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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the high-risk HPV strains?

1. 16, 18, 31, 33

2. Many more

What area of the female anatomy serves as a nidus for HPV progression?

1. Transformation zone

2. Endocervix--- columnar epithelium

3. Ectocervix--- squamous epithelium

What are the risk factors for HPV infection?

1. Sexual activity

2. Multiple partners

3. Younger age at sexual debut

4. Lack of condom use

What are the risk factors for persistent HPV infection/neoplastic progression?

1. Smoking

2. High-risk HPV infection

3. Increasing age

4. Lack of condom use

What are the three parts of the approach to cervical cancer prevention?

1. Screen through cytology

2. Evaluate positive screen with colposcopy and cervical bx

3. Tx of women with bx-confirmed high-grade cervical cancer precursors

What is the use of liquid-based cytology?

1. Reflex HPV testing

2. Can also test for gonorrhea and chlamydia

What are the recommendations for HPV screening?

1. Start at 21--- Continue every 2 years until 30----

2. At 30, if no + bx, change to every 2-3 years

3. End at 65-70 if there is hx of 3 normal paps in past 10 years

What are the guidelines for screening for HPV in a hysterectomy patient?

1. Not necessary

What are the classifications of squamous dysplasia?


2. ASC-H



What are the glandular cell abnormalities?

1. AGC

2. NOS

3. Atypical glandular cells, favor neoplastic

4. AIS

5. Adenocarcinoma

What is the significance of ASC-US?

1. Half of all CIN 2/3 are dx in women with ASC-US

What is the significance of ASC-H?

1. Higher risk for CIN 2/3 than in ASC-US

What is the significance of LSIL?

1. Good indicator of HPV infection

What is the significance of HSIL?

1. 2% of women with HSIL have invasive cancer

What is the significance of AGC?

1. More common in women 40 years and older

2. 3-17% have invasive cancer