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611 Cards in this Set

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Whats are john lee's 6 styles of love?
Eros, ludus, storage, Mania, Pragma, Agape
The “Beautiful is Better” Bias
The Effect of Media
The Matching Hypothesis
The theory that people tend to pick romantic partner with the same level of physical attractiveness
Proximity Effect
The therory that the closer we are to another person in geographical distance, the greater the probability that we will grow and love them
Mere Exposure Effect
the psychological principle that humans appear to have a natural and usually unconscious tendency to grow fonder of "novel stimulus" the more often they are exposed to it.
Whats are john lee's 6 styles of love?
Eros, ludus, storage, Mania, Pragma, Agape
an erotic passionate style of love often characterized by short lived relationships
A style of love that focuses on the excitement of forming a relationship more than than the relationship it self and typically moves rapidly from one relationship to another.
A love style characterized by caring and freindship
possessive and controlling style of love
a style of love which partners are selected in a business like matter on the basis of rational and practical cirteria
giving the partner whatever he or she needs with out expecting anything in return.
Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love
Liking; feeling a closeness, can share anything with other person.
Infatuation; intense sexual desire, physical attractiveness.
Empty Love; desire for long term continuation of relationship.
intimacy and passion
Romantic Love
intimacy and commitment
companionate love
intimacy, passion, and commitment
consummate love
passion and commitment
fatuous love
physical attraction with not much in communication. May be confused with love until relationship ends
Fatuous Love
physical attractiveness and commitment without intimacy.
Romantic Love
intimacy and passion, unsure of future, need constant reassurance, no commitment.
Empty Love
only sense of commitment.
Stay together – more like roommates than lovers.
Better than divorce for children as long as parents still get along.
Name Gottman’s Communication Warning Signs
The typical American couple has intercourse about ___ times per week.
Name the researchers responsible for these Sexual Response Cycles
Masters and Johnson
What are the 3 types of Relationship Abuse?
The Cycle of Violence and Abuse
The Honeymoon Phase and/or the Beginning of the Relationship
The Tension-building Phase
Return to the Honeymoon Phase
Name the sex researcher who:
The epidemiology of sexual behavior
Findings controversial/ provocative- ex. higher incidence of homosexuality, masturbation, taboo behaviors than previously thought
Published findings in 1948, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male”
name the researhers:
Studied physiology of sexual response cycle
1966, “Human Sexual Response”
1970, “Human Sexual Inadequacy”- follow up publication about sexual dysfunction
Master and johnson
Biological Sex
Defined primarily by anatomy and physiology
Combination of Genotype (chromosomes) and Phenotype (expression of genes)
Sexual Identity
Sexual Orientation
Which sex a person is attracted to
Determined, in part, by brain’s exposure to prenatal hormones (sexual differentiation)
Evolves by adolescence
Innate sense of being male or female
Established (mainly) by age 2 or 3
Results from interaction of multiple factors…
Gender Identity (Gender Awareness)
3 factors in gender identity
Evironmantal influences, sexual identity, and prenatal sexual differentiation.(exposure to prenatal hormones leads to feeling attitudes about gender.
What are the differences between Primary vs. Secondary Sex Characteristics?
Primary Sex Characteristics: physical attributes directly related to reproduction- genitalia

Secondary Sex Characteristics: traits that distinguish male from female but not directly part of reproduction- pubic hair, facial hair, breast development, deepening of voice, etc.
Describe the Secondary Sex Characteristics of Girls
Breast buds – 1st sign of puberty (avg. age 11.2)
Growth spurt begins – begins about age 12 and finishes about age 16 in most girls.
Fatty deposits at hips and buttocks
Pubic hair, & after a few years, underarm hair
Sweat and sebaceous glands > acne 
Menarche – First period (avg. age 12-13)
Describe the Secondary Sex Characteristics of Boys
Testicles/scrotum growth – 1st sign of puberty
Testosterone then stimulates growth of the penis, prostate gland and seminal vessicles.
Genital growth(and pubic hair) begins around ages 11-12; finishes about age 15; ejaculation possible about a year after penis begins growing.
Nocturnal emissions and voice deepening
Temporary gynecomastia
Underarm & facial hair, sweat & sebaceous glands appear later
At what age are the following achieved ?
Males: Spermache
First intercourse
First marriage
First birth
Females: Menarche
First intercourse
First marriage
First birth
First intercourse-17
First marriage-27
First birth-29
Females: Menarche-12
First intercourse-17
First marriage-25
First birth-26
What percentage of teen pregnancies are unintended?
How many adolescents acquire an STI each year?
9 million
Name 3 Hormones during Adolescence
Estrogen, testosterone, and androgen
Describe Precocious Puberty
Precocious – before age 11-12 in girls and before 8-9 in boys; premature activation of pituitary hormones perhaps due to early weight gain, hormones in meat/milk, chemical pollutants.
Describe Delayed Puberty
Delayed – when secondary sex characteristics and physical growth do not begin in early adolescence. Treatment with gonadatropin-releasing hormone or androgens.
Describe Sexual behavior at or before puberty
Pubertal changes in the brain increase sexual desire, making sexual risk-taking behaviors more likely.
First sexual attractions occur at about age 10, after adrenarche but before gonadarche.
Masturbation to orgasm is common.
Sexual attraction > sexual fantasy > sexual exploration games (e.g., spin the bottle) have more erotic content than early childhood exploration games.
John Money’s Theory
Role behaviors  mainly _______

Sex orientation  mainly _______

Gender identity  mainly _______
Role behaviors  mainly nature

Sex orientation  mainly nature

Gender identity  mainly nurture
___________: any substance that promotes development or function of male reproductive system (mainly synthesized by testes, but small amounts synthesized by adrenal gland and by ovaries)
________ & _______: substances that stimulate the maturation or function of female reproductive system (mainly synthesized by ovaries, but small amounts synthesized by adrenal gland and testes
Estrogen & progestins:

Gender Identity: established by age _?_
Sexual Orientation: established by _?_
early adolescence
Both gender ID and Sex Orientation are influenced by brain development during pregnancy
Both gender ID and Sex Orientation are influenced by brain development during pregnancy
Name Master and Johnson’s 4 stages of sexual response.
1st Phase: Excitement

2nd Phase: Plateau

3rd Phase: Orgasmic

4th Phase: Resolution
Differences Between Men and Women in the Sexual Response Pattern
Men are not multi orgasmic

Men reach orgasm quicker during coitus

Men enter into a refractory period after orgasm
Differences Between Men and Women in the Sexual Response Pattern
Women are multi orgasmic

Women reach orgasm as quickly as men during masturbation

Women do not have a refractory period
Masters and Johnson’s Four-Phase Model (The EPOR Model)
Three Important Points
NOT Four Separate and Distinct Events
Responses Occur In Reaction to ALL Forms of Sexual Stimulation
Responses Occur In Men and Women
The “E” in the EPOR Model
What’s Happening?
Sex Flush
The “P” in the EPOR Model
What’s Happening?
Self-Discovery: Clitoral Erection and the Myth of Female Orgasms During Heterosexual Intercourse
The “O” in the EPOR Model
What’s Happening?
Ejaculatory Inevitability
Women’s and Men’s Descriptions of Orgasm
The “R” in the EPOR Model
What’s Happening?
Refractory Period
Multiple Orgasms
More on Human Sexual Responding
The finger of this woman is touching her _______ inside her vagina.
The G-Spot

Skene’s Glands
What are Kaplan’s 3 stages of sexual response
What are Reed’s 4 stages of Erotic Stimulus Pathway Theory?
How do Master and Johnson’s EPOR model compare with Reed’s Erotic Stimulus Pathway model?
Both Male and Female
Increased heart rate
Increased rate of respiration
Rise in blood pressure
Nipple erection
Vasocongestion of skin
Increased muscle tone (myotonia)
(voluntary and involuntary)
Males (Phase 1)
Penis becomes partially erect (increase in length and diameter)

Testicles drawn upwards toward perineum

Scrotum tenses and thickens
Females (Phase 1)
Engorgement of vaginal walls & inner lips
Vaginal lubrication commences
Breasts increase in size
Inner 2/3 of vagina lengthens & expands (tenting effect) usually 7-10 cm
Clitoris becomes tumescent (swells) (similarly to the penis)
2: Plateau Phase
Prior to orgasm
Further increase in circulation & heart rate
Arteries dilate, causing vasocongestion
Engorgement further restricts veins, preventing blood from leaving
Increase in sexual pleasure with
increased stimulation
Further increase in muscle tension
Involuntary vocalizations may occur
Males (Phase 2)
Erection becomes more stable, man becomes less prone to distraction

Internal urethral sphincter contracts

Seminal secretions begin

Testes rise closer to body and swell
Females (Phase 2)
Areola and labia increase in size
Clitoris withdraws beneath clitoral hood
Vaginal lubrication increases
Further vasocongestion
Pubococcygeus muscle contracts, tightening the vaginal opening
“Orgasmic Platform” created
3: Orgasmic Phase
Conclusion of plateau & release of sexual tension
Involuntary vocalizations
Euphoric sensation
Amygdala shuts down
HR up to 160-180 beats per minute
Respiration up to 40 breaths per minute
General loss of voluntary muscle/motor control
Males (Phase 3)
Contractions begin from base of testes through epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, urethra, & penis
2-5 ml of semen released over 3-10 secs
Volume varies greatly depending on period of abstinence and degree of sustained arousal
3-4 ejaculatory contractions (0.8-sec intervals) then 2-4 slower contractions of anal sphincter
Females (Phase 3)
Uterine, vaginal, and pelvic muscles all rhythmically contract
Strong muscle contractions in outer 1/3 of vagina
1st contraction: 2-4 seconds
Later contractions: 3-15 seconds
Occurring at 0.8 second intervals
Slight expansion of inner 2/3 of vagina
How do males and female differ in their ability to achieve orgasm?
The gender gap in orgasm consistency. In their sexual interactions, men seem to reach orgasm more reliably than women. The data shown here, from Laumann et al. (1994), suggest that the gender gap in orgasmic consistency is pretty sizable. Both biological and sociocultural factors may contribute to this gender gap.
4: Resolution Phase
Body returns to pre-excitement phase
Muscles relax, blood pressure drops
Males experience refractory period following ejaculation during which nerves can no longer respond to stimulation
Females may experience refractory period or may return to Plateau Phase and experience multiple orgasms upon further stimulation
Perceived tiredness due to endorphin release causing relaxation & drowsiness
During M&J’s ______ stage the woman lubricates, the clitoris erects, nipples erect and vagina enlarges. The man’s penis becomes engorged with blood
Using 3 categories what are some Treatments for Sexual Disorders?

