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41 Cards in this Set

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Constitutional law

Supreme law of Canada

Charter of Rights and freedoms

Settles disputes between people and government

Human rights law

Prohibits discrimination in employment

Human rights commission deals with complaints

13 prohibited grounds of discrimination

Employment equity legislation

Set up in Canadian organizations

Promotes entry and retention of designated groups

Increase workforce diversity

Labour Law, Employment Standards, Privacy Legislation

Minimum standards for employees to abide by (accessibility, privacy, equity)

Rules for union activity

Direct discrimination

A practice that intentionally discriminates against a prohibited ground

Employer must prove validity (BFOR)

Adverse Effect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination

Practices that inadvertently have a negative impact on a protected group

Adverse impact

Selection rate for a protected group is lower

Protected groups



Place of origin

Ethnic origin







Family status

Marital status

Sexual orientation

Gender identity

Gender expression

Public assistance

Record of offenses

Designated groups


Indigenous peoples

Persons with disabilities

Members of visible minorities

Undue hardship

Limit beyond which employers are not expected to provide accommodation

Reasonable accommodation

Discrimination has occured and the employer must accomodate an employee or group


Getting enough people to apply to a posted position with the right type of qualities


Choosing which candidate has the qualities that will meet objectives and requirements of the organization

Economic booms

Recruitment > Selection

More job openings than candidates

Skilled labour shortage

Companies may outsource

Economic slowdown

Selection > Recruitment

More candidates than job openings

Cutbacks, hiring freezes, layoffs, skilled labour surplus



The degree to which an observes score measures a construct accurately

Observed score

Obtained through testing, comprised of true score and measurement error

Systematic error

Same degree of error each time


Reliable but not valid/accurate

Classical test theory

Performance (x) = True Score (T) - Error (e)

Unsystematic error

Irregular deviation of the true result

Reliability coefficient

Degree that observed scores of the same characteristic correlate

0.7 acceptable

0.8 preferred

0.9 rare

Parallel reliability test

Different tests with the same degree of difficulty should yield the same result

Test and Re-Test

Should yield similar results for the same person on different occasions

Internal consistency

Multiple questions testing the same attribute yield the same result

Assumption of homogeneity: all questions test the same thing

Inter-rater reliability

Multiple interviewers or reviewers yield the same result


Legitimacy or correctness

Does the test measure what it was supposed to?

Content validation

Does the test capture the right subject matter?

Construct validation

To what degree does the test assess what it was meant to?

Criterion-related validation

Relationship between test score and outcome measured

Face validity

Does the test taker have the perception that the test is valid?

Predictive validity

Pre-hire test score validated by job performance

Concurrent validity

Two tests taken do they both give the same result

Validity coefficient

0.21-0.35 good

>0.35 ideal

Validity generalization

Taking what is learned in other studies and applying it in an organization


Systematic errors in measurements

Predictive bias

When the predicted performance of one group is under predicted relative to the majority

Fairness (4)

Equitable treatment in testing process

Lack of bias

Requiring equal outcomes

Ensuring no barriers for any group

Job Analysis

Collecting information about a job systematically


Job description

Summary of the job analysis information

What the worker is required to do and how

Job specification

States KSAOs and compensable factors used in job evaluations

Job vs Position

Job: group of tasks, held by multiple people, collection of positions

Position: group of tasks of one person, collection of individual duties