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42 Cards in this Set

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First level headline elements label important sections of a page, just like in a newspaper.

<!DOCTYPE html>

The document type element tells the browser what kind of content to expect in a web page.


The container or document root for the HTML document.


The head of the document is a container for meta information about the HTML document itself.


The body of the document contains the content and remaining structure of the document.


The title of the document typically appears in browser tabs and search engine results.

<meta charset="utf-8">

The character set, typically set to UTF-8 to help describe how the page is formatted.


The header element helps to structure the content. This is different from the head element, which is just for document metadata.


Sections break up logical groupings of information, just like sections of a newspaper.


The footer element is a complement to the header element. It represents the bottom of a content area.


The second level headline element, similar to first level headlines. Typically these appear slightly smaller by default.


The paragraph element should contain text in sentence or paragraph form.


The anchor element allows for two HTML pages to be linked together.


The navigation element is a semantic element that wraps any type of site navigation.


The unordered list element contains list item elements and is typically styled with bullet points by default.


The list item element makes it possible to format text in a list form. Each list item element should go inside of an ordered or unordered list element.


A self closing element with two required attributes. The source (src) attribute points to the image file and the alternate (alt) attribute describes the image using text.


Connects other files to an HTML document, such as CSS or JavaScript files.


The style element can contain CSS code that will be applied to the HTML. Typically it's better to keep CSS in an external stylesheet.


The form element wraps a section of the document that contains form controls. The action attribute specifies the web address of a program that processes the information submitted via the form. The method attribute specifies the HTTP method that the browser should use to submit the form, such as POST or GET. Forms cannot be nested inside one another.


Used frequently with web forms to send data to store in a database. Use POST when sending data that will store, delete or update information from a database.


Used for most requests. Browser uses the GET method whenever it requests a new web page, CSS file, image, and so on. Use GET when you want to "get" something from the server.


The input element is used to create many different types of form controls. The type attribute specifies what kind of form control should be rendered, such as text, email, passwords, and more. The name attribute is submitted with form data so that server-side code can parse the information.


The textarea element accepts multiple lines of text from the user. Most browsers will render the textarea element with a widget to allow for resizing the editing area.


Just as the name implies, the button element will render a clickable button. The type attribute specifies whether the button should submit the form data, reset the form, or have no default behavior for use with JavaScript.


The label element helps to organize forms by assigning some helpful text to a form control. This text helps the user to understand what kind of data they should add to each form field.


The fieldset element wraps multiple form elements into common groups. This can help organize a form and make it easier to understand for users.


The fieldset element wraps multiple form elements into common groups. This can help organize a form and make it easier to understand for users.


The select element renders a drop-down menu that contains selectable options. This type of form control is ideal for scenarios where the user must choose one option from a preset list of 5 or more choices.


The option element represents one of the choices that a user can choose in a select menu. It should always be nested inside of a select element.


The optgroup element wraps one or more option elements and helps to create logical groups. The label attribute specifies the text that the optgroup should display above the nested options.


The table element represents data in a series of rows and columns. Tables should only be used for displaying tabular data, and never for page layout.


The table row element defines a row of cells in a table. Table rows can be filled with table cells and table header cells.


The table cell element contains data and represents a single table cell. Each table cell should be inside a table row.


The table header cell helps label a group of cells in either a column or a row.


The table head element (not to be confused with the table header cell element) defines a set of rows that make up the header of a table.


The table body element defines one or more rows that make up the primary contents (or "body") of a table.


The table foot element contains a summary of the table. This might be totals for columns of numerical data or meta information about the source of data.


The caption element represents the title of the table.


The video element allows webpages to play video files inline with other content.


The audio element allows webpages to play sound content.


The track element specifies timed text data for video and audio media.