Solo Exercises

Couple’s Exercises
Treatment of Sexual Disorders
educational material
video education
Solo Exercises
Kegel exercise
graduated dilators for Vaginismus
Couple’s Exercises
sensate focus
What is the name of the technique described below?
Both partners remove clothes

One partner “gives” while the other “receives” (& gives feedback)
Sensate Focus
Name the leading 3 sexual problems of Men and Women
Possible Answers:
problems with arousal
pain during intercourse
low sexual desire
premature ejaculation
erectile dysfunction
Name 2 medications to treat premature ejaculation.
Lignocaine, EMLA, SS-cream, Anesthetic spray
Name 2 counseling techniques to treat premature ejacultation.
Start-stop Biofeedback
Squeeze technique Masturbation
Progressive sensate focus Coitus without thrusting
Sexual dysfunction - a disturbance in sexual desire and in the psychophysiological changes that characterize the sexual response cycle and cause marked distress and interpersonal difficulty

____?____ – (Primary)
____?____ –(Secondary) after period of normal functioning

____?____ –(Global) all situations
____?____ – specific situations
Lifelong – (Primary)
Acquired –(Secondary)
Generalized –(Global)
Categorization helps determine appropriate treatment strategies
____________ – one that always existed
____________ – one that develops after a period of adequate functioning
____________ – occurs during certain sexual activities or with certain partners
_____________ – occurs in every situation
Primary – one that always existed
Secondary – one that develops after a period of adequate functioning
Situational – occurs during certain sexual activities or with certain partners
Global – occurs in every situation
Subjective Objective Symptoms
Libido Erotic imagery -Willingness to have sex - Wishes & expectations - Genital sensations Initiation of sexual behavior Lack of sexual desire.
How does libido fit in with relationship & life history. What are his expectations
Erection Localized sensual skin and genital pleasures Penile erection Inability to get and/or maintain erection. Gradual or abrupt? Situational? Older men need more stimulation
Ejaculation Intense brief explosion of genital pleasure Pelvic contractions and Ejaculation/ Orgasm Premature- primary/ secondary
Delayed or inhibited
Name the four sexual dysfunctions
1] Sexual desire disorders
2] Sexual arousal disorders
3] Orgasmic disorders
4] Sexual pain disorders
Name the two sexual desire disorders
1] Hypoactive sexual desire disorder.
2] Sexual aversion disorder
Is it true that couples who both work full-time jobs have less frequent sex than when the wife only works part-time?
Read Article slide 41 B
Name the two types of sexual arousal disorders
1] Female sexual arousal disorder
2] Male erectile disorder
Q. DSM criteria for premature ejaculation?
1] Persistent or recurrent ejaculation before or soon after penetration.

2] Causes distress or interpersonal difficulties
Premature ejaculation treatments:
Q. Name the three treatments.
Kegel exercises (improves over time).

Serotonergic meds, e.g., clomipramine in small doses [25 – 50 mg]

3. Squeeze technique
Name the two types of sexual pain disorder
1] Dyspareunia

2] Vaginismus
DSM criteria for dyspareunia?
1Recurrent or persistent pain with sexual intercourse – both genders.
2.Distressing or causing interpersonal difficulties
3.Not part of another disorder, lack of lubrication, and so forth.
What meds are used to reduce sex drive?
Most frequently used are:
1. depo-medroxyprogesterone [Provera]
2. gonadotrophin-releasing blockers
Name 6 causes and contributing factors in Sexual Dysfunctions
Psychological Factors
Child sexual abuse
Depression and low self-esteem
Conflict concerning one’s sexual orientation
____________: Recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with intercourse or attempts at sexual intercourse.
___________: Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration.
___?___ – produce eggs and sex hormones
____?___ – moves eggs and normal site of fertilization
____?___ – normal site of implantation and fetal development
Uterus –
____?____ – opening to the uterus that can dilate during childbirth
____?____ – birth canal
The ovarian cycle: The ovary
Contains many follicles each containing an immature egg
At birth a female has
300,000-400,000 follicles
One ___?____ matures each cycle from puberty until menopause
____?____ is the monthly release of an oocyte from the ovary when a follicle ruptures
During the lifetime of a female only
400 follicles mature
Anatomy of the ovary
Read Slide 69 B (Drawing)
The ovarian cycle
This is the formation and release of an immature egg
2 phases:
___?___ phase:
FSH promotes the development of a follicle that secretes estrogen
An estrogen spike leads to a surge in LH and ovulation around day 14 in the 28-day cycle
Follicular phase
___?___ phase:
LH promotes the develop of the corpus luteum that functions to secrete progesterone
If pregnancy does not occur menstruation begins
Luteal phase:
The uterine cycle:
A 28-day cyclic event in the uterus:
Days ___: low level of estrogen and progesterone causing the inner uterine lining (endometrium) to disintegrate and menstruation occurs
Days 1-5: (endometrium
Days ___ (proliferative phase): increase in estrogen causing the endometrium to thicken
Days 6-13 (proliferative phase
Day ___: ovulation usually occurs
Day 14:
Days ___ (secretory phase): increase in progesterone causes endometrium to double or triple in thickness in preparation for the developing embryo. If the egg is not fertilized then the corpus luteum regresses and the endometrium breaks down
Days 15-28 (secretory phase):
At what age does testosterone production begin to decline?
Graph 75 B
Name this syndrome
Diagram 76 B
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Diagram 77 B
Typical: XX (female) XY (male
Diagram 79 B
___?____ syndrome: X0:
Short, infertile, some deformity, high rate of thyroid disease
About 1/3000 – 5000
____?____: XXX, XXXX, XXXXX
Tall, some learning disability, normal development
About 1 / 1000
Super Female
X (__________’s syndrome)
X (Turner syndrome)
XXY (____________’s syndrome)
XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)
What genetic disorder do the girls on the following 3 slides have?
slides 85 thru 88
What would a person with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome look like?
Genetic XY man with androgen insensitivity syndrome Slide 90 B
What would their genitalia look like?
Testicular feminization.
Testes, no uterus or oviducts. Slide 90 B
What would their sex chromosomes look like?
Target cells in these patients do not respond to androgen even though its produced in the testes Slide 90 B
Money & Ehrhardt (1972):
1) _________ Gender
1) Chromosomal Gender
2) _________ Gender
2) Gonadal Gender
3) _________ Gender
3) Hormonal Gender
4) _________ Gender
5) Assigned Gender
4) Morphological Gender
70% = ______________
Seminal vesicles
30% = ______________
Prostate gland
0.1% = Sperm
1 teaspoon
200-500 million sperm per ejaculation
0.1% = Sperm
1 teaspoon
200-500 million sperm per ejaculation
How long does it take to mature sperm before it is ready to be ejaculated.
Slide 95 B
Start with where the sperm are formed in the __________ , then matured in the ________, moves thru the _______ and ejaculated thru the ________ .
Slide 97 B
Course of sperm"





Vas Deferens
Before puberty
2 phases
Fluid in ejaculatory duct
Semen expelled
Before puberty
2 phases
Fluid in ejaculatory duct
Semen expelled
How long does it take to mature sperm before it is ready to be ejaculated.
It takes 70 days to mature before sperm is ready to be ejaculated.
Start with where the sperm are formed in the _______ , then matured in the __________, moves thru the ___________ and ejaculated thru the_____.
seminiferous tubules
vas deferens
Journey of the Sperm
Review slides 102B thru 110B
What are the steps in the masculinization of the brain?
Read slide 111
Sexual differentiation of the brain
Read Slide 112 thru 114
Adam Principle
“Nature’s impulse is to create a female”

“Default” development – no androgens  female body and brain
(estrogens required at puberty)
(anatomy, chromosomes, hormones)
male ------------------------- intersex ------------------------ female

(Internal sense of gender)
man ------------------- two spirit/third gender --------------- woman

(communication of gender)
masculine ------------------ androgynous -------------------- feminine

(romantic/erotic interest)
attracted to women ----- bisexual/asexual ------ attracted to men
(anatomy, chromosomes, hormones)
male ------------------------- intersex ------------------------ female

(Internal sense of gender)
man ------------------- two spirit/third gender --------------- woman

(communication of gender)
masculine ------------------ androgynous -------------------- feminine

