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86 Cards in this Set

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Where is TSH produced?
thryotroph of anterior pituitary
Site of TSH action and what does it do?
thyroid, stimulates synthesis/secretion of thyroid hormones
stimulators/inhibitors of TSH?
+ TRH, - T3, SS
secondary hyopthyroidism?
decreased TSH secretion
Where is ACTH produced?
corticotrophs of ant. pit
Site of ACTH action and what does it do?
adrenal cortex, stimulates synthesis of adrenal cortex hormones
+ and - ACTH release
+ CRH, - ANP, cortisol
peak ACTH release
early AM, high levels in depression
Where is GH produced?
somatotrophs of anterior pituitary
Site of GH action and function?
stimulates liver to produce somatomedin (IGF-1) which causes increased protein synthesis, increased free f.a., increased carb metabolism, overall growth, direct bone growth
+ and - GH release
+ GHRH, ghrelin, exercise, hypoglycemia
- SS, excess GH, IGF-1, glucocorticoids
peak GH release
during sleep, surges during puberty
Where is PRL produced?
mammotrophs of anterior pituitary
site of PRL action and function
lactotropes, increased milk production and breast development
+ and - PRL release
+ estrogen, suckling, PRFs
- dopamine (PIH)
Other about PRL
ONLY hormone that has inhibitory effect on hypothalamus, sleep-related increase
PRL diseases
male - decreased testosterone and sperm production, gynecomastia
women - galactorrhea
intracellular receptors?
sex steroids (testosterone, estradiol)
mineralocorticoids (aldo)
glucocorticoids (cortisol)
thyroid hormones (T3, T4, calcitonin)
functional tumors
eg: PRL-secreting adenoma, pheochromocytoma
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
death of thyroid cells (autoimmune cause)
organ resistance
functionally same as under production, eg: receptor desensitization
altered signal pathway
functionally same as overproduction (eg: hormone-producing tumor)
excess GH or cortisol for long periods of time
often leads to DM, assoc w/ acromegaly, use of GH to build muscle, cushing's syndrome, chronic glucocorticoid therapy
opposers of insulin?
glucagon, catecholamines (fast), cortisol (slow), T3 - enhances action of catecholamines on glycogenolysis, promotes lipolysis
Site of FSH production?
gonadotroph of ant. pit
Site of LH production?
gonadotroph of ant. pit
Site of action and function of FSH
sertoli cells, granulosa cells
male - stimulates sertoli cell production of ABG, CYP 19 production for sperm production
female - stimulates growth of granulosa cells, initiates follicle recruitment
+ and - FSH secretion
+ gonadal activin
- gonadal inhibin, testosterone, estradiol
Site of action and function of LH
ovary - triggers ovulation
leydig cells - stimulates testosterone production by stimulating StAR, controls Leydig cell growth/differentiation
+ and - of LH
+ males - puberty, females - estradiol, progesterone can amplify
- testosterone, DHT, estradiol
Where is TSH produced?
thyrotroph of ant. pit
TSH site of action and action?
thyroid - stimulates synthesis/secretion of thyroid hormones, increase blood flow to thyroid
+ and - TSH secretion
+ TRH (hypothalamus)
- T3, SS
GnRH production
GnRH site of action, function
anterior pituitary, stimulates gonadotrophs (LH, FSH secretion)
+ and - GnRh
+ estradiol (ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle), NE, glutamate, puberty
- sex steroids, GABA, exogenous opioid poeptides
intermittent GnRH release
stimulates LH release, continuous GnRH inhibits LH release. GnRH receptors upregulated by pulses of GnRH
diseases assoc w/GnRH
continuous use of GnRH analogs -> chemical castration via down-regulation of GnRH receptors in ant. pit, used to block testosterone production in pts w/prostate CA; also causes endometriosis; assoc w/Kallmann syndrome
produced by PVN of hypothalamus
acts on ant. pit to promote ACTH release
produced by hypothalamus, stored in post. pit
acts on kidney collecting duct, arteriolar smooth muscle
monitors urine output and water reabsorption, maintains bp after hemorrhage, potentiates effects of CRH on ACTH release
stored and released w/neurophysin
+ and - ADH release
+ low plasma osmolality - also Ang II, stress, pain
- alcohol, caffeine
diseases assoc w/ADH
DI - hypothalamic = central, deficient production; nephrogenic = deficient response

SIADH - excess production
produced in hypothalamus, stored in post. pit
acts on uterus - contractions during labor
mammary glands - milk ejection during breast feeding
+ and - OT secretion
+ baby's cry, Fergusson reflex during labor
- stress, estrogen, progesterone
produced by pineal gland (pinealocyts)
communicates info about environmental lighting, controls circadian rhythms
+ dark, - daylight
sleep modulator, antioxidant, boosts immune system
produced by chief cells of parathyroid gland

acts on bone, intestines, kidney to increase calcium in circulation

bone: osteoclasts, intestines: Vit. D3 production to stimulate calcium abs, kidney: reabs. of calcium, excretion of phosphate (decreased abs.)
+ and - PTH release
+ low calcium
- high calcium, vit D
diseases of calcium
hypocalcemia - tetany
hypercalcemia - depressed central/peripheral nerve excitability
primary - tumors, secondary - outside organ leads to overproduction of PTH
hypoparathyroidism: lack PTH (eg: postsurgical)
produced by most tissues
acts like PTH in large amts (tumors)
produced by parafollicular cells of thyroid

acts on bones, intestines, kidney to help with calcium balance

opposes action of PTH: inhibits osteoclasts, decreases blood calcium levels
+ calcitonin release
+ increase in extracellular calcium
T3 and T4
T3 = active
T4 = majority produced

produced by thyroid - long storage, slow metabolic clearance, long 1/2 life

requires thyroglobulin and iodine for synthesis, T3 produced by outer ring deiodination of T4
action of T3
regulation of overall body metabolism
carb, protein, lipid metabolism
infant development of CNS, growth
CV system: vasodilation, increased HR, CO, contractility
potentiates effects of GH on long bones
+ and - of thyroid hormone release
+ iodine uptake, TPO, Tg hydrolysis, TSH

