side of the heart to organs
list the three main parts that make it the circulatory system?
blood, blood vessels, heart
list the three types of blood vessels ?
arteries veins capilaries
what organ does cardio refer to?
what organ does vascular refer to?
what organ does pulmoary refer to?
what kind of muscle is the heart made of?
why dont unicellar organisms need a circulatoru system
because the cell is in direct contact with its enviorment
why do multi cellular organisms need a circulatory system?
to transport substances made in one part of the body to other parts
what are two functions of the circulatory system?
transports oxygen and nutriendts and removes waist
list four things that can prevent cardiovascular disease?
excercise, weight control, sensible diet
what is antherosclerosis
fatty deposits (plaque) builds ip on walls of arterfies
what is high blood pressure
hypertension, causes heart to work harder
what is heart attack
blockage of coronary artery
what is a stroke
blockage of coronary artery
what is the average blood pressure
what is systolic pressure
force felt in arteries when ventricles contract
what is diastolic pressure
force felt in arteries when ventricles relax
Sickle cell?
an abnormal red blood cell that has a crescent shape and an abnormal form of hemoglobin.
A red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates.
what is blood pressure
force of blood in arteries
higher than normal level of methemoglobin (metHb) in the blood.
name of instrument dr's measure blood pressure with
A stable oxidized form of hemoglobin that is unable to release oxygen to the tissues.
which blood vessels allows for easier diffusion of nutrients and oxygen?
which blood vessel has valves?
which blood vessel carries blood away from heart?
which blood vessel caries blood back to heart?
which blood vessel is one cell think?
which blood vessel has a thick wall of elastic connective tissue to help withstand powerful force?
what connects veins and arteries?
what is the smallest artery called?
what is the smallest vein called?
what is the name of the node that is the pacemaker of the heart?
sinoatrial node
what valve prevents blood fro flowing back into the right atrium after it has entered the right ventricle?
what valve present blood from flowing back into the lift ventricle after it has entered the aorta?
aortic similunar valve
what valve prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrim after it has entered the left ventricle?
bicupsid valve
what valve prevents blood from flowing back into the right ventricle after it has entered the pulmonary artery?
pulmonary semilunar valve
all arteries carry oxgenated blood except for which artery?
pulmonary arteries
all veins carry deoxygenared blood except for which vein?
pulonary vein
how many beats per minute can the heart rate increase to when excercising?
which neverous system influences heart rate?
which chambers of the heart recieve blood?
which chambers if the heart pump blood out of the heart?
what is the name of the wall in the heart that keeps oxygenated blood from mixing with deoxgenated blood?
interventricular system
what is the nae of the protective sac of tissue that encloses the heart?
what is the name of the middle layer of the heart that does the contracting?
what is the innermost layer of the heart that lines the chambers if the heart ?
about how any times does the heart contract per minute?
about how many mililiters of blood are pumped with each contraction?
what does the nervous system release to help regulate blood pressure? How does it control blood vessels
Neurotransmitters, cause the smooth muscles around blood vessels to relax
what does the endocrine sytem release to help regulate blood pressure? how does it control the kidneys?
Hormones, causes kidneys to remove the water from blood when it is high blood pressure
what blood cells contain hemoglobin and carried oxygen?
red blood cells (erythrocytes)
what blood cell defends the body againist germs and foregin material?
white blood cells (leukocytes
what us the name of the irregularly shaped blood cells that is responsible for blood clotting?
platelets (thrombocytes)
Neutrophilis,esinophilis,basophils,monocytes and lymphcytes are types of what kind of blood cell?
white blood cells (leukocytes)
what is the name of the straw colored part of the blood in which blood cells are suspended?
which blood group contains neither antigens A or B but anti-a and anti-b antibodies?
group o
which blood group contains antigen B and anti A antibodies
group b
what is the Rh factor of blood tht doesnt contain the rhesis antigen?
what is the Rh factor of blood tht does contain the rhesis antigen?
Which blood group contains both antigens A and B but neither anti-A or anti-B antibodies
Group AB
which blood group contains antigen a and anti b anti bodies
Group A
Which blood group is termed as the universal donor?
Group O Rh-
Which blood group is termed as the universal recepiant
Group AB Rh+
How many days can a blood cell live ?
where are blood cells made?
bone marrow?
what is the appex of heart?
narrow tip at the bottom of heart
what is the base?
broader top part of heart