(romantic/erotic interest)
attracted to women ----- bisexual/asexual ------ attracted to men
Each immature ovum is surrounded by other cells within a thin capsule of tissue to form what is called a ___________ .
Approaches Used in Sex Therapy :
Sex Therapy Integration
Move approach to sex therapy toward of integration of:
B__________ factors
C__________ functioning
M__________ relationships
Broader social context (culture, history, and religion)
Broader social context (culture, history, and religion)
How much does each of the above
contribute to the effectiveness of
sex therapy?
The extra-therapeutic factor (40%)
The relationship factor (30%)
The placebo/hope/expectancy factor (15%)
The structure/model/technique factor(15%)
What is this describing ?
Individuals who have made a gender identification that is discordant with their biological sex

Consider themselves as women trapped in a male body or men trapped in a female body
Read Slides 124 thru 139
Part C:
Female Sex Organs
___________- Long flaps of skin on each side of the vaginal opening.
Labia Majora and Minora-
____________-transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. The female _______ is independent from the female genitals.
___________- passage that leads to the internal reproductive organs and the birth canal.
Clitoris-Highly sensitive genital structure, plays an important role in sexual arousal.
the upper part of the vagina, known as the neck of the uterus
muscular organ where the fertilized egg develops; the womb.
a pair of ducts that connect the uterus to the ovary.
Fallopian tube-
one of two glands, that produce the ova (egg) and sex hormones. Also known as the female gonads
Female Sex Organs
DIagram 6 thru 8 Part C
Two glands that secrete small amounts of alkaline fluid into ducts at the base of the labia minora are called __________
Bartholin’s glands.
Some women report that stimulation of the _______ in the front wall of the vagina enhances sexual arousal. Some women ejaculate when they orgasm.
Grafenberg spot
Explain anatomically why only 30 % of women routinely orgasm during coitus.
Penis does not easily rub against clitoris during intercourse. Often extra stimulation must be added to the clitoris. (Read Diagrams 15 thru 24 Part C)
What happens in the menstrual cycle when pregnancy (no implantation of fertilized egg) does NOT occur?
Read diagram 25 & 26 Part C
What is the difference between the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle?
Read diagram 28 & 29 Part C
Define these menstrual cycle problems:
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
catchall term for a number of symptoms of physical discomfort and emotional irritability 2-12 days before menstruation
PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder): Premenstrual symptoms severe enough to significantly affect a woman’s functioning
pain or discomfort before or during menstruation - Can include cramping, backache, headache, nausea, fatigue
absence of menstruation
Can be caused by too little body fat (amenorrhea is common in training athletes, women with anorexia nervosa
Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding
Read diagram 32 Part C
Why do women have more UTIs(UTIs = Urinary Tract Infections) than men?
Bacteria have only a short distance from vulva to bladder
See Diagram 34 Part C
What is the perineum?
Refers to the space betweeen teh external genitalia and teh anus. THis space is called the "perineum"
Diagram 36 Part C
To allow more room for the baby’s head to move thru the birth canal, an ________ is cut by cutting the_________
Be able to identify location of reproductive organs
Diagrams 30 thru 46 Part C
Male Sex Organs:
__________-external male genital that becomes filled with blood during sexual excitement.
___________-male gonads, the site of sperm production.
___________-pouch that contains the testes.
___________-surrounds the testes and transports sperm from the testes to the vas deferens.
___________- tube that leads from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles.
Vas deferns-
__________-provide secretions of nutrients to the semen.
Seminal vesicles-
___________- surrounds the neck of the bladder and also produces fluid the nourish semen.
Prostate gland-
___________ (bulbourethral gland)- during arousal these glands secrete fluid that appears at the top of the penis, this sometimes can contain sperm.
Cowper’s gland
___________- tubular structure that drains urine from the bladder and semen from ejaculatory duct to outside the body.
Slides 51 & 52 Part C
Jake’s penis bends when erect. Because of fibrosis in his penis, Jake has _______ disease.
Slide 55 Part C
In men, painful intercourse can be caused by the foreskin of the penis being too tight, a condition called _________ .
Diagrams 58 thru 63
Female Sex Hormone
Produced by the ovaries.
Male Sex Hormone
________ and ________
Produced in the testes
Androgens and Testosterone
Know the following 5 cases of law:
In defiance of the ______ Act, Margaret _______ advocated for birth control for women.
Read slides 70 thru 75
Megan's Law
7-year-old girl raped and killed by a known child molester who had moved across the street from her family without their knowledge.
President Clinton signed Megan's Law in 1996.
Requires each state to notify the public when sex offenders are residing in their area.
All fifty states now have some form of sex registration laws.
_______: the genetic distinction between male and female.
_______: the societal construct that is associated with men (masculinity) and women (femininity).
Define the term “Genderqueer
An individual whose gender identity exists outside of the gender binary
Identifies as a gender other than "man" or "woman”
Identifies as neither, both, or some combination thereof
Define the term “Intersex”
An individual who is born with external/internal genitalia and/or secondary sex characteristics determined as neither exclusively male nor female
At what time during their menstrual cycle are women more attracted to rugged males and when are they more attracted to feminine males?
Though Women prefer traditionally macho men at the time in their menstrual cycles when they are most fretile, at other times they are more attracted to those with feminine traits sucha s tenderness, considerateness & kindness, as wekk as those with feminised faces. The explanantion usually advanced for thisis that nmacho men will provide the sperm needed to make sexy sons, but the more feminised phenotype makes a better carer and provider- in other words an idela husband Slide 87 Part C
Name 2 Common Sexual Health Problems (medical conditions) Affecting Women
Conditions affecting women:
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID
Name 2 Common Sexual Health Problems (medical conditions) Affecting Men
Conditions affecting Men:
Testicular cancer
Name 2 Common Sexual Dysfunctions affecting Men and Women
Orgasmic dysfunction
Name 2 Common Sexual Dysfunctions affecting Women
Premature ejaculation
Retarded ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction
Define these Concepts of Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexuality – _______________
sexual attraction to the opposite gender
Homosexuality – _______________
“gay” refers to a male homosexual
“lesbian” refers to a female homosexual
sexual attraction to the same gender
Bisexuality – __________________
sexual attraction toward both genders
Homophobia – __________________
hatred or fear towards homosexuals
Define these Gender Identity Terms:
Transsexualism – _________________
sexual variation in which a person rejects his or her biological sexuality
Transvestitism – ___________________
atypical behavior in which a person derives sexual pleasure dressing in the opposite gender’s clothes
True or False :
Only homosexual men engage in anal intercourse.
As many as one in every four married couples under age 35 have reported that they occasionally engage in anal intercourse.
True or False Despite their awareness of AIDS, many college students do not practice safe sex
In one recent study, more than a third of college students had engaged in vaginal or anal intercourse at least once in the previous year without using effective protection from conception or sexually transmitted diseases
True or False:Impotence is always a sign of emotional or sexual problems in a relationship.
False-Many erection difficulties have physical causes.
When Jim says that he wants the final exam to be valid, what does he mean?
The student’s score truly reflects his/her knowledge of human sexuality. Thus the final exam score would be a true measure of human sexuality knowledge known by a student.
When Jim says there is a strong correlation between a student’s grade in PSY 145 and the number of hours the student studied, he is referring to what type of research?
Correlational research

Slide 105&106 Part C
Why is random sampling important in research?
Each person in the pool of subjects has an equal chance of being selected.Slide 108 thru 112 Part C
How are the dependent variable and the independent variable related?
The treatment is the independent variable (fertilizer) and the resulting change is the dependent variable (weight of leaves).
Only ________ research can demonstrate cause and effect among variables
experimental (RCT)
Key of Science: Causation
Progress of scientific research:
Case studies:
Useful: set-up alternative hypothesis
Shortcoming: cannot generalize

Correlational studies:
Useful: general trends and relationships in the whole population
Shortcoming: cannot discriminate true causation from spurious correlation

