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49 Cards in this Set

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to have cells, rows, or columns of a table be invisible but still affect layout, use ___
visibility:hidden <br>
Who developed the "sliding doors" technique and what is it for?
Douglas Bowman,<br>It's a tabbed nav technique that uses two images, one on the left and one on the right, to create each tab.
the "form" tag takes two required attributes, ___, which is the path to the page that will process the form, and ___, which instructs the browser how it should send the data.
action, method
how do you get image.jpg to repeat along the bottom of a div?
background: [insert color like image here] url("image.jpg") repeat-x bottom;
an alternative to using overflow is to set ___
min-width, min-height, max-width, max-height
what's the solution to the double float margin bug?
add display:inline to the element
what's the double float margin bug and which browser(s) are affected?
if you float:left then margin:left, then the first element of a row will have double the margin:left.<br><br>IE 6 Windows
to use an image header for your site and yet retain SEO
use a typical h1 tag with an id of mainheader. then select the mainheader and use textindent-9999 and background:url.<br><br>example:<br>&lt;h1 id="header"&gt;Welcome&lt;/h1&gt;<br><br>#mainheader {<br> background-image:url(img/filename.jpg);<br> background-repeat:no-repeat;<br> background-position: top left;<br> text-indent: -9999px;<br> height: [insert image height here];<br>}
what does clear do?
ignores the previous elements' float values. it "clears the float" on the prev value<br><br>clear:right ignores float:right on previous element and vice versa
if you need to clear a float for everything following a particular block on the page you need to add a ___, a ___, or a ____ to hold the clear
div, br, or hr
to remove elements from the flow and create overlapping elements you can use ___
position:absolute or position:relative
when using position:absolute or position:relative you must also supply a ___
top, left, bottom, right<br><br>ex:<br>top:50px;
absolutely positioned elements that are nested within relatively position elements will ___
be placed on the corner of the relatively positioned element
to absolutely position a bunch of elements relative to their parent ___
apply position:relative to the parent, and don't position it<br><br>then apply position: absolute to the children<br><br>the supplied coordinates for the children will be placed relative to their parent's upper right corner
when creating a stylesheet for print, position:relative and position:absolute can lead to things bleeding off the page. <br><br>how do you solve?
position:static <br><br>it usually does the same thing as default, and it can be used to override the position:absolute and position:relative to bring back to normal
if you have div a inside div b inside div c, and you want to position div a relative to div c, then ___
position:absolute on div a, <br>position:static on div b <br>position:relative on div c (with no top left right bottom properties).<br><br>this works because position:absolute is relative to the nearest parent that's positioned anything but normal (position:static).
if you want an element to stay in a certain spot on the page even when scrolling, use ___ and ___
position:fixed, <br>top left bottom right
if you use position:fixed to create a floating banner, you must remember to ___
adjust the margin of the elements following, to prevent them from overlapping
when using position:fixed sometimes you also have to supply a ___ which positions an element above regular elements
z-order:1<br>z-order:2<br>etc.<br><br>any z-order makes it "higher" than a regular element
position:fixed first became available to IE in version __
When applying z-orders on position:fixed elements, you do not need to ___, in fact it's recommended to ____
use consecutive numbers<br>make your numbers in increments of five
when too much stuff is in a div with a height attribute, you can hide the stuff that doesn't fit by using ___
when too much stuff is in a div that has a height attribute, and you'd like a little scroll box to appear ONLY if the content doesn't fit, ___
to prevent a box with a width of 75% from becoming too wide for users with widescreen monitors, set ___
the main difference between block and inline elements is that
block elements define their own space
the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none is ___
elements with display:none are effectively removed from the page<br><br>elements with visibility:hidden are merely invisible and effect the flow of the page
if you have a column running down containing links, and you want the clickable region extend to the width of the column you would ___.
a.nav {<br>width:100%<br>display:block<br>}
if you wanted to set the width of an anchor to 100%, what else would you need to set? why?
display:block <br>inline elements can't take a width
if you use the -9999px hack to get your SEO image header, you'll get dotted lines if the user tabs in. how to erase dotted lines?
when creating horizontal tabbed navigation with lists, use ___ or ___. it's easier to control the list through ___
display:inline<br>floating the elements<br>floating the elements
how do you get rid of the bullets in a list, whether they are 1.) default bullets or 2.) images ?
1.) list-style-type:none<br>2.) list-style-image:none
when making tabbed nav out of lists, which do you apply the floats to, the ul or the li?
li, and possibly the container of the ul depending on layout
if you use tabbed nav with float on the li, IE5/Mac will display them stacked on top of each other unless you ___
use the "IE5/Mac backslash hack" to also add a float to the anchors for ie5/mac while hiding it from other browsers
IE6/Win doesn't let you click the area around the link if making tabbed nav, even if you use display:block and width:100% on the anchor. <br><br>hack?
/* hack for ie6 */<br>div#nav a {<br>width:1%<br>}<br><br>/* child selectors available only in ie7 and after, reset the width to correct amount */<br>div#nav:child {<br>width:100%<br>}
When using the sliding doors technique, account for the possibility of our tab text increasing by at least ___.
how do you create a print css document?
use media="print" at the end of the link that contains the rel and href.
how do you create "I am here" navigation without really changing the XHTML?
give the body an id that identifies what page you're on. give each button an id that identifies it as well. then use contextual selectors: <br><br>body#bio a#bio {<br><br>}<br><br>
when making a print stylesheet, what are two things you might you want to do?
use points for font-size<br>use display:none to remove navigation <br>use position:static to override position:relative or position:absolute
HTTP code 301 is ...
the HTTP code for "moved permanently"
HTTP code 401 is ...
the HTTP code for Not Authorised
What is the http code for "returned OK?"
HTTP code 200
What is the http code for "moved permanently"?
HTTP code 301
HTTP code for Not Authorised
HTTP code 401
HTTP code for Internal Server Error
HTTP code 500
HTTP code 500 is...
Internal Server Error
What is the HTTP code for Forbidden
HTTP code 403
HTTP code 403 is what?
the HTTP code for "Forbidden"
WHICH HTTP RESPONSE HEADDER is the most robust way to redirect the browser?
the "location" header
xml: what is the type of the data that appears as the content of an element?
PCDATA (Parsed Character Data, as opposed to CDATA, Character Data)