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43 Cards in this Set

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an organizations planned effort to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities, and behaviors with the goal of applying these on the job
instructional design
assess needs for training, ensure readiness for training, plan training program, implement training, and evaluate results of training
organization analysis, personal analysis, task analysis
3 levels of need assessment
request for proposal
going to do training but not in-house. want someone else to do training for them. they bid to do training
a work-study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on the job training and classroom training
on the job learning sponsored by an institution as a component of an academic program
adventure learning
a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured outdoor activiites
action learning
training in which teams get an actual problem, work on it commit to an action plan, and are accountable for carrying it out
training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effecitvely learn about their organization and establish work relationships
transfer of training
on the job use of knowledge skills and behaviors learned in training
reaction, learning, behavior, results
what are kirkpatricks 4 levels of analysis
Measure trainees reactions, impressions, beliefs about the training
Immediate knowledge
Knowledge retention
Behavioral/skill demonstration
are what level of analysis
refers to actually performing the learned behaviors (tasks) or utilizing the gained knowledge or attitude back on the job
refers to the economic value of the training program
force distribution
method of performance measurement that assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories
simple ranking / rank order
method of performance measurement that requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest
paired comparision
method of performance measurement that compares each employee with each other employee to establish rankings
mix standard scales
methos of performance measurement that uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait
behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars)
method of performance measurement that rates behavior in terms of a scale showing specific statements of behaviors that behavior that describe different levels of performance
administrative purpose
making decisions on a day to day basic about salary benefits and recognition programs based on appraisal
organizational behavior modification
a plan for managing the behavior of employees through a formal system of feedback and reinforcement
graphic rating scale
method of performance measurement that lists traits and provides a rating scale for each trait; the employer uses the scale to indicate the extent to which an employee displays each trait
actual criterion
measures or operationalizations of the conceptual criterion
theoretical criterion
and abstract idea that can never actually be measured
Have to find some way to operationalize conceptual criterion
criterion deficiency
should be judged on it but arent
criterion contamination
judged on something you should not be
applications of performance appraisal
personnel training, wage and salary administration, placement, promotions, discharges
leniency error
when raters provide ratings that are higher than “true” performance
severity error
- when raters provide ratings that are lower than “true” performance
central tendency error
When raters evaluate everyone as “middle of the road
Rater does not distinguish b/w
performance dimensions
Performance factors are not distinct - makes feedback difficult
frame of reference
Provides raters with common standards (frames)
Trainees shown vignettes of poor, average, and good performance
requires orgs with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave
guarantee that when employees become particiapnts in a pensin plan and work a number of years they will receive pension at retirement
relatively low across all dimensions
flexible spending account
employee controlled pretax earnings set aside to pay for certain eligible expenses such as health care expenses during the same year
health mainenance organization
health care plan that requires patients to receive their medical care from the HMOs health care professionals who are often paid flat salary and proveds all services on a prepaid basis
preferred provider organization
health care plan that contracts with health care to provide services at a reduced fee and gives patients financial incentives to use network providers
defined benefit plan
pension plan that quarentees a specified level of retirement income
defined contribution planm
retirement plan in which the employer set up an individual account for each employee and specifies the size of the investment into that account
cafeteria style plan
a benefits plan that offers employees a set of alternatives from which they can choose the types and amonts of beenfits they want
managed care
insurer plays a role in determining care through claims reviews & requiring approval before surgery/hospital visits/procedures