Controlled studies:
Control, manipulate, and compare
List 5 methods of research on sexuality- Expand on observational research to list 4 specific techniques
Arm’s length survey research
Face-to-face survey research
Case studies and clinical research
Observational research
Behavioral and physiological
Naturalistic observation
Ethnographic observation: Field research
Participant observation
Laboratory observation: Experimental research
Correlational method
Experimental method
What are 4 challenges facing researchers of human sexuality?
The ethics of sex research:
Sampling and reliability
Privacy, invasion, and informed consent
Participation: selection bias, Hawthorne effect
Validity of invasive technologies, like plethysmography
Rationale of formation of groups, eg. race
Ideological use of research politics
Caveats for evaluating sex research
Trends in Contraceptive Use 1982 2002 Women using more contraceptions T or F
Oral contraceptive pill used less often T or F
Condoms more frequently used T or F
Women less likely to be sterilized T or F
Generally Americans less tolerant of premarital sex than previously T or F
About 27 % of Americans believe premarital sex is always wrong T or F
Almost half of Americans approve of premarital sex T or F
Part D:
A screening test PSA stands for ____________
Prostate-Specific Antigen
90 % of men in their 70’s will have __________ or enlargement of the prostate gland.
benign prostatic hyperplasia
How is a Pap test performed?
What is the goal of this procedure?
The vagina is opened by the speculum to allow a cervical swab to take a few cervical cells for examination by a microscope.
The primary cause of cervical cancer is a STI, __________ , which causes genital warts.
Human Papilloma Virus
What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?
Slide 14 Part D
How is cervical cancer treated?
-Depends on acccurate clinical Staging
-Excisional biopsy,cryosurgery,laser destruction,conizationor rarely hysterectomy, for preinvasive lesions
-Radical hysterectomy &radiation therapy for invasive squamous cell carcinoma
_rarely, pelvic exenteration, for recurrent cervical cancwer (Slide 16 PartD)
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Ovum is fertilized and attaches (usually) to fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.
Which 2 hormones stimulate the release of an ovum (as well as estrogen and progesterone)?
Luteinizing hormone Follicle-stimulating hormone
What structures secretes these hormones?
Slide 24 thru 26 Part D
This is the “queen hormone” in control and a friend of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine (the feel good neurotransmitters).
This hormone is in the background but a powerful “sister” to estrogen; produces allopregnenolone (the brain’s Valium or chill pill)
This hormone affects the brain to foster nurturing (like the good witch Glinda in The Wizard of Oz) finds pleasure in serving; “sister” to vasopressin (the male socializing hormone).
This is a subtle aggressive male energy hormone; “brother” to testosterone and oxytocin (makes one want to connect in an active male way, as does oxytocin).
What are the differences in the levels of oxytocin in Prarie Vols and Montane Vols?
Released during life experiences that involved intense emotional attachment: childbirth, breastfeeding, sexual climax.
Estrogen enhances the effects.
Prairie Vol – monogamous rodent.
Only 5% of mammals are monogamous.
When injected into the brains of Vols, they formed even more tenacious bonds.
When inhibited = indiscriminant mating.
What are the differences in the levels of oxytocin in Prarie Vols and Montane Vols?
Montane Vols are not monogamous.
Difference is oxytocin receptors do not overlap with dopamine receptors (e.g., attachment isn’t necessarily pleasurable).
Human oxytocin receptors are located in dopamine rich receptors of the brain.
FMRI scans are similar when 1) romantic gaze, 2) mothers listening to infant cries, 3) cocaine.
Higher oxytocin alters/reduces stress response. Bad news rolls off more easily.
Female Reproductive Hormones
Slides 39 thru 42 Part D
Sex Determination:
The mature ovum carries ___ autosomes and ___ X chromosome, while the mature sperm carries ___ autosomes and either an ___ or ___ chromosome.
X or Y
* If the fertilizing sperm is carrying X chromosome the baby will be a ______ (46 XX), if it is carrying Y chromosome the baby will be a ______ (46 XY).
True or False Men and women have completely different sex hormones.
False-Men and women have the same hormones (estrogen and testosterone), but in different amounts.
What About Gender Differences?
Slides 49 thru 58 Part D
Developmental Differences: MALES/FEMALES?
In general, the _______ brain matures more quickly
e.g. myelination is completed earlier
______ take in more sensory data than ______
than boys
_______ can acquire more complex language skills as much as a year earlier than ______
 often read faster and with larger vocabulary; often speak with better grammar
than boys
______ tend to have better verbal abilities
 rely on verbal communication; boys tend to rely on non-verbals
______ tend to develop better spatial abilities
more at home with Mathematics and Science, Geography and map reading
______ are more likely to show natural aggression
The female Brain:
Slides 63 thru 65 Part D
According to Dr Brizendine’s research, name at least 5 ways in which the female and male brain are different:
Slide 67 Part D
Who more likely remember fights?
Who has the most sex thoughts?
Who speaks the most words per day?
Who is more like to initiate divorce?
Who is more likely to know what others are feeling?
Gender Differences:
Cognitive abilities
______ score higher on verbal skills.
____ score higher on math and visuospatial skills.
_____ exhibit greater physical aggressiveness
_____ supposedly higher on relational aggression, but no clear differences.
It is more important for ____to be attractive than men
Popularity, dating prospects, & marriage opportunities
Graph slide 70 Part D
Physical Attractiveness:
But why does P.A. have these effects?
Physical Attractiveness:
But why does P.A. have these effects?
First impressions really are strong, and whether someone is attractive is known
Sigall and Landy (1973) study
Female & Male confederates
Girlfriend or not, pretty or not
M.C. rated as more likeable, friendly, confident when girl is girlfriend and pretty
Biology of Attractiveness
Part of being beautiful is being healthy, & markers of health
Cross-Cultural Agreement on What is Attractive
Beauty same in eyes of different beholders (r=.93)
What is Attractive Changes Over Time
Fashions of day
What Do Women Find Attractive?
Some important conclusions from research on physical attractiveness and attraction:
Though there are some features that are nearly universally-regarded as attractive, there is considerable variability in what individuals find attractive
You might have a ‘type’ you find attractive
Other idiosyncratic somethings you find off-putting or intriguing
Do Women & Men have Different Priorities?
Sex Differences in Mate Preferences and Perceived Attractiveness
Men seem to want beauty (and lots of mates)

Women seem to want resources & fewer mates
Taste in women body ratio changes
Slides 75 thru 79 Part D
What is the magic ratio?Males prefer females w/ a waist-to-hip ratio of __?__
This is very unattractive in men
Males prefer females w/ a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7
The magic ratio 7:10
How is it possible for a woman to become pregnant if she has sex a week before she ovulates?
Sperm can live inside a woman’s body for 7 days. So, a woman can get pregnant if she has sex 7 days before she ovulates.
Once an egg is released from the follicle, it must be fertilized within _____ hours
When the placenta blocks the cervical opening, this is called ___________ .
placenta previa
Pregnancy test kits measure the amount of ____________, a hormone that the placenta produces.
human chorionic gonadotropin
What happens during the first trimester of pregnancy?
implantation - hCG levels rise
prolongation of Estrogen, Progest. from C.L.
morning sickness (23%)
chorionic villi sampling (CVS) wks 11-12
placental formation - Estrogen, Progest. switch
miscarriage 2/3 of conceptions; 1/7 aware 58% wk 1-2 genetically nonviable zygote
41% wk 3-13 hormone insufficiency
How does the prevalence of Down Syndrome change with the maternal age of the pregnant woman?
Slide No. 97 Part D
Name 2 procedures performed during pregnancy to detect chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome.
-Ultrasound probe
-Withdrawal of amniotic Fluid
Slide 99 PArt D
What happens during the second trimester of pregnancy?
placental hormones maintain the pregnancy
hCG, morning sickness wanes
amniocentesis, ultrasound
quickening - tentative pregnancy
What happens during the third trimester of pregnancy?
marked weight gain 21-29 lbs., most should be gained late in pregnancy

dramatic increase in uterus, fetus 50-60 times original size, fetal gain late in pregnancy

edema, BP, toxemia, preeclampsia forced bed rest, seizure, death of mother
Stages of Childbirth
There are ___ stages of childbirth
Slide 110 Part D
First stage:
lasts from initial dilatation of the cervix to full dilatation
Second stage:
begins at full dilatation of the cervix and ends when the baby is born
Third stage
lasts from the birth of the baby until the placenta is expelled
Describe what happens during the during Labor and Delivery.
Delivery - the process
onset - trigger from fetus
vaginal delivery: 24 hours -3 stages 1st - dilation: oxytocin, pitocin, sexual stimulation 2nd - the baby: episiotomy, forceps 3rd - placenta
How do American C-section rates compare with other western countries?
C-section: major abdominal surgery emergency vs. scheduled US: 28%; Europe 8%
How many C-sections are elected by the pregnant women?
1 in 4 C-sections elected by the pregnant woman (not medically warranted)
What are the Psychological Developmental Tasks of Pregnancy during the first, second, and third trimester?

1 I’m pregnant!
2 There’s a BABY…..
3 I’m going to be a MOM
What are 6 Developmental Tasks of Pregnancy for the Mother?
acceptance of pregnancy
identification with motherhood role
relationship to the mother
relationship to the husband/partner
preparation for labor
processing fear of loss of control & loss of self esteem in labor
Describe what happens to a pregnant woman’s hormones during pregnancy and how do they help to prepare for labor and delivery.
Slide 120 Part D
The pituitary hormone that causes production of milk is___________
The gland at the base of the brain that releases hormones important for reproduction is the __________ gland.
Part E:
Why is Sex Ed important?
Most high schools students have had sex: __ % of high school students have had sex, 20% of students have engaged in sexual intercourse with 4 or more partners during their life time
> 50 %
Why is Sex Ed important
And though most sex ed classes are very brief (often lasting only one or two classroom periods), young teens, ages 13-17, rank their sex education class as second only to their parents as an information source, and above such other sources as peers and the media
After several decades of a declining birth rate among teenagers, when did this birth rate begin to rise again?
Graph Slide 8 Part E
What is the controversy over the current abstinence only sex education programs?
School based sex ed programs are generally of two types: abstinence-only programs that emphasize sexual abstinence as the most appropriate choice for young people; and sexuality and STD/HIV education programs that also cover abstinence but, in addition, include condoms and other methods of contraception to provide protection against STDs or pregnancy
What’s the controversy?
Our government has traditionally funded comprehensive sex education programs
But increasingly abstinence- only education has gained strength.
In 1996, the Welfare Reform Bill (i.e. TANF) provided $250 million in federal funds to states over a 5- year period to support abstinence- only programs
In 2003, the Bush Administration funded abstinence-only ed at $135 million/year .
Many conservative groups believe that sex education programs promote sexual activity.
Abstinence only sex education programs have failed to decrease unhealthy sex practices more STIs.
What Sex Ed Works?
There is a vast amount of data that indicates that teaching comprehensive sex education alters the behavior of adolescents: increasing condom and contraception use of already sexually active adolescents.
When parents are asked if their - middle school child is sexually active, ___ % say yes
- high school adolescent is sexually active, ___ % say yes
Compare to the UK, France, Sweden, and Canada, does the US have a greater or lower teen birthrates?
Yes, US have greater teen bithrates (Graph slide 19 )
In California 37 out of every 100 teenage girls (15-19) become mothers, in Merced County (29, 41, 51, 78) _____ teenage girls out of every 100 become mothers
Of the 3 million unintended pregnancies, how many  Abortions  Miscarriages  Births
 Abortions(47 %)
Miscarriages (13 %)
 Births (40 %)
Name this medical procedure
Slide 30 Part E
Vacuum Aspiration Abortion
Name this abortion method-
May be used in the second trimester (13 to 26 weeks)
Dilation & Evacuation (D & E)
After sedation and local anesthetic, the cervix is dilated to allow vacuum tube to be inserted and to remove the fetus.
A curved scalpel called a currette is used to scrape the lining of the uterus
What did research by Simon LeVay suggest about the contribution of biology to homosexuality?
LeVay’s research provides a biological correlate due to brain differences for homosexuality. Cite genetic research and prenatal hormone research that supports a biological correlate for homosexuality.
What 3 areas are influenced by prenatal hormones?
Internal genitalia
External genitalia
Brain structures (Slide 40 Part E)
In general, as young teenagers the sex drives of males and females are similar, but by their 20’s males have a higher sex drive than females until about age _____ when their sex drives tend to match once again
See graph Slide 42 Part E
What STI could cause these complications in women?
hlamydia- possible complications for women
Gonorrhea- possible complications for women
Slide 43 and 44 Part E
Four sexually transmitted diseases that can be passed from an infected pregnant woman to the fetus are ______, ________, ________, & ______ .
HIV, hepatitis, herpes, & syphilis
Ultimately,what controls the endocrine system?
Higher _______ Areas



