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84 Cards in this Set

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what south african leader was arrested for opposition to apartheid?
nelson mandela
britain, france, russian, italy, japan were on what side in WWI?
what is it called when countries are dependent on each other for goods and resources etc?
what name was given to the non communist portion of china?
what was the main goal of the P L O?
create an independent state on the west bank
what political movement concerned with political independence and self-determination helped lead to WWI?
what industrial centers were selected as sites for the atomic bombs?
hiroshima and nagasaki
what event symbolized the re unification of germany?
berlin wall falling
what did the zimmerman note do?
proposed mexican/german alliance
what represents the first important battle fo WWI and ended germanys hopes for a quick and easy victory?
1st battle of MARNE
what territory was contested by france and germany prior to wwi?
alsace- lorraine
what temporary agreement to stop fighting was signed by the central powers at the close of WWI?
what was the major reason for pres wilson wanting the US to enter WWI?
submarine warfare!
what was considered the biggest cause for WWI and rivalry between nations?
why was the construction of the suez canal important?
linked the med. and red seas
what is the name of the common market in europe?
european union
which is NOT a force associated with the events leading to wwi?
liberalism ^__^
what side consisted of germany, austria-hungary, bulgaria and turkey in WWI?
central powers
what was the fighting like in the western front in wwi?
trench warfare
what was the main reason why the us entered wwii?
pearl harbor
what name was given to t he british and french policy foravoring a strong anti war feeling (giving into hitler eventually) hoping to avoid warfare prior to wwii?
policy of appeasement
what event of wwii was considered a military mistake by hitler and thought to change the course of the war in europe?
invasion of USSR
what term is defined as a gradual scaling down or reduction of arms and weapons?
why was the alliance system a threat to peace before WWI?
an attack on one nation would involve several nations
what name was given to the proposed merger of germany and austria by hitler before wwi?
what policy calls for chinese trade to be OPEN to all nations on an equal basis?
OPEN DOOR policy
what south african policy called for the separation of races in all aspects of life?
what name was given to the allied plan to invade nazi france during WWII?
operation overlord
what name was given to the last counteroffensive by germnay in wwii?
battle of BULGE
what british passenger ship was sunk by germany before the us entered wwi?
what battle served as a moral victory for the allies in wwii?
what term is defined as goods sold to another country?
who was the fascist military dictator of japan in wwii?
what was the basic type of govt in germany italy and japon before wwi?
in china where did students demonstrate in 1989 to get more rights?
what was the 3rd reich?
hitlers empire
what term is the extinction of a race?
who was NOT fascist during wwii?
what name was given to the basic war strategy for germany in ww2?
why was wilson's peace plan rejected by the other allied leaders after wwi?
the plan was too kind to germany
war guilt clause in treaty of versailles did what
blamed germany for ww1
what is the name of the economic system where individuals make some decisions and the gov others?
mixed economy
what are reparations
war debts
what was the result of the battle of britain
england won air battle and prevented invasions
what side of the war consisted of germany italy and japan in wwii?
axis powers
who were the recognized leaders of communist russia?
lenin, stalin
what world peace organizatoin was created after wwi
league of nations
what name was given to the us war strategy in the PACIFIC during ww2?
island hopping
what name was given to kruschev's idea that the us and ussr should avoid atomic warfare at all costs?
peaceful co existence
the iron curtain refers to..
communism in east europe
the hot line began after what?
cuban missile crisis
what was the basic foreign policy of the us prior to wwi and wwii?
what us law gave the president the right to defend vietnam as he chose?
tokin gulf resolution
what was the last and most important battle of wwi?
argonne forest
what conflict the desert storm refer to?
persian gulf war
what name is given to mao's attempt to purge china of people who weren't true communists?
great proletariat rev
what organization became center world trade market after ww2?
common market
what name was given to the organized workers movement in poland to protest shortages and high prices? led by lech walesa
what was the MAJOR reason for the failure of the league of nations?
couldn't enforce decisions
what was the name given to the negotitations between the us and ussr to reduce arms and weapons and were finalized at the moscow summit?
what wasn't part of french indochina?
what was the chile leader who overthrew allende and ruled by terror?
under what plan did the us provide economic aid to europe after wwii?
marshall plan
what event witnessed an attempt by cuban refugees to overthrow castro
bay of pigs
what agreement eliminated tariffs and trade restrictions between the us canada and mexico?
what person is considered to be responsible for 9 11?
osama bin ladan
whats the independent nation of pakistan? poorest nation in the world?
what was the non shooting war?
communists VS free countries
cold war
what was the rival group to the jews in the middle east?
what was the major effect of the arab oil embargo on the US after the Yom Kippur war?
oil prices x4 in the us
what israeli and egyptian leaders signed the camp david accords a landmark agreement to create peace in the middle east?
what is the name of the economic system in which the govt controls what goods are produced?
command! economy
what demilitarized region of germany that borders france did hitler invade before ww2?
what organization regulated oil production and pricing from africa, middle east, and latin america?
what term is defined as goods brought into a country?
two major pre war alliances before ww1?
central powers
what name was given to the regions of china where foreigners dominated trade?
spheres of influnce
what is the name of the economic system where businesses produce and sell goods for money?
market economy
what is associated with greater serbia to wwi?
union of slavic people
whats the economy where people produce what they need to survive?
what occurs when the govt assumes responsibility for its citizen's social and economic well being?
welfare state
what nation did hitler invade that started the war?
what occurs when the govt assumes responsibility for its citizen's social and economic well being?
welfare state
what nation did hitler invade that started the war?