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49 Cards in this Set

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What were the beliefs of the Democratic-Republicans and who were the party leaders?
Power of individual states, agriculture based economy, pro-French, strict interpretation of the Constitution. Led by Thomas Jefferson and Madison.
What were the beliefs of the Federalists and who were the party leaders?
Strong central government, industry and trade based economy, pro-British, loose interpretation of the Constitution. Led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams.
Jay's Treaty
Occurred in 1794 between the US and Great Britain. Grounds: Great Britain promised to pull out troops, Americans promise to repay prewar debt and the shipping regulation on Americans remained strict.
What 3 things did Washington suggest/warn in his farewell address?
1)Entangling foreign alliances(don't)
2)Blurring party lines for the sake of well being of the Americans(do)
3)Protecting only your section of the US (North or South)(don't)
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
D-Rs passed this resolution declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional. It was from this resolution that the idea of nullification was born.
Midnight Judges
Adams increased frederal judge number to 16. The last 5 positions were filled within his last 30 days of office and those 5 judges were known as the "Midnight Judges."
Convention of 1800
Detached US from alliance with France as they began a Revolutionary War. This also ended the undeclared naval war between the two countries.
Election of 1800
Between Jefferson, his running mate Burr, and Hamilton. The Federalists lost. This marked the first peaceful transition of power.
Marbury v. Madison
(1803) This sprm. court decision established the concept of Judicial review- the ability of the sprm. court to declare actions of Congress and P. as unconstitutional.
War Hawks
(1811) Young politicians like Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun took charge of Congress and demanded war with Great Britain after continued impressment and British interference in American affairs.
Hartford Convention
1814 meeting of Federalists from New England who opposed the War of 1812 and demanded constitutional amendments to empower their region.
Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812
Treaty of Greenville
1796 treaty with the Native Americans (NAs). US declared interactions with NAs would be similar to interactions with a foreign country. NAs were recompensed for being forced to leave their land.
Missouri Compromise
1820 agreement calling for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and banning slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the 36-30 latitude.
Worcester v. Georgia
(1832)-"court ruled that Georgia's land seizure was unconstitutional." Jackson ignored this ruling.
The Alamo
fortified former mission in San Antonio was the site of the 1836 defeat and slaughter of Texans by Mexican troops.
Webster-Ashury Treaty
Gave us Maine
Oregon Trail
trail from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon that was used by pioneers in the mid-1800's.
"54-40 of fight!"
Saying made famous by P. Polk, firm believer in Manifest Destiny. (Oregon)
Washington Irving wrote...
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote...
James Fenimore Cooper wrote....
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Scarlet Letter
Last of the Mohicans
Creator of the steamboat
Robert Fulton
Era of Good Feelings
Period of peaceful transition of pwr between Madison and Monroe
McColloch v. Maryland
Upheld the pwr of the nag. gov. and denied the rt. of a st. to tax a fed. agency
Election of 1824
JQ Adams, Clay, Jackson-Vote went to the house and Adams won. (Due to Corrupt Baragain btwn Adams and Clay?)
Tariff of Abominations
1828 protective tariff, so named by Southern opponents
Election of 1832
Andrew Jackson elected and he changes presidency
Whig Party
member of the nationalist political party formed in 1832 in opposition to the Democrats.
Compromise of 1850
Political agreement that allowed California to be admitted as a free state by allowing popular sovereignty in the territories and enacting a stricter fugitive slave law.
Know Nothings
Political party in the mid-1800s, officially known as the American Party, that opposed immmigration
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854 law that divided the Nebraska Territory into Kansas and Nebraska giving each territory the right to decide whether or not to allow slavery.
Freeport Doctrine
Douglas said local gov. could prevent slavery. South fought back.
Election of 1860
Lincoln won even though he wasn't even on the ballot in the South. Caused the secession of SC
Anaconda Plan
1) Capture the capital
2) Coastal blockade
3) Control the Mississippi

Union plan
Battle at Manasas
First real battle of the Civil War. Fought in Va.
1862 Civil War battle in which 23,000 troops were killed or wounded in one day.
Negative term for a southern white who supported the Republican Party after the Civil War
Negative term for the northern Republican who moved the South after the Civil War.
13th, 14th, & 15 amendments
Abolished slavery, equal representation under the law, everyone allowed to vote regardless of color, race, or previous condition of servitude.
Civil Rights Act of 1866
law that banned discrimination in public facilities and transportation
Sand creek Massacre
1864 incident in which Colorado militia killed a camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians.
Battle of Little Big Horn
1876 battle in which the Sioux defeated the U.S. Army troops.
Munn v. Illinois
Sprm crt. decision that declared IL was allowed to regulate RR rates
Wabash v. Illinois
overturned Munn so only fed. gov. could regulate rates.
Horizontal or vertical integration
H-many firms in the same business. (all freezer comps)
V-controlling all steps of production
De facto segregtaion vs. De jure segregation
De facto is "by fact" as opposed to "by law"
16th, 17th, 18th & 19th am.
Income tax, direct election of senators, prohibition of alcohol, women's suffrage
Social gospel
reform movement that emerged in the late nineteenth century that sought to improve society by applying Christian principles
Niagara movement
stated that legally Jim Crow laws violated Const. rights.
Plessy v. Ferguson
allowed segregated (but "equal") schooling for children.