Endocrine Glands
Higher Brain Areas



Endocrine Glands
Feedback Mechanisms
Slides 49 & 50 Part E
GnRH (______?_____)
Gonadotropins (____?____)
Sex Hormones (Ovary or Testes)
Slide 55 & 56 Part E
Slide 55 & 56 Part E
Is the Prevalence of Sexual Problems higher in Men or Women in the following conditions?
Low desire
Lack of arousal
Lack of orgasm
Rapid orgasm
Pain during sex
Sexual _______ is a person’s sexual self-view, made up of gender identity, sexual orientation, and specific sexual preferences.
When a man becomes sexually aroused, a few drops of a clear fluid produced by the ________ appears at the tip of the penis
Cowper’s gland
True or False ? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is primarily a psychological problem.
False-PMS has been recognized as a very real physiological disorder that may be caused by hormonal deficiency, abnormal levels of thyroid hormone, changes in brain chemicals, or social and environmental factors, such as stress.
Which is more severe PMS or PMDD ?
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Symptoms must occur during the last week of the luteal phase in most menstrual cycles

They should resolve within a few days after the period starts

5 or more of the following symptoms must be present:
PMDD (cont)
Trouble concentrating
Fatigue or low energy
Food cravings or binging
Sleep disturbances
Feeling out of control
Physical symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness, headache, and joint or muscle pain
Psychological Explanations of Love
Describe Sternberg’s (1986) triangular theory
Love consists of three components
Slide 74 Part E
About ____ (1/10, ¼, 1/3, ½) of murdered American women are killed by their male partners
What is Gottman’s 5:1 ratio?
Marriages are stable as long as positive events outnumber negative events 5:1
Gottman’s 4 warning signs: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Criticism Contempt Defensiveness Stonewalling
Why are women more vulnerable to developing STIs?
Men are more likely to infect women with STIs than women are to infect men with STIs.
Which is the only exception to the above statement? This STI is equally likely to be transmitted from men or women.
Classification of female sexual dysfunction:
Read slides 85 and 86 Part E
The DSM-IV TR classifies Sexual Disorder in 6 Groups Name 3 of these classifications on the next slide
Read chats 88 & 89 Part E
Name the phases of the Sexual Response Cycle
Read chart 91 Part E
Desire phase
Arousal phase
Plateau phase
Orgasm Phase
Resolution phase
Name the 4 Sexual Dysfunctions by Phase of the Sexual Response Cycle
Sexual desire
Sexual Arousal
Sexual pain Disorders
Sexual Dysfunctions by Phase of the Sexual Response Cycle
Read chart 94 thru 96 Part E
Name Treatments for Low Libido
Testosterone deficiency leads to low Libido (see chart 98 Part E)
If a man is experiencing an erectile dysfunction, how would you distinguish between an organic cause and a psychogenic cause?
ED Organic vs. Psychogenic
ED Organic vs. Psychogenic
Organic (85%)
Gradual onset
Incrementally progressive
Absence of AM erection
Psychogenic (15%)
Sudden onset
Complete immediate loss
AM erections present
Varies with partner
Varies with circumstances
Name 1st therapies for Erectile Dysfunction (
First-Line Therapy:
Lifestyle/drug therapy modification
Psychosocial counseling
Androgen replacement therapy (erections?)
Oral therapy
Name 2nd, therapies for Erectile Dysfunction
Second-Line Therapy:
Vacuum constriction device
Intracavernosal injection
Transurethral therapy
Name 3rd therapies for Erectile Dysfunction
Third-Line Therapy
Penile Prosthesis
Revascularizationtherapy (erections?)
Oral therapy
The Masters and Johnson EPOR model has been criticized because it does not fit well with the actual female sexual response. What model is considered an improvement on the EPOR model?
Circular Model of Female Sexual Response
See slide 107 Part E
_______ exercises are designed to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle that surrounds the bladder and the vagina.
As contraceptives, what do the withdrawal method and douching have in common?
What is the brand name of this contraceptive method? slide 114 E
The contraceptive patch contains
hormones (E and P) similar
to those in birth control pills.
You must change your patch once a week
for three consecutive weeks. You do not need
to apply a patch during the fourth week.
contraceptive patch
rate = ___%
Name 4 barrier methods of contraception for women
Diaphragm Cervical cap Lea’s Shield Sponges Spermicides Female condom
Characteristics of Different Types of Hormonal Contraceptives
See table slide 122E
Name 3 methods of hormonal contraception that uses just progesterone
-emergency contraception progesterone only "levonelle" copper IUCD
-reversible contraception
-permanent contraceptions vasectomy female sterilisation
______ is a pill that chemically induces an abortion by blocking progesterone.
RU 486
The __________ is a flexible ring containing estrogen and progestin, which is inserted into the vagina and is an effective contraceptive for 3 weeks.
Depo-Provera is a synthetic hormone that is injected into the buttock or arm every ____ months. The hormone keeps the ovaries from releasing eggs. It also thickens the cervical mucus. This keeps sperm from joining with an egg.
3 months
rate = 0.3%
The Condom
barrier method
added protection if used with spermicide
reccomended model - latex with reservoir tip
use water-based lubricants only
The Condom
rate =___%

Perfect use
Failure rate = __ %

= 3 %
________ and _______ are soft rubber barriers that are intended to fit securely over the cervix. Both are used with a spermicide cream or jelly. Each blocks the entrance to the uterus, and the jelly or cream immobilizes sperm, preventing it from joining the egg.
The Diaphragm & Cervical Cap
The Diaphragm & Cervical Cap
Typical failure
rate =
18-36 %
Female Condom
Typical failure
rate =
Foam, Jelly, Film, Suppository contain ___________
barrier method
must be reapplied for each subsequent intercourse
Foam, Jelly, Film, Suppository
rate =
trying to predict peak fertility times & avoiding intercourse during those times
Fertility Awareness
three methods of prediction:
basal body temperature method
cervical mucus method
calendar or "rhythm" method
Fertility Awareness
rate = ___
A woman’s temperature (rises slightly/lowers slightly) 24 to 72 hours after ovulation
rises slightly
Which of the following age groups of women are LEAST likely to use contraception during sex?
15 to 19
20 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
15 to 19
What are 3 cases for improving contraception access?
Morbidity/ mortality of pregnancy & childbirth much higher than that of contraception
Use of effective contraception could cut unintended pregnancy rate in half
Increasing availability of contraceptive services for young people is associated with reduced pregnancy rates
Emergency Contraception:
Post-Coital Contraceptives
morning after pill (e.g.,______)
- Emergency contraception (EC) consists of the same hormones found in ordinary birth control pills.
within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse
Side-effects: nausea, vomiting, and cramping
20 % become pregnant
Plan B
What is the brand name and the generic name of emergency contraception?
Levonorgestrel (Plan B)
How does the emergency contraception work?
Inhibits ovulation
Traps sperm in thickened cervical mucus
Inhibits tubal transport of egg or sperm
May interfere with fertilization or early cell division
What does RU 486 contain?
Mifepristone is an anti-progesterone
How is RU 486 administered?
a 600 mg dose of mifepristone is administered by a clinician. Two days later, a clinician administers 400 mg of another drug, misoprostol, to induce contractions.
How effective is RU 486 in preventing pregnancy?
This method terminates pregnancy in about 92% of cases.
How does the Contraceptive Patch (Evra) work?
Works by use of hormones (E and P)
How does Depot Progestin Injections (DepoProvera) work?
Lowest estrogen dose: 15 mcg
How does the Progestin IUD – (Mirena) work?
Very low systemic levels levonorgestrel (progesterone)
Which pathogen causes cold sores?
Name this STI
Chlamydia (Slide 169E)
Name this STI
Gonorrhea (Slide 171E)
Name this STI
Herpes (Slide 173E)
Name this STI
Genital warts (Slide 175E)
Name this condition
Scabies (Slide 177E)
What is the brand name of the HPV vaccine produced by Merck?
How does going to college increase one’s chances of contracting a STI?
While 25 % of teens contract a STI, 50 % of college students contract a STI
Name this condition-
One in ten women who visit wheir health-care provider complain about vaginal discharge
Over 90% of vaginitis is classified as:
1. Trichomoniasis - caused by 1 celled protozoa
2. Bacterial vaginosis
3. Candidiasis - yeast , fungus infection, monila usually not sexually transmitted
Name this condition:
One celled parasite
Found in both men and women
Remains dormant in asymptomatic women
Causes vaginal irritation, itching, and diffuse malodorous discharge in symptomatic women
Women may see red spots on the vaginal walls
Most men are a symptomatic
Both partners must be treated with antibiotics
Name this condition:
?Not a sexually transmitted disease
Symptoms include itching, discharge, burning, or irritation
Pregnant women commonly experience these infections
Factors most often associated with repeat infections: diabetes, obesity, suppressed immunity, antibiotics, corticosteroids, or birth control pills
Name this condition:
Discharge is white and ordorus
Associated with:
1. Cervicitis 2. PID
3. Postpartum endometritis
4. Premature labor
5. Recurring urinary tract infections
Treatment: oral, cream or gel application of Flagyl
male treated if infection recurs
Ectoparasitic Infections:
____?_____: transmitted through sexual contact or infected linen/clothing
Pubic Lice
Ectoparasitic Infections:
___?___: transmitted though close physical or sexual contact or from infected linen or clothing
What disease is illustrated?
Slide 202 E
Jaundice is a symptom of hepatitis
Name this STI
SYMPTOMS: May have burning and frequent urination, milky or yellow discharge, itching or tingling in urethra or vagina. OFTEN NO SYMPTOMS.
INCUBATION: 7-21 days (symptoms can come and go)

