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105 Cards in this Set

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charateristics of wobbles
incoord in hind quarters
degeneration of 3rd and 4th spinal vert
what breeds are prone to epitheliogenesis imperfecta
saddlebreds, qhorses, belgians
what happens to foals with epitheliogenesis imperfecta
aborted or stillborn-missing skin on rump, neck, legs
inheritance of epitheliogenesis imperfecta
autosomal recessive
both parents are carriers
definition of blemish
looks bad but doesnt affect horses work
definition of unsoundness
directly interferes with servicability. can be temporary or permanent
soft surfaces create what issues?
hard surfaces create what issues?
soft=soft tissue injuries (ligaments)
hard=issues for hard tissues-bone, cart
characteristics of blindness...kinda a given
cloudy eyes, dialated pupils, hesitant movement
what is periodic opthalmia
moon blindness
a step infection that makes antigens to irritate eyes, may lead to total blindness. unsoundness
night blindness
caused by vit a deficiency
temp unsound
what is parrot or monkey mouth?
parrot-overshot jaw
may lead to issues consuming feed
describe fistulais withers
bruise and pressure from saddle, can take a long time to heal
temp unsoundness
-permanent lameness if bursa is damaged
bucked shins-what are they
like shin splints in humans
sore shins in young horses worked at high speeds
need lots of rest
Temp unsound
bowed tendon
strain causes damage to superficial dig flexor tendon
what contributes to bowed tendons
over exertion and fatigue
long toes
training surfaces that are inadequate
what defines a carpal fracture
hyperextension of the knee
from poor conformation
unsoundness or just temp unsound
ringbone- what is it
new bone growth in 1st and 3nd phalanges
caused by trauma or concussion
arthritis in older horses
unsoundness-light riding may be ok
what is sidebone?
calcification of lateral cartilige of hoof
lame during the calcification time, then it is only a blemish
define splints
bone remodeling of 2nd and 4th metacarpal bones due to increased concussion
can be temp unsound or blemish
what is sesamoiditis
degenerative sesamoid (proximal_ inflammation and possible fractures
caused by over use around joints, swollen ankles
what is navicular disease
degeneration of distal sesamoid bone, irritation of deep flexor tendon
what is stifled?
patella is displaced upward and to inside. locks and wont slip back
can happen when horse is out of shape and cant extend leg
temp unsound
what is stringhald
involuntary flexion of hock
unsoundness-no cure
what is a capped hock
enlarged point of hock caused by bruising
can be B, US or TUS
qhat is bog spavin
distended hock joint capsule
synovial membrane is inflamed
post legged,
what is thoroughpin
enlargement of hollow of hock, can push from one side of the leg to another
blemish, unsoundness/temp
what is bone spavin in horses
big problem
new bone growth in the hock.
from conforrmation issues (post legged, cow hocked, sickle hock)
unsoundness, arthritis, pain
what is curb
enlarged plantar lig below the hock
can be t or b
effects of detrimental parasites-4 things
lowers feed efficiency
reduces performance
can kill horse
affects digestion
symptoms of a worm issue
can develop slowly
rough hair coat
low bcs
colic, diarrhea
pot bellied
lower immunity
prone to lameness
3 ways to deworm-what is most popular
past is most popular
other forms, nasogastric tube and pellets
facts about strongid c
deworm with ivermectin first
then fed eod
it works well but is expensive
purpose of rotating classes of dewormers
not critical, but gets rid of bots
use ivermectin in fall!
how to be effective with deworming
must treat all horses on the property
dosing and deworming
it is ok to give 1200lbn dose to 1000lb horse
deworming schedule
deworm every 3-4 mon
(every 3 months in horses housed closely)
weanings and yearlins - every 2 months
name 6 kinds of worms
strongyloides westeri
facts about ascarids
aka roundworms
live 10-12 weeks-larvae are most problematic
adults can develop immunity-greater prob in foals
steam stalls to kill eggs
lifecycles of worms:
ascarids: 10-12 weeks
strongyles: 6 mon
bots: 11-12 mon
dangers of strongyles
can lead to scar tiss, anemia, lameness
horses are only host
block blood in intestine and muscle
what are strongyloides westeri
smaller than true strongule
foals are infected via dam's milk
deworm mares!
what are bots
insect as adult, not a worm
looks like a fly
larval stage is a parasite.
in stomach all winter can lead to gastric rupture
eggs hatch and larvae in stomach when horse licks chest and legs
what are pinworms
located around horse's tailhead
yellow stick eggs cause itching
not harmful
what are habronema
stomach worm
fly gives larvae to horse,
symptoms of rabies
facial paralysis
teeth grinding
be concerned if horse has bite on the nose
another name for tetanus
symptoms of tetanus
muscle spasms
prolapsed 3rd eyelid
puncture wounds
2 types of injections
antitoxin-kills organsm. short duration (2 weeks)
toxoid-typical. effective after 2 weeks
encephalomyelitis-sleeping sickness
high temp
abnormal gait, depression, sedated look
carriers and trasmitters of EE in horses
birds are carriers
mosquitos transmit to horses
so vacc in spring in summer before mosq arrive
facts about WNV
less of a concern now. started on the east, only one horse in michigan who had it in recent years
immunity develops from exposure
which types of horses should get flu vacc
show horses
2 initial injections then booster yearly
symptoms of rhino
high temp, cough, clear discharge
symptoms of strangles
inflamed lymph nodes btwn jaws
thick nasal discharge
caused by bacteria
dont give anitibiotics because it can come back worse. just rest.
equine protozoal myelitis (epm)
lack of coordination
difficulty eating

