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44 Cards in this Set

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"the concentration of a blood metabolite affects a control center which increases or decreases that metabolite" is known as

Negative Feedback

the process that metabolizes glucose to 2 pyruvates


the breakdown of glycogen to glucose


Glands that produce hormones into the blood and have special capillaries that suck up the hormones

Endocrine Glands

Glands whose secretions pass through a system of ducts that lead to the exterior of the body

Exocrine Glands

Hormone's speed of effects for Proteins and Steroids

Proteins (uptown) are immediate and Steroids (downtown) is slowly

Larger part of the Pituitary


Part of the Pituitary that uses a portal system


The Anterior Pituitary is also known as the


The Posterior Pituitary is also known as the


80% of what the Adrenal Cortex makes is


Cortisol's trigger


Aldosterone's trigger


Hormone is synergist to PTH. It increases blood calcium from absorption in the GI tract. Origin is the Kidneys and the target are the kidneys, GI tract and bone


Hormone made in skin from UV rays which helps supply Vitamin D3. Origin is the liver.


Hormone does similar things as GH but last longer and is a synergist to GH. Origin is the Liver (made in the Anterior Pituitary) and the target are muscles, bones

IGF-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor)

Hormone increases blood calcium when low. Is antagonist to Calcitonin. Origin is the Parathyroid glands and the target are the kidneys, bone and cells


Hormone for bone deposition, blood calcium in youth, antagonist to PTH. Origin is Parathyroid gland and targets are the kidneys, bone and cells


Hormone raises metabolic rate, alertness and has been known to be related to retardation. Origin is the Thyroid Gland and the target is most tissues

T4 - Thyroxine

Hormone that causes Broncho dilation allowing more Oxygen in the blood. Origin is the Adrenal Gland and is synergist to Cortisol. Also related to the fight or flight response

Epinephrine / Norepinephrine

Hormone that stimulates egg maturation in female folicles in ovaries and sperm production in the male Testes. Origin is Anterior Pituitary and the target are the gonads

FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Hormone promotes growth and repair in bone, growth plates and muscles. Synergist to IGF-1. Origin is the Anterior Pituitary and the targets are the cones, cartilages, muscles, liver, heart


Hormone that is 1) inhibited by estrogen until birth 2) responsible for milk production after birth. Origin is the Anterior Pituitary and the targets are the brain and breasts

PRL - Prolactin

Hormone stimulates release of the T3 and T4. Origin is the Anterior Pituitary and the target is the thyroid

TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Hormone that stimulates the Adrenal Glands to product Cortisol. Origin is the Anterior Pituitary and the target is the Adrenal Glands

ACTH - Adreno Cortico-trophic Hormone

Hormone produced from a) suckling b) labor c) orgasm d) bonding in females. Origin is the Posterior Pituitary and the targets are the Uterus, milk ducts of the breasts


Hormone also know as vasopressin, is inhibited by alchohol and causes water retention. Origin is the Posterior Pituitary and the target are the kidneys and blood vessels

ADH - Antidiuretic Hormone

Hormone that promotes ovulation and corpus lutem growth in females and stimulates testosterone production in males. Origin is the Anterior Pituitary and the targets are the gonads

LH - Luteinising Hormone

Hormone produced by the corpus lutem and related to the implantation and fertilization of the egg. Origin is the Ovary and target is the Uterus (endometrium)


Hormone made by the Atria which inhibits Renin, causes water retention. Origin is the heart and the target are the kidneys

ANP/ANH - Atrial Naturetic Hormone / Atrial Naturetic Peptide

What causes the increase in BP due to generalized vasoconstriction, release of Aldosterone and ADH, and stimulates the thirst center. Origin is the lungs and the target is the Kidneys

Angiotensin II

Hormone that helps to raise blood glucose levels. Origin is the pancreas and the target is the liver


Hormone that facilitates the decrease in blood glucose levels. Origin is the Pancreas and the target are muscle fat tissue


Hormone that stimulates Osteoblast for bone marrow. Origin are the Osteoblast cells and the target is the bone marrow


Name the Hormones of the Adenohyphophysis

FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH, GH and Prolactin

Name the Hormones of the Neurohypophysis

Oxytocin and ADH

The process where newly created glucose from fats or proteins are made


The amount of salt versus water is known as


Calcidiol is to the Liver as Calcitriol is to the


Primary examples of Catecholamines which increase heart rater, dilates the bronchials, raises blood glucose, inhibits insulin and turns skin white are

Epinephrine / Norepinephrine

Hormone associated with male libido and secondary sex characteristics like long legs and a "V" shape


Hormone associated with the female with secondary sex characteristics of mammary glands and hour glass figure


Hormone produced by the kidney as a response to altitude change targeting the bone marrow

EPO - Erythropoietin

Type of hormones that go right through the cell membrane right to the nucleus

Steroid Hormones