COMPLICATIONS: Can lead to infertility, damage to internal reproductive organs, chronic pelvic pain. Can cause blindness or eye damage if eye become infected.

TRANSMISSION: Contact with infected body fluids – semen, vaginal secretions.

TREATMENT: Treated with antibiotics

Name this STI
SYMPTOMS: Often burning and frequent urination, milky or yellow discharge, itching or tingling in urethra or vagina. Sometimes no symptoms.
INCUBATION: 2-21 days (symptoms can come and go)

COMPLICATIONS: Can lead to infertility, damage to internal reproductive organs, chronic pelvic pain. Can lead to heart trouble, skin disease, arthritis.

TRANSMISSION: Contact with infected body fluids – semen, vaginal secretions.

TREATMENT: Treated with antibiotics

Name this STI
SYMPTOMS: Jaundice, fatigue, dark urine, abdominal pain, nausea, loss of apetite. 80% have no symptoms.

INCUBATION: About 1 in 6 people can clear the infection on their own. Others become chronic. About half will have serious liver problems. About 1 in 5 will develop cirrhosis in about 10-30 years from infection.

COMPLICATIONS: can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Many people with this also have HIV.
Hepatitis C (HCV)
How is Hepatitis C transmitted?
TRANSMISSION: Direct contact with infected body fluids – blood, semen, vaginal secretion, breast milk
How is Hepatitis C treated?
TREATMENT: Ribavirin and/or pegylated interferon (immune booster). These can have very serious and uncomfortable side-effects.
Is there a cure for Hep C?
CURE: There is no cure.
Name this STI
SYMPTOMS: Small, fleshy, raised bumps located on genitals, scrotum, thighs, mouth, cervix. There can be NO visible symptoms.

INCUBATION: Bumps take 1-8 mos to appear.

COMPLICATIONS: Can lead to cancer.

TRANSMISSION: Skin to skin contact with infected person; direct touch with infected area

TREATMENT: Can be removed, but they are recurrent and require repeated treatment as they come back.

CURE: There is no cure.
Genital Warts (Human Papilloma Virus)
Name this STI
SYMPTOMS: Small, painful blisters. Often NO visible symptoms.

INCUBATION: Blisters visible in 1-30 days.

COMPLICATIONS: This STI is recurring. Can be associated with meningitis.

TRANSMISSION: Skin to skin contact with infected person; direct touch with infected area

TREATMENT: Outbreaks can be controlled with anti-viral medications.

CURE: There is no cure.
HIV stands for H_____ I________ V_______
Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Nearly _____ million people worldwide are infected with HIV.
Close to _____ million people in US have HIV.
Three things required for HIV transmission:
An infected person
Contact with infected body fluid (Name 4 Fluids)
Vaginal Secretion
Breast Milk
A portal of entry (a place where this body fluid enters the bloodstream). Insertion into blood stream through vein or other delicate tissues of the body: (Name 4 ports of entry)
Head of penis
What does PID stand for?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Name 3 facts about PID.
Only occurs in females
Usually due to untreated vaginal chlamydia and gonorrhea infections
1 out of every 3 women with untreated chlamydia or gonorrhea infections will develop pelvic inflammatory disease
40-80% of women with PID do not have any symptoms
List 3 consequences of PID.
10-50% of cases of PID lead to infertility in affected women
Most cases of PID that lead to infertility are asymptomatic
Ectopic pregnancy
Leads to the death of the fetus
May be life threatening for the mother
Women with PID are 10 times more likely to experience an ectopic pregnancy than women with no history of PID
(Gononrrhea/ chlamydia/ syphilis/ herpes/ HPV/ HIV/ trichomoniasis) – for which of these STIs do women usually NOT have visible symptoms in the initial stage?
Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis
________ is the most frequently reported
infectious disease in the United States. An
estimated 800,000 new cases occur annually.
Chlamydia (Slide 228E)
What are the common symptoms of Chlamydia in Men?
pain or burning during urination
* frequent urination
* pain and swelling in the testicles
* low-grade fever
burning and itching
around the opening of the penis
watery or milky
discharge from the penis
What are the common symptoms of Chlamydia in Women?
irregular vaginal bleeding
* burning with urination
* itching and burning in the genital area
* vaginal discharge
* lower abdominal pain often accompanied by nausea and fever
Name this STI
Gonorrhea Discharge (Slide 236E)
What is the name of this condition ?
Scabies (Slide 238E)
How are scabies
CDC Recommended Regimen -
Permethrin cream (5%) applied to all areas of the body from the neck down and washed off after 8-14 hours
Transmission -
Scabies among adults may be sexually transmitted, although scabies among children is usually not sexually transmitted
Name this STI caused by (slide 241E)
How is Trichomoniasis treated ?
Sexual transmission is possible even when no symptoms are present.
Metronidazole is the drug used to treat trichomoniasis.
It is administered in a
single dose.
Name this STI caused by a bacteria. (slide 245E)
Gonorrhea is caused by the gonococcus, a bacterium that grows and multiplies quickly in moist, warm areas of the body such as the cervix, urethra, mouth, or rectum.
Name 4 ways that Gonorrhea is transmitted in humans
genital-to-genital contact
genital-to-oral contact
genital-to-anal contact
spread from vagina to rectum
Why is Chlamydia and Gonorrhea a special threat to women?
Both Gonorrhea & Chlamydia can cause future
fertility problems in women
What are the top 3 most common STIs?
Human Papilloma Virus 5,500,000
Trichomoniasis 5,000,000
Chlamydia 3,000,000
Which STI bacterial infection causes urethritis, dysuria, and purelent discharge from the vagina or penis? Babies born to women with this infection may have an eye infection.
This serious STI causes lesions on the penis or vulva. The bacteria circulates through the nervous and circulatory system causing secondary infections.
This STI is the most common in the U.S. This bacterial infection causes abnormal vaginal and urethral discharge in women and eye disease and pneumonia in infants born to infected women.
This virus causes genital blisters, but a similar virus only causes cold sores or fever blisters.
Gential Herpes
This STI is caused by sexual contact  skin-colored growths (single or in clusters)
Genital Warts
Where do Herpes break out?
HSV-1 - Cold sores
HSV-2- Genital Lesions
Slide 16F
Genital Herpes (HSV)
Transmission: skin to skin
Symptoms: Prodrome--tingling in legs, buttocks or groin Lesion--itching, blister at infection site; Recurrences vary in frequency and severity
Time to onset: 2-20 days
Pregnancy: 5% transmission when lesions present
Diagnosis: culture, antibody test
Treatment: symptom relief; antivirals effective
The STI __________ is caused by the Tremonema pallidum bacteria. If untreated, this disease goes through several stages.
Which STI ?
Symptoms may show up 2-21 days
Discharge or white drip, bleeding, burning during urination
No treatment, could lead to damage of reproductive organs, cause heart trouble, skin disease
Which STI ?
Shows up in 7-28 days
Most commonly reported STI
Discharge or white drip, bleeding, burning during urination
No treatment, could lead to damage of reproductive organs, cause heart trouble, skin disease
Which STI ?
May occur within 3 weeks to 3 months
Most common STI among college students
Contracted through skin-to-skin contact and sex
Can be temporarily removed by topical creams and acid treatment or disappear
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
A woman who has had the STI __________ is at risk for getting cancer of the cervix.
papillomavirus infection
A viral liver infection that can be sexually transmitted is _______________ .
Two serious consequences of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease are ____________ and ___________ .
ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
The majority of sex attributed burden in the US is among men or women?
Curable infections and tehri sequelae remain the leading contributions to sexual behaviour related burden among US men or women?
People who have surgery to “change sex”
_________________ Dysphoria
discomfort with assigned gender.
Gender Dysphoria
living in “opposite” gender-role without surgery
Transgender (definitions vary)
On Bem’s Sex-Role Inventory, a person who scores low on both dimensions (masculine and feminine) is called ____________ .
undifferentiated .
_________ cross-dress for sexual arousal and gratification,
whereas _________ cross-dress because they believe that they are members of the opposite sex.
Name 4 types of Sexual Orientation according to Storm’s model
One dimension, or two?
Terman & Miles: one dimension
Feminine Masculine
one dimension
Sandra Bem: two dimensions