- excess iodine
produced by Leydig cells of testes

masculinzation of fetus requires testosterone, modulates growth spurt during puberty, development of secondary sex characteristics, development of sperm w/FSH

must be unbound to be delivered to target cells
BP - SHBG, albumin
+ testosterone production
diseases assoc w/ testosterone
chronically administered androgens increase neg. feedback on LH, eventually impairs spermogenesis -> infertility

cyrptorchidism - undescended testes, can occur in absence of testosterone
produced from circulating testosterone by urogenital tract with 5alphareductase

differentiation of external genitalia
Anti-mullerian hormone
produced by sertoli cells of fetal testes

acts on mullerian ducts to prevent development of uterus/fallopian tubes
Activin and Inhibin
produced by sertoli cells of testes

Activin = +FSH, inhibin = -FSH
mineralocorticoid, Produced by zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex

acts on kidney collecting duct to maintain body fluid volume by reabs. sodium, water, excrete potassium

40% free in circulation
+ and - Aldo release
+ Ang II, serum K+ levels, ACTH
diseases of aldosterone
excess: primary - adrenal tumor (Conn's)
secondary - HF, diuretic use, renin tumor

pseudoaldosteronism - take up sodium in absence of aldo

pseudohypoaldosteronism - inactivating mutation of MR

CYP 21 mutation - can't form, genetic defect
formed by adrenal cortex, zona fasciculata

acts to increase bone resorption, decrease bone formation, apoptosis of osteoblasts/cytes

increase blood glucose - anabolic in liver, catabolic in muscle and fat to create substrates for liver to use

+ and - cortisol release
+ CRH, ACTH, low calcium, prolonged stress, inflammation
- neg feedback loop inhibits CRH, AVP release
Cortisol diseases
Cushing's syndrome - hyperadrenocorticism - excess production of cortisol or excess ACTH secretion

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - CYP21 mutation - excess androgen production

Addison's disease - insufficiency, often also have aldo deficiency
produced by zona reticularis of adrenal cortex

precursor to androgens, estrogens

+ ACTH, adrenarche
produced by chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla

increases blood glucose (mobilize fuels in stress), diverts blood to muscles

+ acute stress, exercise, hypoglycemia, trauma
diseases of epinephrine, NE
absence => coma, death

pheocromocytoma = tumor of adrenal medulla resulting in hypersecretion
produced by chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla

increases blood glucose (mobilize fuels in stress), diverts blood to muscles

+ acute stress, exercise, hypoglycemia, trauma
produced by beta cells of pancreatic islets

allows liver to increase glucose uptake, enhances somatic growth

anabolic - promotes storage of metabolic fuels - lipogenesis, gluconeogenesis, inhibits fat breakdown
+ and - insulin release
+ increased blood glucose, aa, fa, GLP-1, GIP, taste/smell of food

- SS, ghrelin, catecholamines
insulin-dependent glucose transporter
diseases of insulin
diabetic ketoacidosis: can't use glucose - burn fatty acids - generate lots of ketoacids, overpowers ability of serum to buffer
produced by alpha cells of pancreatic islets

increases blood glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis in liver, activating gluconeogenesis (long term)
+ and - glucagon secretion
+ low glucose, elevated aa, exercise, catecholamines

- high glucose, high f.a., SS, insulin
pancreatic somatostatin
produced by delta cells of pancreatic islets

inhibits GH release, inhibits insulin, glucagon secretion by paracrine action
produced by syncytial knots of placenta

signals placenta

+ placental activin

- placental inhibin, declines after 10 wks gestation
produced by ovaries, corpus luteum

acts on oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina

causes cells of stratum functionalis to begin secretion, contributes to weakening of follicular wall w/LH before ovulation, differentiation of endometrium - secretory phase, suppresses uterine contractions during pregnancy
produced by ovaries

acts on uterine stromal cells, endometrial epithelial cells, cervix, vagina
actions of estradiol
prevents bone loss

blocks inflammatory cytokines

decreases somatic growth, promotes epiphyseal plate closure

involved w/proliferative phase of endometrial growth

stimulates uterine contractions during pregnancy
produced by intestines

stimulates insulin production in anticipation of dietary glucose intake
calcitriol (Vit D3)
produced via light, liver, kidney

regulates intestinal abs. of calcium in duodenum

inhibits PTH mRNA, favors calcium and phosphate reabs in kidney, inhibits collagen synthesis, stimulates osteocalcin
produced by stomach

secretagogue for GH

stimulates appetite, inhibits insulin release
produced by adipocytes

helps you not overeat, required for puberty onset
diseases of Vit D
toxicity: overdose of supplements

deficiency: Ricketts, osteomalacia