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21 Cards in this Set

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affirmative action
a strategy intended to achieve fair employment by urging employers to hire certain groups of people who were discriminated against in the past
fair employment
the goal of EEO legislation and regualtion: a situation in which employment decisions are not affected by illegal discrimination

can be achieved by:
1. making employment decisions without regard o race, sex, or age.
2. using affirmative action, whcih requires that employment decisions be made, at least in part, on the basis of characteristics such as race, sex, or age
equal pay act 1963
the law that requires the same pay for men and women who do the same job in the same organization, equal in terms of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions
exceptions to the equal pay act 1963
- does not prohibit the use of a merit pay plan
- companies are permitted to paay for differences in quality and quantity
- any factor, other than sex, may be used to justify different pay rates
titlve vii
section of the civil rights act of 1964 that applies to employment decisions; mandates that employment decisions not be based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
protected class
a group of people who have suffered from discrimination in the past and who are given special protection by the judicial system
making distinctions
disparate treatment
discriminatin that occurs when individuals are treated differently because of their membership in a protected class
adverse (disparate) impact
discrimination that occurs when the equal application of an employment standardhas an unequal effect on one or more protected classes
Griggs vs. Duke Power
duke power implemented promotion standards that included a highschool diploma and passing scores on two tests
1. they had an adverse impact on a protected class (african americans)
2. they were unable to show that the standards were related to job performace

if the outcomes of a standard is such that a protected class suffers from adverse impact ,then the organization is required to demonstrate that the standard used in the decision process is related to the job
four-fifths rules
an eeoc provision for establishing a prima facie (on its face) case that an HR practice is discriminatory and has an adverse impact.

a practice has an adverse impact if the hiring rate of a protected class is less than four-fifths the hiring rate of a majority group
employers can make decisions using the following four things:
- job relatedness
- bona fide occupational qualification (bfoq)
- seniority
- business necessity
bona fide occupational qualification (bfoq)
a characteristic that must be present in all employees for a particular job
job relatedness
the employer must show that the dcision was made for job-related reasons
decisions made in the context of a formal seniority
business necessity
can be used when empoloyment practice is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the organization and there is an overriding business purpose for the discriminatory practice
quid pro quo sexual harassment
when sexual activity is demanded in return for getting or keeping a job or job-related benefit
hostile work environment sexual harassment
when the behavior of coworkers, supervisors,customers, or anyone else in the work setting is sexual in nature and the employee perceives the behavior as offensive or undesirable
age discriminiation in employment act (adea)
prohibits discrimination against people over 40
americans with disabilities act (ada)
a law forbidding employment discirmination against people with disabilities who are able to perform the essential functions of the joob with or without reasonable accomodation
two main agencies responsible for enforcing EEO laws:
equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC)

office of federal contract compliance programs (OFCCP)