Low High
Low High
two dimensions
___?___ = high in both femininity & masculinity
Freud’s ____?____ Theory
Identification with same-sex parent
____?____ Theory
Imitation & operant conditioning
Gender ____?____ Theory
We categorize information into M/F schemas, and schemas guide our behaviors and expectations
____?_____ Theory
Differing M/F roles serve adaptive functions in mating and survival of the species (male assertiveness; female attractiveness?)
Women or Men ?
think about sex more (every day: M = 70%, W = 33%)
emphasize physical aspects of sex more permissive of casual sex
visual cues more important
arousal is more immediate
Women or Men ?
emphasize romance and relationship less permissive of casual sex
touch and emotional cues more important
arousal is more gradual
Prenatal exposure to synthetic estrogen linked to lesbianism
Prenatal androgen exposure linked to sexual orientation (high: masculinity; low: femininity)
____?____ structure
Differences in brain structure (e.g., hypothalamus) have been reported, but we don’t know if they are the “cause” or the “effect” of sexual orientation (purely correlational)
Concordance rates for homosexuality are higher for identical than for fraternal twins. Heritability estimated at .50.
Most homosexuals report “feeling different” at a very young age
“Heterosexual Assumption” is not valid: most homosexuals were attracted first to same sex, and they did not “convert” to homosexuality only after having failed or unsatisfying heterosexual relationships.
Until ____, the American Psychiatric Association listed “homosexuality” as a mental disorder.
Since ____, homosexuality is not considered as disorder.
________________(dissatisfaction with your sex or sexual orientation) is listed and treated.
Gender Identity Disorder
What are the out-of-pocket expenses for a complete MTF sex reassignment surgery?
____________ is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
____________ people may later grow up to have gender identities that are the opposite of the manufactured sex constructed for them at birth and have feelings similar to transgender individuals.
About ___million Americans suffer from compulsive sexual behaviour
16 million
A third are women ; about ___% of all sex addicts were abused in childhood
What is a Paraphilia as defined by the DSM ?
For people with paraphilias, the paraphilic behavior is predominant in their life
Distinction between sexual variation and paraphilia is sometimes a difference of degree, not kind
Majority of diagnosis involve males
What paraphilia is illustrated by the cartoon on the next slide? Slide 67F
This paraphilia is frotteurism
Name this paraphilia Slide 69F
Are satyriasis and nymphomania in the DSM ?
Historical judgmental term: Satyriasis & Nymphomaniacs but not in DSM
What are Noncoercive Paraphilias?
An important aspect of paraphilias is whether they involve coercion

Noncoercive paraphilias regarded as victimless and relatively benign

Noncoercive paraphilias are consensual
Are paraphilias the same as consensual variations or noncoercive paraphilias?
Paraphilia is not the same as consensual variation
Are Bondage and Domination a paraphilia if consensual?
Consensual sexual role-playing in which one person dominates and the other submits
Also known as sadomasochism (S&M)
A form of fantasy sex carefully controlled by shared and elaborate scripts
Power is central element
Not considered paraphilic as consensual
Most widely known form is bondage and discipline (B&D)
______: sexual attraction to an object which is required or preferred for sexual arousal
______: exclusive attraction to particular body parts
Transvestism is most closely related to __________ .
Is transvestism a coercive paraphilia?
Wearing of clothing associated with other gender for sexual arousal
Different from transsexualism
_________: animals are
preferred sexual outlet even
when other outlets are available
_________: nonconsensual observation of others for the purpose of sexual arousal
Video voyeurism
_________: exposure of genitals to a nonconsenting stranger
_________: non-consensual telephoning of strangers; often involves obscene language
Telephone scatalogia:
_________: touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal
_________: sexual contact with a corpse
A man who repeatedly prefers children 13 years old or younger for achieving sexual excitement is called a ______________ .
In the DSM-IV, _________ is characterized by a desire to be the other sex.
gender identity disorder
How is Pedophilia a Coercive Paraphilias?
Pedophilia: recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child
Children age 13 or younger
A person with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child
_________: urges or fantasies of intentionally inflicting real physical or psychological pain or suffering on a partner
_________: recurring sexual urge or fantasy of being humiliated or caused to suffer through real acts, not simulated ones
__________: a form of sexual masochism linking strangulation with masturbatory activities
Autoerotic asphyxia
What are Sexual Impulse Disorders called in the DSM?
___________ – attraction to a partner who age is that of a different generation.
_________: recurring sexual urge or fantasy of being humiliated or caused to suffer through real acts, not simulated ones
__________: a form of sexual masochism linking strangulation with masturbatory activities
Autoerotic asphyxia
What are Sexual Impulse Disorders called in the DSM?
___________ – attraction to a partner who age is that of a different generation.
___________ – orgasm dependent on watching others have sex.
___________ – high heel fetish.
Types of Paraphilias_
________ – fondling strangers in their sleep.
_________ – person who is aroused by seeing their partner cry.
_________ – arousal from touching leather, fur.
_________ – sexual arousal from fires.
What is the etiology of Paraphilias?
Paraphilias are likely the result of social/environmental, psychological, and biological factors
What are the treatments of Paraphilias?
Difficult to treat, relapses often occur
Multi-faceted approaches that include enhancing social and sexual skills may assist recovery
Prevention has been shown to be best approach
Name 4 causes of paraphilias.
Slide 110F
- Preesxiting deficicncies
-Treatment recieved from Adults during childhood
-Early sexual fantasises reinforced by masturbation
-Extremely strong sex drive combined with uncontrollable thought processes
Name 3 treatments of paraphilias.
Slide 110F
_Covert Sensitization
-Orgasmic reconditioning
-Relapse Prevention
How is Pedophilia defined?
Sexual desire for children (13 and under)
DSM –IV definition: over a period of 6 months, recurrent intense sexual fantasies, sexual urges, or behavior with a prepubescent child or children

Pedophilia – male dominated crime
List 4 common characteristics of a person with pedophilia
Problems with alcohol/substance abuse

High rate of school failure and dropout

Unstable work histories

Tend to come from low economic SES
The most common sexual problem in women and the 3rd most common sexual problem in men, ______________, is difficult to successfully treat.
hypoactive sexual desire
Causes of low desire in women
Menopause (Low androgens)
Endocrine disorders (hypo-gonadism)
Medical procedures (hysterectomy, radiotherapy, chemo)
General poor health
Lactation (prolactin)
Hormone replacement therapy & oral contraceptives
SSRIs & other antidepressants
Narcotics or other substance abuse
Cardiac medications (Calcium & Beta blockers)
Past sexual and non-sexual relationships
Cultural and religious attitudes
Causes of low desire in women

Current interpersonal difficulties
Partner sexual dysfunction
Inadequate stimulation
Unsatisfactory sexual and emotional contexts
Your patient is taking tylenol, a SSRI, and a cholesterol lowering medication. Which medication is most likely to contribute to his erectile dysfunction?
What is the difference between postpartum blues and postpartum depression?
Postpartum blues are mild depressive symptoms occurring for < 2 weeks after birth. Postpartum depression symptoms last > 2 wks. and are more severe and requires treatment.
What criteria are used for distinguishing between postpartum depression and the “baby blues”?
Slide 128F
What percentage of American
couples are infertile ?
How does infertility change with age?
Slide 132F
Name 2 reasons why women are infertile.
-Malfunctions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, which may be genetic or caused by adhesions from infections that might block sperm.
-Inadequate quality or quantity of reproductive hormones.
Name 4 reasons why men are infertile.
-Compromised quality of sperm
-Decreased number of viable sperm
-Poor structure
-Decreased mobility
-Obstructions along the reproductive tract.
inability to conceive a child after a year of frequent intercourse without contraceptives
One in eight couples (___to__%) has trouble conceiving in US
(12 to 15 %)
90% of cases have a physical basis
40%  ______ infertility
40%  ______ infertility
20%  ______
40%  male infertility
40%  female infertility
20%  both or unknown
What are the top 3 reasons why women are infertile?
-Ovulatory Disorders 35%
Total obstruction 35%
Endometriosis 20%
Othercauses /unexplained (idiopathic) 10%
Name these Assisted Conceptions

