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31 Cards in this Set

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Normal sinus rhythm with bundle-branch block

Rhythm: Usually reg

Rate: underlying rhythm (usually sinus)

P waves: sinus

PR interval: Normal (0.12 to 0.20 second)

QRS complex: WIDE (0.12 second or greater)

Atrial fibrillation (with controlled ventricular rate)

Rhythm: Grossly irr (unless ventricular rate is rapid, in which case the rhythm becomes more reg)

Rate: Atrial: 400 beats/min or more; NM due to wavy baseline.  Ventricular: varies, controlled if rate <100 beats/min; uncontrolled if rate >100 beats/min

P waves: wavy deflections that affect the entire baseline

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 second or less)

Atrial flutter with variable AV conduction

Rhythm: Reg or irr

Atrial rate: 250-400

Vent rage: Varies; will be less than atrial

P waves: SAWTOOTH wave delfections affecting the entire baseline

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 second or less)

Normal sinus rhythm with one nonconducted PAC (abnormal P wave assoc with PAC is hidden in preceding T wave, distorting T-wave contour)

Rhythm: Underlying rhythm usu reg; irr with nonconducted PACs

Rate: underlying rhythm

P waves: premature and abnormal; often found hidden in preceding T wave, distorting T-wave contour; a pause follows the nonconducted P wave

PR interval: Absent with nonconducted PAC

QRS complex: Absent with nonconducted PAC

Normal sinus rhythm with 2 PACs

Rhythm: Underlying rhythm usually regular; irr with premature beat

Rate: underlying rhythm

P waves: P wave associated with PAC is premature, abnormal (commonly appears small, upright, and pointed, but may be inverted or a squiggle); abnormal P wave is often found hidden in preceding Twave, distorting T-wave contour

PR interval: Usually normal but may be abnormal

QRS complex: Premature, normal duration QRS (0.10 sec or less); followed by a pause

Second-degree AV block, Mobitz I

Rhythm: Atrial reg; ventr irr

Rate: Atrial underlying rhythm; ventricular depends on # of impulses conducted thru AV node; will be less than atrial

P waves: sinus

PR interval: varies; progressively lengthens until a P wave isn't conducted (P wave appears without QRS complex); a pause follows the dropped QRS complex

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 sec or less)

Paroxysal atrial tachycardia

Rhythm: reg

Rate: 140 - 250

P waves: Abnormal (commonly pointed); usually hidden in preceding T wave so that T wave and P wave appear as one wave deflection (T-P wave); one P wave to each QRS unless AV block is present

PR interval: Usually NM

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 or less)

Junctional rhythm

Rhythm: REgular

Rate: 40-60

P waves: Inverted in lead II (a positive lead) and will occur immediately before the QRS, immediately after the QRS, or will be hidden within the QRS complex

PR interval: Short (0.10 sec or less)

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 or lexx)

Normal bradycardia with one PJc

Rhythm: underlying rhythm; irr with prob

Rate: That of underlying rhy

P waves: P waves assoc with the prob will be premature, inverted in lead II, and will occur immed before the QRS, immed after the QRS, or will be hidden within the QRS complex

PR interval: short (0.10 sec or less)

QRS: Normal (0.10 sec or less)

Atrial fibrillation (with uncontrolled ventricular rate)

Rhythm: grossly irr

Atrial Rate: 400 or more; NM

Ventr rate: varies, controlled if rate is less than 100; uncontrolled if rate is greater than 100

P waves: wavy deflections that affect the entire baseline

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 second or less)

Sinus rhythm with first-degree AV block

Rhythm: Usu reg

Rate: underly sinus rhythm

P waves: sinus; one P wave to each QRS complex

PR interval: Prolonged (greater than 0.20 sec); remains consistent

QRS complex: Normal (0.10 second or less)

Normal sinus rhythm with one PJC

rhythm: underlying rhythm reg; otherwise irr

rate: underly rhythm

P waves: P waves assoc with the prob will be premature, inverted in lead II, and will occur immed before the QRS, immed after the QRS, or will be hidden within the QRS.

Pr interval: short (0.10 or less)

QRS: Normal (0.10 or less)

sinsu bradycardia

Rhythm: reg

rate: 40-60

P waves: normal in size, shape, direction; positive in lead II; one P wave precedes each QRS complex

PR interval: normal (0.12 to .20)

QRS complex: Normal (.10 or less)

ventricular fibrillation (fine deflections present)

Rhythm: none (P wave and QRS are absent)

Rate: None (P wave and QRS are absent)

P waves: Wavy, irr deflections representative of  quivering; deflections may be fine or coarse.

