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100 Cards in this Set

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Continuous spectrum
Law #1 – The excited atoms within a hot dense object give off light of all colors (wavelengths) and produce a continuous spectrum -- a complete rainbow of colors (range of wavelengths) without any spectral lines
Emission line spectrum
Law #2 – The excited atoms within a hot, cloud of gas give off only particular colors (wavelengths) of light and produce an emission line spectrum - a series of bright spectral lines against a dark background.
Absorption line spectrum
Law #3 – When the light from a hot dense object passes through a cool cloud of gas, the atoms within the cloud can absorb particular colors (wavelengths) of light and produce a absorption line spectrum - a series of dark spectral lines among the colors of the rainbow.

Stars give off this ****
Stefan Boltzmann's

Wein's law
The Inverse Square Law
Recall how the force of gravity works
Fgrav = Gm1 x m2 /r2
Apparent brightness also decreases as 1/ r2 so as distance doubles: brightness is decreased by 1/4
distance halves: brightness increases by 4 times
What is the name given to 2H
When an atom losses an atom, it becomes
What is an atom reffered to when it looses an electron?
How does the sun shine?
The sun shines because gravitational equilibrium keeps its core hot and dense enough to release energy through nuclear fusion.
The spectral classes
Oh be a fine girl kiss me
Absolute magnitude
Absolute magnitude is a star’s intrinsic brightness (luminosity).
Apparent magnitude
Apparent magnitude is how a star’s brightness appears to our eyes here on Earth.
Relationship between apparent magnitude and absolute
Absolute Magnitude (M) is the apparent magnitude it would have if it were at a distance of 10pc (32 LYRS) from Earth. Sun’s absolute magnitude is about 4.8 which means it would have an apparent magnitude of 4.8 if it were 10 pc away from
Who was the HR diagram idiot (400,000) stars?
Annie Jump Cannon
What can we learn about a star from a life track on an H-R diagram?
a) how long ago it was born
b) when it will die
c) where it is located
d) what surface temperature and luminosity it will have at each stage of its life
Stages of life for a Low mass star
protostar, main-sequence, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf

if WD has a binary it can Nova (repeatedly)

or supernova (leaves no remnants)
"we're all made of star stuff"
Carl Sagan.
The elements in our body were manufactured in the core of stars and released in a supernova explosion enriching the ISM (interstellar medium)
High mass starts life line
Cloud Big main sequence super red giant

Type II Supernova

(blackhole if huge, neutron star is just big)
HR diagram axies
Y small = bright
Y larger= dim