IUI: ____________________
intrauterine insemination
IVF: ____________________
in vitro fertilization
ICSI: ___________________
intracytoplasmic sperm injection
GIFT: __________________
gamete intrafallopian transfer
ZIFT: ___________________
zygote intrafallopian transfer
What is Prostitution?
Prostitution is the trading of sexual acts for money, usually between a woman and man (called a john).
What is the true life of a prostitute?
While some movies, such as Pretty Woman, portray prostitution as a somewhat glamorous profession, the reality is very different. Most prostitutes live in fear of either being raped or being picked up by the police. They are under constant stress from the difficulties of safely getting paid for having sex.
Have the number of customers (“Johns”) who visit prostitutes been increasing or decreasing?
While the numbers vary from survey to survey, the number of men who have visited prostitutes has been decreasing for several generations. Essentially, the sexual revolution made sex more available, and economics took over: People who charged for services couldn’t compete with people who were giving sex away (Edgley, quoted in Rathus et al., 2002, p. 641).
List 6 types of prostitutes
streetwalkers, brothel workers, massage parlors, escort services, and call girls.
Who pays Streetwalkers and how much are they paid?
They usually charge less, and spend less time with a client.
Compared to other prostitutes, how are Streetwalkers viewed?
In the prostitution hierarchy, these are usually at the lowest rung.
What is the role of the Pimp on the streets regarding prosititutes?
Most streetwalkers have a pimp, who acts as their protector, companion, and, usually, master. Streetwalkers have to give a huge cut of their pay (up to around 60%) to the pimp.
How are Brothel Workers different from other prostitutes?
One modern variant of the brothel is the massage parlor. Many are legitimate establishments that provide a legal service—massage—others provide that and more for a fee (“full-service”).
How do the women employed by escort services conduct business?
Escorts, and the next level call girls,generally better educated and paid than streetwalkers and brothel workers. Generally, one hires them because they look and can act like the type of woman a successful man should be with.
How do Call Girls do their business as prostitutes?
These usually have their meeting prearranged, either through a service or themselves. They generally charge more for services because they are generally better educated and take better care of themselves
Describe Male Prostitutes
Although the overwhelming majority of prostitutes are female, there are male prostitutes. The majority of male prostitutes are gay or bisexual (70%). Further, just as with female prostitutes, the majority of a male prostitutes customers are males. In other words, the gigolo—a male who gets paid to have sex with women—is rare.
Define “Hustler” and “Score”
Males who engage in male prostitution are called hustlers and their patrons are called scores.
Why do Men Visit Prostitutes?
The main reason men visit prostitutes is to get some sexual act that their regular partners find objectionable. These days, the most often requested service is fellatio, and then anal sex.
Why do Men Visit Prostitutes?
Other men visit prostitutes because they would rather pay for occasional sex than be involved in a relationship with a woman, they want a relationship with a woman that won’t “interfere” with their marriage (such as people who are on business trips), or simply because they cannot attract a woman. A significant number of individuals visit prostitutes to be initiated into sexual activity.
__________ – solicit in public; pimps; oral sex performed on the customer is most common.
__________ prostitutes – legal in some Nevada counties; elsewhere replaced by “B-girls” who use subtle cues to solicit customers in hotel bars, generally with consent of management.
_______ parlors – thinly disguised storefronts; “hand whores.”
_______ –customers are screened by phone; often works from her home; high status clients and high fees; for sex or just a pretty date.
Call girls
_______ – male counterpart of the call girl.
_______ – male or female prostitutes; slightly lower fees than call girls or gigolos.
Escort services
_______ – male streetwalkers.
Name 5 characteristics of prostitutes
Primary motive world wide is economic.
Drug addiction prior to of after becoming a prostitute is extremely common.
Some are attracted to the thrill and danger.
Most were sexually and otherwise abused as children, felt rejected, few friends.
Most teen prostitutes are runaways or “throw-away” children.
Most have serious problems with anxiety, depression, social alienation, drug abuse.
How does the law view prostitution?
Primary concern of most people is the moral issue, although STDs, drug abuse and violence against prostitutes, other crime are also cited.
Many see prostitution as a victimless crime.
Proponents of legalization advocate licensing, regular health checks, mandatory condom use and taxation (already done in Nevada’s legal brothels).
Few states put serious effort into prosecuting the customers.
How many prostitutes are HIV positive?
Fewer than 1% of U.S. citizens are infected but 25-50% of streetwalkers and hustlers in major cities are infected.
What motivates women to become prostitutes?
Those having STD’s, using drugs, or involved in crime become part of Street Trade.
Majority are coerced into trade due to poverty related issues, few job opportunities,or the sexist ideology.
This sexist ideology defines women in terms of their sexuality with little regard given to other skills and qualities.
How are male prostitutes the same and different from female prostitutes?
Male Prostitutes
They have the same hierarchy as female[from Escort to the bar hustler to the street walker

Two distinct subcultures: (1) Peer-delinquent and (2) Gay
Peer-Delinquent Subculture
1. Consists of boys from lower-class backgrounds
2. Never defined themselves as homosexuals
3. Prostitution an exclusive means of making money, not for sexual gratification
4. Typically, are engaging in other activities
A male hustler is on the same status level as a female __________ (a type of prostitute).
Gay Subculture
1. Involves boys who consider themselves homosexual or bisexual
2. More often work gay neighborhoods
3. More likely than peer-delinquents to come from middle-class
4. A way to interact with other gays
5. Desire sexual gratification
Adolescent Male Prostitutes
1. Unstable families, in which they may have a series of caretakers[including parents and other relatives]
2. Likely to have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse from caretakers
3. Conflict over sexual orientation leads to running away
Name 3 myths about rape
Rape involves strangers
Women provoke their attackers
Rape is simply about sex
Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers.
FACT: ___________________
3 of 4 victims know their attacker.
Assault is avoidable with care and alertness.

FACT: The attacker is _______
The attacker is usually someone the victim has reason to trust.
Sexual impulsiveness or frustration cause rape.

FACT: Most assaults are ____
Most assaults are planned.
The majority of sex offenders are caught, convicted, and in prison.

FACT: ___________________
A small number of rapes are reported and a fraction of offenders apprehended and convicted.
All sex offenders are male.

FACT: The majority of sex offender are _______
The majority of sex offenders are male, but females do commit some sex offenses, particularly against children.
Youths do not commit sex offenses.

FACT: 1/5 of rapes and 1/2 of child molestations are committed by _____________
Sexual assault is only harmful if there is visible physical injury.

FACT: Victims ____________
suffer emotionally regardless of whether they sustain visible injury; the violation of trust victims suffer can dramatically increase their level of trauma.
Child abusers usually find victims in places like schoolyards or playgrounds.

FACT: 90% of child abusers choose to ________________
90% of child abusers choose to victimize children they already know
Women “cry” rape.

FACT: Less than __ % of claims of sexual assault are found to be unfounded.
One in __?__ children will be sexually abused by the age of 18
True or False
Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers.
Most sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim or the victim’s family, regardless of whether the victim is a child or an adult.
Only __ % of rapes and sexual assaults are actually reported to law enforcement officials — about one in every _____.
39 %
What are the types of Rape?
Forced rape
Statutory rape
The crime
Sadistic rape
Acquaintance rape (date rape)
Forced rape
Sexual intercourse with an unwilling partner
Statutory rape
Sexual intercourse with a minor
True or False
The rapist is usually someone the victim knows, but not well
True or False? Quiz
Erections in men result, in part, from a bone that protrudes into the penis.
Sperm can be produced only in an environment a couple of degrees lower than normal body temperature.
The hymen is a reliable indicator of whether or not a woman is a virgin.
The inner 2/3 of the vagina is highly sensitive
to touch.
Many men experience nipple erection when they
become sexually aroused.
Most men and women are capable of multiple
Breast size in women is related to the number of
Mammary glands
A girl can get pregnant as soon as she starts having
menstrual periods.
Ovulation generally occurs just before menstruation.
After a vasectomy, a man can reach orgasm but
cannot ejaculate.
AIDS is the diagnosis for people who have
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
The combination birth control pill works primarily by
preventing implantation of a fertilized egg.
Taking the oral contraceptive pill results in fewer
serious health problems than do pregnancy and
Women show their highest levels of sexual desire
at the time of ovulation.
There are about 12 million new cases of sexually
transmitted diseases in the United States each year.
The major cause of AIDS is homosexuality.
If gonorrhea is not treated, it can sometimes turn
into syphilis.
Most women do not show symptoms in the early
stages of gonorrhea or chlamydia.
Gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes can be successfully
treated with antibiotics.
In vitro fertilization involves a process where part
of fetal development occurs in a test tube.
It is usually safe to have sexual intercourse during
the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy.
“Prepared childbirth” (e.g., Lamaze) refers to
delivering a baby without the use of drugs.
Most healthy people in their 60s and older continue
to engage in sexual behavior.
Men’s descriptions of orgasm are different from
women’s descriptions of orgasm.
Excessive masturbation can cause serious medical
The birth control pill gives women some protection
against sexually transmitted disease.
Women who have masturbated to orgasm during
adolescence generally have less difficulty reaching
orgasm during intercourse than women who never
The frequency of sexual relations is highest for
married couples aged 25 to 35.
Adult male homosexuals have lower than normal
levels of male hormones.
Douching is an effective method of birth control.
Recent evidence indicates that environmental factors
are most important in determining one’s sexual
Most cases of child molestation involve an
acquaintance of relative of the child.
A pregnant woman can transmit syphilis to
the unborn baby.
Exhibitionists and voyeurs often attempt to rape
their victims.
Nocturnal emissions (“wet dreams”) are often
an indication of a sexual problem.
Alcohol is a central nervous system excitant that
enhances sexual performance.
Humans can crossbreed with animals with the use
of artificial insemination techniques.
Women’s sexual desire decreases sharply
after menopause.
Vaginal infections can be prevented by regular use
of feminine hygiene products.
A woman’s ability to have vaginal orgasms is
related to penis size.
Oral herpes can be transmitted to another person’s
genitals by oral-genital contact.
Unless testosterone is present during embryonic
development, nature has programmed everyone
to be born a girl.