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21 Cards in this Set

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At what age do the symptoms of menopause manifest?

What is this period called?



What is the average age range for which menopause occurs?

45-55 years

How can menopause be artificially induced?

Bilateral removal of ovaries

What causes menopause?

Failure of ovaries

What hormone increases around the beginning of menopause?


FSH - to induce final follicles to develop

What are the physical symptoms of menopause? (4)

(Same as perimenopause)

- Hot flashes

- Sleep disturbances

- Osteoporosis

- Uro-genital atrophy

What are the psychological symptoms of menopause? (4)

(Same as perimenopause)

- Mood swings

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Memory problems

When should HRT be administered?

Soon after onset of menopause

In what forms is HRT available?

E/P or just E

Why are E/P drugs more common than E-only?

E only is associated with risk of endometrial cancer

In what cohort of women is estrogen-only HRT indicated?

Those that have had hysterectomies

What are two types of oral HRT?

- Conjugated equine estrogens

- 17ß-estradiol

What are the advantages of oral HRT?

- Positive effect on lipid profile

What are the disadvantages of oral HRT?

Higher risk of clots

What are the advantages of HRT patches?

Lower risk of clots

What are the disadvantages of HRT patches?

Fewer improvement on lipid profile than oral HRT

What is the most common form of progesterone used in oral HRT?


What disadvantage is associated with medroxyprogesterone in HRT?

It opposes positive effects of estrogen on lipid profile

What class of psychological drug has been approved to treat hot flashes?

- Antidepressants

What did the HERS study show?

HRT does not improve heart disease

How many participants were in the Women's Health Initiative?