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: absent

QT interval: N/M

Third-degree AV block

Rhythm: Reg

Atrial rate: underly sinus

Ventri rate: 40-60 if paced by AV junction; 30 - 40 or less if paced by the ventricles; will be less than atrial

P waves: sinus p waves with no consistent relationship to the QRS complex; P waves found hidden in QRS complexes, ST segments, and T waves

PR interval: varies

QRS complex: normal if at AV node or bundle of His; wide if in bundle branches

Second-degree AV block, Mobitz II with 2: 1 and 3:1 AV conduction

Rhythm: Atrial reg; ventr usu reg; may be irr if AV conduction ratios vary

Atrial Rate: underly rhy

Ventr rate: depends on # of impulses conducted thru AV node, but will be less than atrial

P waves: sinus; 2 or 3 P waves (sometimes more) before each QRS complex

QRS complex: Normal duration if at bundle of His; wide if in bundle branches

Third-degree AV block

Rhythm: regular

Atrial rate: underlying

Ventr rate: 40-60 if paced by AV junct; 30-40 if paced by ventr; rate will be less than atrial

P waves: sinsu p waves with no consistent relationship to the QRS complex; P waves found hidden in QRS complexes, ST segments, and T waves

PR interval: varies

QRS complex: Normal duration if at level of AV node or bundle of His; wide if block in bundle branches

Second-degree AV block, Mobitz II with 3:1 AV conduction (one P wave hidden on top of T wave)

Rhythm: Atrial: Reg; Ventri: Usu reg, may be irr if AV conduction ratios vary

Atrial rate: underly rhythm

Ventri rate: depends on number of impulses conducted thru AV node; will be less than atrial

P waves: Sinus; 2 or 3 P waves (sometimes more) before each QRS complex

PR interval: Normal or prolonged: remains consistent

QRS complex: Normal duration if at level of bundle of His; wide if in bundle branhes

Second-degree AV block, Mobitz I

Atrial rhythm: reg

Ventr rhythm: irr

Atrial Rate: underlying rhythm

Ventric rate: depends on # of impulses conducted thru AV node, will be less than atrial

P waves: sinus

PR interval: varies; progressively lengthens until a P wave isn't conducted (P wave appears without QRS complex); a pause follows the dropped QRS complex

Normal sinus rhythm with first-degree AV block

Rhythm: usually reg

Rate: that of the underlying sinus rhythm

P waves: sinus; one P wave to each QRS complex

PR interval: Prolonged (greater than 0.20 second); remains consistent

QRS complex: normal (0.10 or less)

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm

Rhythm: reg

Rate: 50-100

P waves: absent

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Wide (0.12 or greater)

Sinus bradycardia with one PAC

Rhythm: underly rhythm usu reg; irreg with premature beat

Rate: underlying rhythm

P waves: p wave associated with PAC is premature, abnormal (commonly appears small, upright, and pointed, but may be inverted or a squiggle); abnormal P wave is often found hidden in preceding T wave, distorting T-wave contour

PR interval: Usually normal, but may be abnormal

QRS complex: Premature, normal duration QRS (0.10 second or less); followed by a pause

Junctional tachycardia

Rhythm: reg

Rate: >100

P waves: Inverted in lead II and will occur immed before the QRS, immed after the QRS, or will be hidden within the QRS complex

PR interval: Short (0.10 or less)

QRS: Normal (0.10 second or less)

Atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conduction

Rhythm: reg or irr

Atrial Rate: 250 - 400

Ventri rate: varies with # of impulses conducted thru AV node; will be less than the atrial rate

P waves: Sawtooth wave deflections affecting the entire baseline

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Normal (<=0.10)

Normal sinus rhythm with 3-beat run AIVR (Accelerated idioventricular rhythm)

Rhythm: reg

Rate: 50 - 100

P wave: absent

PR interval: NM

QRS complex: Wide (>=0.12)

List the 8 steps for identifying a rhythm.

1. P wave

2. Atrial rhythm

3. Atrial rate

4. PR interval

5. Ventricular rhythm

6. Ventricular rate

7. QRS complex

8. QT interval

3 ways for determining heart rate:

Times 10

Sequence (start with heavy black line, count off heavy black lines in sequence 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50...)

1500 Method (count # of small boxes between 2 P or r waves and divide 1500 by # of small boxes) Use on reg rhythm only

Normal range for PR interval:

0.12 - 0.20

Normal range for QRS complex:

0.06 - 0.10

Normal range for QT interval:

0.36 - 0.44

Ranges for atrial rates from SA, AV, Bundle branches

SA - 60-100

AV 40-60

Branches 20-40

(must confirm these)