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19 Cards in this Set

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Human growth hormone (hGH)

Release of insulin like growth factors (IGFs)

Growth and maintenance of bones muscles

Lipolysis, glycogenolysis, protein synthesis

Thyroid-Stimulating hormone (TSH)

Target: thyroid

Function: synthesis and secretion of T3 + T4

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Development of oocytes

Secretion of estrogen

Production of sperm

Luteinizing hormone (LH)


Secretion of estrogen+progesterone

Production of testosterone

Prolation (PRL)

Along w/other hormones (estrogen+progesterone) responsible for production milk

Just before menstruation increase of PRL, tenderness of breasts

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Production+secretion of glucocorticoids by adrenal cortex

Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)

In humans unknown but high levels cause darkening in skin

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Renal water reabsorption increases

Urine output decreases

Sweating reduced

Blood vessels constrict

Blood pressure increases

Oxytocin (OT)

Enhance uterine contraction

Milk ejection

Also act as neurotransmitter

Released during hugging, touching, orgasm

Involved in social recognition+bonding

Thyroid hormone

Increase basal metabolic rate

Increase body temp (calorigenic effect)

Stimulate protein synthesis+lipolysis

Regulate development+growth of nervous tissue and bones


Lower blood calcium

Inhibits action of osteoclasts

Lowers bone resorption

Enhances bone calcium uptake


Elevates bone resorption

Release of calcium in blood

Kidneys form and return calcitrol (enhances gut absorption of calcium)


Increase reabsorption of Na, returns it to blood

ALso reabsorption of Cl + H2O

Increase secretion of K+

Also secretion of H+ (prevents acidosis


Breakdown and formation of proteins

Breakdown of lipids

Glucose formation from new sources

Combat stress

Antiinflammatory affects


Male-fetal development

Pre-pubertal growth spurt

Adolescent skeletal growth

Maintenance of adult bone mass

Promote libido

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Short term stress response

Fight or flight response

Increase blood pressure


Raises blood glucose levels


Lowers blood glucose levels

Increases lipogenesis

Stimulated protein synthesis


Modulation of sleep pattern