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196 Cards in this Set

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localized widening ofartery due to a weakness in arterial wall

Angina Pecoris

severe chest paincaused by myocardial ischemia


irregular heart beat

Arteriosclerotic heart disease

arteriosclerosis oratherosclerosis of coronary arteries


abnormally slow heartrate below 60 beats per minute

Cardiac catheterization

passage of thin tubethrough veins or arteries leading into heart for diagnostic or therapeuticpurposes

cardiac arrest

complete stoppage ofelectrical signals and contractions in the heart

congestive heart failure

condition that develops when heart muscle is not able to pump blood forcefully enough,reducing blood flow to body; results in weakness, dyspnea, and edema

coronary artery bypass graft

surgery in whichblood vessel is graft to route blood around occluded coronary artery

deep vein thrombosis

formation of bloodclots in deep veins;


using defibrillatorto give electrical shock to heart fro purpose of converting arrhythmia back tonormal heart beat (cardioversion)


a mass of undissolvedmatter present in a blood or lymphatic vessels may be gas, liquid or solid


inflammation of innerlining of heart


abnormal quivering or contraction of heart fibers; atrial fibrillation may be chronic; ventricular fibrillation results in cardiac arrest

heart murmur

abnormal heart sound


blood pressure above normal range; usually systolic pressure above 140mmHg or diastolic pressure above 90 mmHg


decrease in blood pressure


area of tissue necrosis that develops from ischemia


a temporary deficiency of blood flow to an organ or tissue


space within a tube, or vessel

myocardial infarction

heart attack: infarct of heart muscle cause by occlusion of one or more of coronary arteries


blockage of blood vessel or other hollow structure


electrical devicethat artificially stimulates contraction of heart muscle

peripheral vascular disease

disease of bloodvessel away form central region of bodybody


narrowing of a passage or orifice


tube place within blood vessel or duct to widen lumen


abnormally fast heart rate, more than 100 beats per minute


the formation or presence of a blood clot within the vascular system


a blood clot that adheres to the wall of a blood vessel or organ

varicose veins

swollen and distended veins


puncture into a vein to withdraw blood or inject medication or fluids


group of blood disorders involving either a reduction in number of circulating erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells; results in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues


any substance that prevents clot formation

aplastic anemia

severe form of anemia caused by loss of functionred bone marrow


collecting and storing one’s own blood to use to replace blood lost during surgery

blood transfusion

transfer of blood from one person to another


formation of blood clot

complete blood count

blood test that includes red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell differential, and platelet count


blood test that meassures volume of red blood cells within total volume of blood


blood collection under skin by escaping into tissue from damaged blood vessel


inherited lack of vital clotting factor; results in inability to stop bleeding


cancer of leukocyte-forming red bone marrow; large number of abnormal and immature leukocytes circulating in blood

pernicious anemia

anemia resulting from insufficient vitamin B12


removal of blood specimen from vein for laboratory tests (venipuncture)


the liquid part of blood and lymph


cells responsible for coagulation of blood

prothrombin time

blood test that measure how long it takes for clot to form


presence of bacteria or their toxins in bloodstream

sickle cell anemia

inherited blood cell disorder in which erythrocytes take on an abnormal curve shape


hypersensitivity to a common substance in environment

anaphylactic shock anaphylaxis

life-threatening condition resulting from severe allergic reaction causing cardiovascular and respiratory problems


medication that blocks effects of histamine released by body during allergic reaction

autoimmune disease

disease resulting from body’s immune system attacking its own cells as if they were pathogens


hormones produced by adrenal cortex; used as medication for anti-inflammatory properties


local or generalized condition in which body tissues contain an excessive amount of tissue fluid in the interstitial spaces (swelling)


common name for appearance of wheals during allergic reaction

hodgkin lymphoma

cancer of lymphatic cells found in lymph nodes (Hodgkin Disease)


having an immune system that is unable to respond properly to pathogens


medication to block certain actions of immune system


tissue response to injury; characterized by redness, pain, swelling and feeling hot to touch


edema appearing in extremities due to obstruction of lymph flow through lymphatic vessels

scratch test

type of allergy testing in which body is exposed to allergens through a light scratch in skin

systemic lupus erythematosus

autoimmune disease in which immune system attacks connective tissue throughout the body such as in joints and skin


severe itching associated with hives, usually seen in allergic reactions to food, stress or medications


exposure to weakened pathogen to stimulate immune response and antibody production to give future protection against full-blown disease (immunization)


without breath


lack of oxygen that can lead to unconsciousness and death, suffocation


inhaling fluid or foreign object into airways


disease caused by various conditions, such as allergies, or stress and resulting in bronchospasm, excessive mucus production, inflammation, airway constriction, wheezing and coughing