X small = hot
X large = cool

Top, right = big radius
Enzo star gives off the same amount of energy as Ferdinand star.
But Enzo star is much hotter than Ferdinand star. Which star has the greater
surface area?
When does a protostar become a true star?
When nuclear fusion begins in the core
When does a star become a main-sequence star?
When the rate of hydrogen fusion within the star’s core is high enough to maintain gravitational equilibrium
What happens in a helium flash?
The core quickly heats up and expands
Stars condense from clouds of gas and dust. The gas is hydrogen, while the dust is made up of mainly _________ and _____________.
Carbon and silicone
Layers of the sun from center outward
core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, carona
From highest to lowest energy, list the categories of EM radiation
Gamma rays, x Rays, UV, visible light, infared, radio
Short answer: what kind of spectrum is going down in a neon "open sign"
Emission because the changing from one energy state to a different are transitions from high to low and the photon gives off red light
If you analyze the light from a low density object (such as a cloud of interstellar gas), surrounding a hot solid which type of spectrum would you see?
Dark like absorption spectrum
When you move up in energy levels,
there is an abosrtions of energy and more collisions occur; student 2
If the distance between us and a star is tripled, everything else held constant, the luminosity
remains the same but the aparent brightness is decreased by a factor of 9
What are the letters after OBAFGKM?
What is a planetary nebula?
The expanding shell of gas that is no longer gravitationally held to the remnants of a low mass star
Age of universe
13 Billion
age of our solar system
4.6 billion
Age of earth
4.5 Billion
Center of the sun fusion converts _________ into __________ and converts mass into ____________
Hydrogen, helium, energy
__________ is the only planet other than earth that initially formed at the outermost location where the temperature was high enough for water to be a liquid
sun shines though a ___________________ exchange
A spread out stellar cloud has __________ gravitational potential energy than a condensed solar system
Planetary nebula
expanding shell of gas that is no longer held gravitationally helf to the remnants of a low mass star
how much mass of the solar system is held in our sun?
What protexts us agains solar flars and winds?
Earth's magnetic field
How far is a light year?
10 trillion KM
How big is the milky way
100,000 light years in diameter
What is the ecliptic?
a plane that contains the orbit of all the planets
A blackbody?
onject that absorbs all the radiation upon it
formed foundation for greek astronomy
Earth wind fire water
Heliocentril model
First to use telescope, motion of falling objects
p^2 = A^2, developed own set of laws for planetarymotion in the solar system
geocentric model
Calculated the circumference of the Earth
determine the relationship between how far a distant galaxy is to the speed it is moving away
The set of constellations visible in the night sky changes from month to month dye to
the orbit of the Earth around the sun
A constellation visible from one pont on Earth might looks like what in a different country
maybe completely different
Stars located near the north pole are
Galelio's observations of the phases of venus proved that
all planets move directly around the sun
Kepler's first law
the planets orbit the sun with elliptical orbits. The sun is at a focus of the ellipse
Kelper's second law
as a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times, meaning a planet travels faster when it is nearer to the sun and slower when it is farther away
Kepler's 3rd law
the squares of the time periods of the orbits of the planets are directy proportional to the cubes of their radii
A consequence of Kepler's 3rd law
planets travel slower the further tthey are away from the sun
A major obstacle in the verifcation of Kep's 3rd law was
gravity had not yet been discovered
EM waves are
self propigating waves made up of both an electric and mangnetic field working together. They are a form of radiant energy created when electric charges accelerate
Absorption spectrum would be mainly used to
analyze elements present in stars
A cool, low density (thin) gas is located in from of a hot solid,
Fusion is the
combining of atoms
The most massive element produces by the fusion reaction in stars is
When the core of a star srinks after hydrogen fusion dtops
the core heats and the star expands
Spectral type,surface temp and color all describe
the same basic characterstic of a star
Mass is the one property of a star that will
determine the rest of the characteristics of that star's life
Will our sun become a nova?
no, it has not binary companion
Black holes are fromed
from the supernovae of the most massive stars
When a star exhaustes its core hydrogen supply
its core contracts but its outer layers expand and the star becomes biigger and brighter
the core of a star after a planetary nebula becomes a
white dwarf
stars spend ____ of their lives in the main sequence
a white dawrf star is the
bright core that is left behind from a red giant fter its planetary nebula separates from the core
the remnant of a very high mass star is
a black muddafukin hole
How far is our solar system from the center of the galaxy to the outskirts of the galactic dick within the milky chain galaxy?
2/3 the way from center
Compared with stars in the disk, orbits of stars in the halo are
ellipitical with random orientation
the sun is approximately _____________ from the center of the galaxy
28000 ight years
Breakdown of interstellar medium in milkey way
70% carbon, 28% helium 2%other
Parts of milky way's structure
Bulge, the disk and the halo
The conditions necessary for a terrestrial planet to have a strong magnetic field
molten metallic core and reasonably fast rotation
All planets in the solar system do not
rotate in the same direction as they orbit the sun
______ has the most metal in it
Based on the results from the WMAP satellite, the overall composition of the universe is
4% ordinary (baryonic) matter 23% nonbaryonic dark matter, 73% Dark energy
Observing liight from a galaxy 100million light years away is
observing the light from the galaxy as it was 100 million years ago, redshifted
The cosmological principal
matter in the universe is evenly distributed without a center or edge
Key requirement for life is
liquid water
Proof of big bang
cosmic background microwave radiation is a remnent of the heat.

galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called "Hubble's Law," This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted.
Light from the distant viverse
shows how old we are
which group of particles has the greatest mass?
four individual protons
the center of the sun converts hydrogen into
helium energy and neutrinos
constellations slowly change shape over the years due to
the motion of the earth around the sun
if the distance between us and a star is quadrupled, the apparent brightness is decreased by
a factor of 16
What produces the 21-cm line that we use to map out the Milky Way Galaxy
atomic hydrogen
If Earth’s atmosphere was able to completely absorb visible light, which of the following would
be true?
the earths surface temp would be cool,er
earth is primarily heated by
visible and infrared light
Some people wish that we lived in a recollapsing universe that would eventually
stop expanding and start contracting. For this to be the case, which of the
following would have to be true (based on current understanding)?
Dark energy does not exist and there is much more dark matter
than we are aware of to date.