caused by possums!
difficulties with testing for epm
60% of blood tested horses show positive. spinal tap may be effective.
if horses rest they can get better
'trainers friend'
what happens if there is rear leg unsoundness
hip hike
what happens if there is front leg unsoundness
head bobs

down on sound
what it could mean if horse has preference to a certain lead
trained for one lead only
if r lead, l leg could be bothersome
hind leg lameness
if horse wants to go to right, its left ind leg. so leg doesnt have to move as far forward
cross cantering
wrong lead behing.
right: rh...lh and lf...rh..suspensory
potomac horse fever
what happens and symptoms
caused by rickettsia germ that inhabits wbc
horses have appetite loss, relapse into fever, diarrhea, colic, founder...

vacc not necessarily effective
equine infectious anemia (eia)
anemia, lower limb swelling
high temp, lack of app, weakness, jaundice
testing for eia
coggins test. if tested positive, horse is euth
options if horse tests positive for EIA

name metabolic disorders
tying up
colic symptoms
increased heart rate, blood press, temp
restlessness, pawing
repeatedly lying down, rolling, nipping at sides, no gut sounds/fecal passage
2 causes of colic
feeding mismanagement
heavy parasite infestations
3 types of colic
advice for feeding to prevent colic
feed by weight, not volume!
feed at regular intervals
dont let creep feed get empty for foals
feed roughage-ad lib unless fat
secure feed so horses cant get to it
what is spasmodic colic
irritation to gi tract caused by parasites, migration, or abusive diet
what is flatulent colic
usually involves cecum and lg colon
excess carbs
methane production then streches intesting. very painful
what is obstructive colic
impaction. when feed is undigested and blocks gi tract
common cause for colic in foals
common cause for colic in adult horses
inadequate h2o uptake
symptoms of laminitis
hot feet, t pulse
rock to back feet
reluctant to stand, move
laminitis is a systematic disease caused by _____ (4 factors)
grain: too much, not enough time to digest starch so goes to hindgut
foal founder: mare retains placenta
grass founder: insulin resistant horses more prone
road founder: work on pavement
3 phases of founder
describe developmental phase of founder
lameness begins
changes in endocrine sys. kidneys, blood cotting system, microbe change in hindgut
can prevent if treated early
description of acute phase of founder
from start of lameness until 2 days later
or until separation of coffin bone from hoof wall
lack of oxygen in geet, reduced cap blood flow
without oxygen, acute becomes chronic
if coffin bone rotates, will occur for a lifetime
rings on hoof or excess hoof growth
coffin bone may break through sole
another word for pulmonary emphysema
what causes heaves
chronic cough in dusty areas, feed
heave line appears
no cure, but management can reduce problem
laryngeal hemiplesia aka

damage to laryngeal nerve.
loss of muscular control to vocal chords.
surgery may help
prevelent in horses with long necks
tying up aka
monday morning disease
symptoms of tying up
muscular tremors and pain after a day off
unable to move
reddish urine
muscles become hard
tying up is common in
nervous high strung fillies
what is anhydrosis
absence of sweating
horses can overheat
management to prevent anhydrosis
dont exercise in humid heat
provide shade
stop and hose horse off if it occurs while working
causes of anhydrosis
may be due to epinepherin lvls.
body is desensities to triggers for sweat.
hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
symptoms of hypp
episodes of muscular fasiculsations
stems from Impressive
need to feed them low potassium
name genetic disorders
neonatal isoertyrolysis
lethal whites
lethal dominant roan
white foal syndrome
atresia coli
anal atresia.....more
what is CID
what breed is it commonly seen in
mostly seen in arabs
immune system failure
foals die by 4-5mon
autosomal recessive
what is neonatal isoerythrodysis
RBCs of foal are destroyed by antibodies in colostrum
common in TBs
not seen in mares 1st foal-rare
can test mares colustrum prior to foaling. prevent foal from nursing from mare.
commmon in tbreds, arabs, sbreds, qh
lack of blood coag upon injury
sex linked recessive
mare transmits to 1/2 of sons.
nearly any injury can result in death
lethal whites
lethal when WW (dom homozy)
when 2 whites are mated Ww Ww
death in utero
lethal dominant roan
due to gene that causes roan color
lethal in utero when Rn Rn
white foal syndrom or iliocolonic aganglionosis
2 frame overo paints mate
digestive system defects in foal. cannot form nerves to GI tract
milk build up- colic
what is atresia coli
part of white foal syndrome, and in tbred foals
get increasingly server colic within first day die.
severed lg intestine
anal atresia
no anal orifice
rare recessive mutated dominant gene
surgery rarely successful
aka waterhead
accumulation of cerbrospinal fluid
can cause dystocia
abnormal spinal column.
lethal-prob dominant mutation
umbilical hernia
relatively common
may be inherited
usually not serious unless large oipening
failure of testicular descent
can be inherited

dont use for breeding
hard to castrate
incoordination, mainly in hindquarters rare in older horses
degeration of spinal ccolumn 2 and 4th vert