condition which lung tissue collapses, preventing respiratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide


any medication that causes bronchi to dilate

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

progressive, chronic, and usually irreversible condition in which air flow to and from lungs in decreased; emphysema + chronic bronchitis (COPD)

cystic fibrosis

genetic condition that causes patient to produce very thick mucus resulting in severe congestion within lungs and digestive system


pulmonary condition resulting from destruction of alveolar walls leading to overinflated alveoli

endotracheal intubation

placing tube through mouth and into trachea to maintain open airway and facilitate artificial ventilation


deficiency of oxygen in blood


having insufficient amount of oxygen in tissues


patient who needs to sit up straight in order to breathe comfortably


thick mucus in the respiratory tract


inflammation of pleura

plural effusion

abnormal presence of fluid or gas in pleural cavity


acute inflammatory condition of lung (can be bacterial, viral or fungal)


collection of air or gas in pleural cavity, which can result in collapse of lung

pulmonary edema

condition in which lung tissue retains excessive amount of fluid results in dyspnea


pus filled sputum


the interchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the lungs


mucus or phlegm that is coughed up and spit out from respiratory tract

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

unexpected and unexplained death of apparently well infant, that stops breathing while sleeping

upper respiratory infection

an infection involving the nasal passages, pharynx, and bronchi


the movement of air into and out of the lungs


mechanical device to assist patient to breath (respirator)

vital signs

respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature and blood pressure


accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity

barium enema

X-ray examination of intestine and colon using barium as contrast medium


chronic liver disease

Chrohn disease

chronic inflammatory bowel disease with mucus membrane ulcers


acute intestinal condition with pain, diarrhea, and blood and mucus in stools

gastric bypass

surgical treatment for obesity; portion of stomach is staple off and bypasses so that it hold less food

gastroesophageal reflux disease

occurs when stomach acid backs up into esophagus


varicose veins in rectum

irritable bowel syndrome

disturbance in normal functioning of bowel symptoms; abdominal pain & diarrhea


yellow-colored skin and whites of eyes associated with liver disease


feeling of urge to vomit

peptic ulcer disease

craterlike erosion occurring on mucus membrane of lower esophagus, stomach and/or duodenum

total parental nutrition

nutrient-complete solution given directly into blood stream when person cannot eat by mouth

ulcerative colitis

chronic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by formation of ulcers on mucus membrane of colon

barium swallow

X-ray examination of esophagus and stomach using barium as a contrast medium


length of bowel that becomes twisted around itself

upper gastrointestinal series

administering of barium contrast material orally and then taking X-ray to visualize esophagus, stomach and duodenum (barium swallow)

lower gastrointestinal series

X-ray image of colon and rectum is taken after administration of barium dye by enema (barium enema)


inflammation of the diverticulum (an out pouching of the gut), especially in the colon; inflammation often results when food becomes trapped within pouch


condition of having diverticula (an out pouching off the gut)


small tumor with pedicle or stem attachment; commonly found on mucous membranes such as lining of colon; may be pre-cancerous


passage of dark tarry stools, color is result of digestive enzymes working on blood in stool



benign prostatic hypertrophy

noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland

blood urea nitrogen

blood test to determine kidney function by measuring level of urea, in blood


stone formed within organ


flexible tube inserted into body for the purpose of moving fluids into or out of body (in urinary system used to drain urine from bladder)


congenital anomaly involving failure of one or both of testes to descend into scrotal sac before birth

digital rectal exam

direct examination for the presence of enlarged prostate gland performed by palpating prostate gland with finger through wall of rectum


involuntary urination (urinary incontinence)

erectile dysfunction

inability to achieve erection of penis for coitus (impotence-old term)


treatment for renal failure using artificial kidney to filter waste from blood


state of difficulty initiating flow of urine


accumulation of fluid within scrotum


destroying or crushing stones in bladder or urethra

peritoneal dialysis

artificial means to remove waste substance from body by placing warm, chemically balanced solution into peritoneal cavity


narrowing of prepuce over glans penis

renal failure

inability of kidneys to filter wastes from blood and/or produce urine


force or impulse of needing to urinate immediately


laboratory test: physical chemical & microscopic examination of urine

urinary catheterization

insertion of flexible tube, catheter, into urinary bladder through urethra to withdraw urine or insert dye

urinary tract infection

infection of urethra and/or urinary bladder


development of varicose veins of veins leading to testes in scrotum

abruptio placentae

emergency condition occurring when placenta tears away form uterine wall prior to birth of fetus; requires baby’s immediate birth

cesarean section

surgical birth of baby thorough incision into abdominal and uterine walls


surgical removal of a core of cervical tissue for biopsy


hernia or outpouching of bladder protrudes into vagina

dilation and curretage

surgical procedure consisting of widening cervix and scraping out of endometrial lining

