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44 Cards in this Set

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Who were the Huguenots?
French Protestants
What happened on the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre?
10,000 Huguenots were killed, August 24, 1572.
What edict gave Huguenots equal treatment under the law in France?
Edict of Nantes
What French king was a Huguenot but converted to Catholicism for national unity?
Henry IV
When was the French Civil War?
What was the French Civil War about?
Religion-Catholic or Protestant, Catholic won
How did Louis XIII inherit the throne?
His father, Henry IV, was murdered in 1610.
Who really controlled France while Louis XIII was young?
Cardinal Richelieu
When was the Thirty Years War?
What was the Thirty Years War about?
Religion. Catholics v. Protestants
Who were the Protestant nations in the Thirty Years War?
German protestants, Sweden, Denmark and Netherlands. France was a Catholic nation but helped the protestants for political gain.
Who were the Catholic nations in the Thirty Years War?
German Catholics and Spain.
What was the name of the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War?
Treaty of Westphalia, 1648.
What was the main outcome of the Thirty Years War?
France emerges as the dominant nation in Europe, Germany and the Hapsburgs are weakened.
How did the Protestant Reformation affect France?
Civil war, religious strife between the Catholics and the Huguenots.
What kind of a king was Henry the IV?
popular and successful at strengthening France.
What kind of king was Louis XIII?
not a powerful king, Cardinal Richelieu ran the country.
What kind of king was Louis XIV?
"L'etat, c'est moi", believed in the Divine Right of Kings
How old was Louis XIV when he became king?
Who ruled France while Louis XIV was a boy?
His mother and Cardinal Mazarin.
How long was Louis XIV king?
72 years
What was Louis XIV known for?
Golden age of France, lavish building like Versailles, arts and literature.
Who became king after Louis XIV?
Louis XV
What was the War of Spanish Succession about?
Trying to prevent France and Spain from being ruled by Louis XIV.
What treaty ended the war of Spanish Succession?
The Treat of Utrecht.
What problems affected France under Louis the XIV and XV?
Spending money for pleasure of kings and wars, treasury depleted, people heavily taxed.
When was the French Revolution?
What was Versailles?
Home of Louis XIV, near Paris, took 20 years to build.
What was Louis XIV nickname?
The sun king (the sun rises and sets o the king)
How did Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIV treat the Huguenots?
persecution, they threw out the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
What was the capital of European culture in the 17th century?
Paris, France
Who were some famous artists from the time of Louis XIV?
Jean Racine and Moliere (author)
What was the language of diplomacy in the 17th century?
How did Louis XIV view colonies?
As a source of revenue for the crown. Not as dependent on the colonies for revenue as Spain was.
Why did Louis XIV pay attention to the economy?
Because a strong economy means a strong monarch.
What is mercantilism?
French colonies and trading companies competing with the English and Dutch companies.
What improvements did Louis XIV make to the French economy?
Improved methods of taxation, shipbuilding, supported the navy, built canals and roads, invited experts to help the French silk industry, tapestries and furniture.
What two main areas did Louis XIV spend too much money on?
luxury and war.
How did religious intolerance hurt France?
Losing business leaders, artisans, soldier and government officials who were not Catholic.
What was the monarch's philosophy on taxes in France?
Need more money, raise taxes.
Who suffered the heaviest tax burden in France?
What is a regressive tax system?
Taxing the poorest people the most.
What caused the French Revolution?
the regressive tax system in France and the absolute monarchy.
Why did Richelieu side with the Protestants in the Thirty Years War?
To weaken the Hapsburg dynasty. It worked, France became the strongest power in Europe.