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24 Cards in this Set

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Human Services

Helping people meet their needs by overcoming obstacles to achieve their highest function in society.

Blood ties are to what


Religious ties are to what

Charitable organizations (the Red Cross)

Nation state is to what

Social welfare laws such as SSA

During the feudal period of english history, who cared for the poor and sick?

the landowners or lords took care of their serfs that worked their land.

The elizabeth poor laws of 1601 stated what three laws?

-Primary responsibility for provision lay with ones family.

-Poor people should be handled at the local level.

-People are not allowed to settle in a different community if they cannot support themselves.

The values of rough, rugged, and hard working came from what religious denomination?

The protestants.

What philisophical concept applied the theory of natural selection to human social order and heavily influences how we percieve the poor to this day?

Social Darwinism

what does Jane Addams establish that is the first community based social servies agency inthe U.S?

Settlement house movement

What is the name of the most influential peice of social welfare legislation to ever pass in the U.S under the leadership of FDR in 1935?

Social Security Act

What is ethnicity?

Refers to the complete cultural aspects of a group of people.

First type of Civil Rights policy enacted at the federal level came in the form of anti-discrimination policies in the military by president Truman......T or F


What is Prejudice?

Holding an opinion without just ground.-Legal

What is Discrimination

Denial of a equal treatment of a person just because they are apart of a certain system

individual discrimination

(Not intentional)Harmful behavior of one person toward members of a particular race or ethnic group.

Institutional discrimination

(intentional)Harmful behavior toward a particular race that originates from specific policies and leaderships of an organization.

What is privalege, and what are examples of white privalege?

Privalege- Unnearned access to resources

White privaleges- being hired more easily to a job, having only white skin color for barbies.

what is the principal of fundemental error?

Saying, " My low income is due to misforutne, while yours is due to laziness"

T or F. Homeless people tend to be depressed, have feelings of hopelessness, and powerless.


what is the fastest growing population of homeless people? what are characteristics of this population?

Single mothers and their children.

-Reported having childern early, dosrupting education/career goals.

-Reported histories of sexual/physical abuse as a child

A major peice of legislation reauthorized in 2009 that sets most current US policies and supportive programs for the homeless, including educationg homeless children.?

The vento homeless assistance act

Absolute poverty?

Federally based, there is a certain amount of income, if you are below it, then you are poor.

Relative poverty?

if you earn less than the 1/2 of the nations median income.

why does poverty tend to pass from one generation to another

-Lowering wages, while cost of everything else rises

-Education cost too much.

-people can only afford to send there children to terrible schools, in bad locations.