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67 Cards in this Set

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What is a common chronic parasitic infection with a variety of symptoms, usually in proportion to the degree of anemia?

Hookworm Disease

This infection is confirmed by finding ______ eggs in feces; early stool examinations may be negative until worms mature?

Hookworm infection

This endemic occurs in tropical and subtropical countries where sanitary disposal of human feces is not practised and soil, moisture and temperature conditions favor development of infective larvae?

Hookworm disease

The mode of transmission for hookworm disease is eggs in feces that are deposited on the ground and hatch, under favorable conditions of moisture, temperature and soil type; larvae will develop in what stage and become infective in how many days?

- Third Stage

- 7 - 10 days

What type infection occurs when infective larvae penetrate the skin, usually the foot, in doing so, the produce a characteristic dermatitis known as what?

- Human infection of hookworm disease

- Ground itch

What infection will have symptoms that develop after a few weeks to many months, depending on intensity of infections and iron intake of the host?

Hookworm Disease

There are (yes/no) person transmission but infected people can contaminate soil for how long in the absence of treatment?

- No

- Several years

What disease is characterized by sudden onset of moderate to high fever, which ordinarily persist for 2-3 weeks in untreated cases, significant malaise, deep muscle pain, severe headache and chills.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

In regards to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a what type of rash generally appears on the extremities during the what to what day; this soon includes the palms and soles and spreads rapidly to much of the body?

- Maculopapular

- 3rd to 5th day

The case-fatality rate ranges for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is between what percent in the absence of specific treatment?

13% - 25%

The early stages of this disease may be confused with ehrlichiosis, meningitis, and enteroviral infection.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)

The infectious agent of RMFS is what?

Rickettsia Risckettsil

(Rick - ettsia Rick - ettsil)

RMSF is seen primarily during what months, with the highest incidence rates seen in what two places of the USA?

- April - September

- North Carolina & Oklahoma

The incubation period of RMSF is how long?

5 to 14 days

Treatment of RMSF is what in daily oral or intravenous doses for how many days?

- Tetracyclines (Doxycyline)

- 5 - 7 days

What is an acute infectious disease of short duration and varying severity characterized by sudden onset, fever, chills, headache, backache, generalized muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice?

Yellow Fever

In Yellow Fever infections this appears early and is most pronounced on the fifth day?


The infectious agent of the the virus of Yellow Fever is the what?


Yellow fever exist in nature in 2 transmission cycles, a sylvatic or jungle cycle that involves what two types of mosquitoes?

Aedes or Haemagogus

Yellow fever exist in the urban environment and involves this type of mosquitoe?

Aedes Aegypti

An outbreak of yellow fever has not occurred in North America in how long?

50 Years

The incubation period of yellow fever is how long?

From 3 to 5 days

True or False

Recovery from yellow fever is followed by lasting immunity; second attacks are unknown.


Administer yellow fever to all people how old?

9 months or older

A single sub-cu injection of a vaccine containing viable attenuated yellow fever 17D strain virus, cultivated in chick embryo is effective for how long?

10 Yellow Fever

Sylvan and jungle yellow fever, transmitted by what two types of mossquiotes is best controlled by how?

Haemagogus & Aedes


What is a parasitic disease; with a fever pattern of the first few days of infection resembles that in early stages of many other illnesses (bacterial, viral, and parasitic)


What is the most serious malaria infection that includes one or more of the following: fever, chills, sweats, anorexia, nausea, lassitude, headache, muscle and joint pain, cough and diarrhea, anaemia or splenomegaly?

Falciparum Malaria

This type of malaria infection may persist for life with or without recurrent febrile episodes?

P. malariae

Several malaria test have been developed the most promising are rapid diagnostic test that detect what in the blood?

Plasmodial Antigens

The infectious agents of malaria are protozoan parasites with asexual and sexual phases; what are the four types of parasites?


- Falciparum

- Vivax

- Ovale

- Malariae

Malaria causes over how many deaths per year in the world, most of these are young children in Africa.

1 Million

What is the mode of transmission for Malaria?

Bite of an infective FEMALE ANOPHELES mosquito

The period between an infective bite and detection of the parasite in a thick blood smear is called what; which is typically how many days for the P. Falciparum?

- Pre-patent Period

- 6 - 12 days

How many days between the infective bite and the appearance of clinical symptoms is is approximately how many days for P. Falciparum.

- 9 - 14 days

In regards to malaria, stored blood can remain infective for at least how long?

- Month

Members with sickle cell trait (heterozygotes) show relatively low WHAT when infected with P. falciparum, and thus are relatively protected from severe disease?


The most acceptable nets are made of polyester or other synthetic materials; they should have fiber strength of at least what denier and a mesh size of at least what?

- 100 denier

- 156 holes/in^2

The most important factors that determine the survival of patients with falciparum malaria are what?

- Early diagnosis and immediate treatment

For suppressive malaria drug therapy for travelers who will be exposed to chloroquine-resistant P. Falciparum infection usually take what?

Mefloquine alone (5 mg a week)

The flight range of the anopheline mosquitoes ma reach how far, but in most case are only what?

- 2 km

- few hundred meters

The chancre in syphilis cases are known as what?

Primary lesion

The primary lesion usually appears about how many weeks after exposure as an indurated, painless ulcer with a serous exudates at the site of initial invasion?

3 weeks

Invasion of the bloodstream precedes the initial which is a what?

Firm, nonfluctuant, painless satellite lymph node (bubo) commonly follows.

What involving the palms and soles with associated lymphadenopathy is classic in syphilis?

Symmetrical Maculopapular Rash

What is the infectious agent of Syphilis?

Treponema Pallidum

What is the incubation periond for Syphilis?

10 days to 3 months

What are all sexual contacts during the 3 months preceding onset of symptoms of syphilis?

Primary Syphilis

What are all sexual contacts during the 6 months preceding onset of symptoms of syphilis?

Secondary Syphilis

What are all sexual contacts during the 12 months preceding onset of symptoms of syphilis?

Early Latent Syphilis

All identified sexual contacts of confirmed cases of early syphilis exposed within how many days of examination should receive treatment?

90 days

What is the treatment for syphilis?


2.4 million units

What is the alternate treatment for syphilis?

Doxycycline 100mg or Tetracycline 500mg

What is the treatment for neurosyphilis?

Aqueous Crystalline


The first lesions of syphilis nonvenereal endemic are located where?

Mucous patches of the mouth

What follows the primary lesion of the non-venereal endemic syphilis?

Drier lesion of the trunk

What is the incubation period for nonvenereal syphilis?

2 weeks to 3 months

Onset of this illness in adults in nonendemic areas is usually abrupt with fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, followed within a fews days by jaundice?

Viral Hepatitis A

The infectious agent of Hep A is classified as a member of what family?


The mode of transmission for this virus is person-to-person by the fecal-oral route; common source outbreaks have been related to contaminated water, food contaminated by infected food handlers, including raw or unproperely cooked foods?


Incubation of HEP A is how long?

1 month

Oysters, clams and other shellfish from contaminated areas should be heated to a temperature of what for how long and for how many seconds before eating?

- 85 - 95 degrees C

- 4 min

- 90 sec

The infectious agent of HEP B is what?


Effective HEP B vaccines have been available since when?


The infectious agent of the HEP C virus is what?

- Hepacavirus

Flaviviridae family

HEP C incubation period ranges from what?

2 weeks to 6 months

For treatment of chronic HEP C the highest response rates have been achieved with a combination therapy of what?

Ribavirin and slow-release interferons