ectopic pregnancy

pregnancy occurring outside of uterus


endometrial tissue appears throughout abdominopelvic cavity

fibroid tumor

benign tumor of fiberlike tissue


abnormal passagewaythat develops between two structures


no pregnancy afterproperly timed intercourse for one year

pap (papanicolaou) smear

test for earlydetection of cervical cancer; cells are removed from cervix by simple scrapingand examined under microscope

pelvic inflammatory disease

chronic or acuteinfection that ascends through female reproductive tract and into pelvic cavity

placenta previa

placenta forms in lower portion of uterus and blocks the birth canal

premature birth

birth of fetus before 37 weeks of gestation

premenstrual syndrome

symptoms that develop just prior to onset of menstrual period; can include irritability, headache, tender breasts, and anxiety

prolapsed uterus

fallen uterus that can cause cervix to protrude through vaginal opening


protrusion or herniation of rectum into vagina

spontaneous abortion

discharge of embryo form uterus before about the 20th week of gestation (miscarriage)

alzheimer disease

chronic brain condition involving progressivedisorientation, speech and gait disturbances, and loss of memory

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

disease with muscular weakness and atrophy due to degeneration of motor neurons of spinal cord (Lou Gehrig disease)


medication to rescue excitability of neurons and to prevent uncontrolled neuron activity associated with seizures

central nervous system

the portion of the nervous system consisting of the brain an spinal cord

cerebral contusion

bruising of brain from impact; symptoms last longer than 24 hours and include unconsciousness, dizziness, vomiting, unequal pupil size, and shock

cerebral palsy

non progressive brain damage resulting from defect in fetal development or trauma or oxygen deprivation at time of birth

cerebrovascular accident

development of brain infarct due to loss in blood supply to brain (CVA)


profound unconsciousness or stupor resulting from illness or injury


injury to brain when brain is shaken inside skull due to impact; symptoms last 24 hours or less and can include dizziness, vomiting, unequal pupil size and shock


state of mental confusion with lack of orientation to time and place


progressive impairment of intellectual function that interferes with performing activities of daily living


recurrent disorder of brain; seizures and loss of consciousness occur as result of uncontrolled neuron electrical activity


paralysis on only one side of body


buildup of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain

lumbar puncture

puncture with needle into lumbar vertebral area to withdraw fluid for examination or injection of medication (spinal tap)


specific type of headache characterized by sever head pain, sensitivity to light, dizziness, and nausea

multiple sclerosis

inflammatory autoimmune disease of central nervous system; immune system damages myelin around neurons and results in extreme weakness and numbness


temporary or permanent loss of muscle function and movement


paralysis of the lower portion of body and both legs

parkinson disease

chronic disorder of the nervous system with fine tremors, muscular weakness, rigidity, and shuffling gait

peripheral nervous system

the portion of the nervous system consisting of cranial nerves & spinal nerves


paralysis of all four extremities,


sudden, uncontrollable onset of symptoms; a convulsion or other clinically detectable event caused by a sudden discharge of electrical activity in the brain


artificially passage to divert flow from one main route to another

spinal cord injury

damage to spinal cord as are result of trauma

subdural hematoma

mass of blood forming underneath the dura matter when meninges are torn by trauma



transient ischemic attack

temporary reduction of blood supply to brain; causes symptoms such as syncope, numbness, and hemiplegia


chronic condition developing in adults with excessive growth hormone; results in elongation and enlargement of bones of head and extremities


congenital condition causing lack of thyroid hormones; results in poor physical and mental development

cushing syndrome

condition resulting from hypersecretion of adrenal cortex; symptoms include weakness, edema, excess hair growth, skin discoloration and osteoporosis

diabetes mellitus

chronic disorder of sugar metabolism; symptoms include hyperglycemia and glycosuria


being excessively short in height; can result form lack of growth hormone


condition in which eyeballs protrude

fasting blood sugar

blood test to measure amount of sugar in blood stream after 12-hour fast


excessive growth of body due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in a child or teenager

glucose tolerance test

test to determine blood sugar level; measured dose of glucose given to patient either orally or intravenously; blood samples drawn at certain intervals to determine ability of patient to use glucose; used for diabetic patients to determine their insulin response to glucose


enlargement of the thyroid gland

graves disease

condition resulting from hypersecretion of thyroid hormones


condition resulting from extreme hypersecretion of thyroid gland; symptoms include rapid heart action, tremors, enlarged thyroid gland, exophthalmos, and weight loss

type I diabetes mellitus

pancreas stops producing insulin; can be autoimmune disease, tends to develop early in life

type II diabetes mellitus

pancreas produces normal to high levels of insulin but cells fail to respond; tends to develop later in life


male secondary characteristics in the female