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76 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Mahan

Wrote "Influence of Sea Power Upon History", saying the control of seas was the key to wold domination-different world powers read and used. Stimulate naval race.

Valeriano Weyler

Spanish General (Butcher). Crushed the Cuban rebels by herding civilians into reconcentration camps and kept Rebels out.

Dupuy de Lôme

Spanish minister who's letter was published in Hearst's headlines (Washington). President McKinley was "ear to the ground" leader and lacked good faith. Forced to resign.

Theodore Roosevelt

Aggressive American who believed earth belonged to strong and fit. Said McKinley had backbone of an eclair. Assistant secretary of navy. Rough riders organizer, lieutenant colonel.

George Dewey

Command American Asiatic squad in Hong Kong. Only 6 warships, destroyed 10-no lives lost. Won Manila.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Well-educated commander, part Chinese, that collaborated with US (Filipino)


Act of concentrating rural population in town or village for military or political convenience. The Spanish placed Cubans to separate from rebels into these camps


Extreme patriotism-warlike/ aggressive country for war against Spanish.


Policy of extending a country's power and influence throughout diplomacy and military. America spreads over to influence Central America and Asia


The main was sent to protect Americans. mysteriously blows up-America blame Spanish, Spanish blames internal force (the real case).

Teller amendment

When the United States overthrows Spain, they would give Cubans freedom

Rough riders

Regiment of volunteers, commander Leonard Wood, organized by Roosevelt. They charged into the fight, with heavy casualties, but won in Santiago

Anti-– imperialist league

Fight expansionist moves. President of Harvard and Stanford, Mark Twain, etc. Didn't want to annex Philippines.

Foraker act

Gave Puerto Ricans limited popular government and granted citizenship

Insular cases

Badly divided Supreme Court decreed, flag did out run constitution and the document didn't extend with full force to new windfalls

Platt amendment

Hated restriction-Cubans had to impair independence, US troops may intervene, sell or lease coal stations

John Hay

Secretary of state, decided on a dramatic move for China – open door policy

Theodore Roosevelt

People wanted him for vice President. He had to take over presidency onceMcKinley was murdered. Youngest president, master politician, starts work on canal for US. Then, revised Monroe doctrine to make US more powerful – given Nobel peace prize for settling Japan and Russia dispute

Phillippe – Bunau vanilla

Worked with Panama revolutionists – tiny patriot army with members of fire department, 500 bought Colombian troops, signed hay-bunau vanilla treaty – price of Canal same, but extended with to 10 miles

Guerilla warfare

Small group uses tactics like ambushes, raids, mobility. Filipinos used to fight America (unfair-they had no freedom compared to Cuba).

Sphere of influence

Spatial region which country has influence over exclusively, accommodate interest – big powers took China's for themselves after it was defeated

Yellow peril

Color metaphor for East Asians in danger to rest of the world – yellow press field racism in schools, giving this name.

Philippine insurrwction

Philippines decided to go to war with America – they were upset that they games no freedom, compared to Cuba.

Open door notes

John Hay communicated that they should announce their leaseholds/spheres of influence. They respect China's rights and fair competition.

"Full dinner pail"

Refers to prosperity under first term of McKinley, expected another and we're not worried.

Boxer rebellion

Anti-– imperialist uprising which was in China. Wanted to kill foreign devils coming into country.

Big stick diplomacy

Theodore Roosevelt – leaders strive for peace, but make known military power

Hay-Pauncefote treaty

US and Britain signed, before Panama. Gave United States rights to create and control canal across Central America to connect Pacific and Atlantic.

Hay-Bunau treaty

US and Panama, Panama zone and subsequent construction established after revolution

Roosevelt corollary

Added to Monroe doctrine – in the event of future financial problems in Latin America, US would intervene – police man.

Russo-Japanese war

Russia wanted Chinas ports, and Japan thought this was threatening. Russia invaded and didn't back down – Japan launch surprise attack, Roosevelt try to interfere

Gentlemens agreement

Californians repeal offensive school order and accepted this, Japanese stop flow of laborers to US mainland

Great White Fleet

Battleships start from Virginia waters – Japanese school children waved the American flag and sand in English – Japan and US respect each other's territory possessions.

Root Takahira Agreement

Recognize territory possessions (Japan and US)

Jacob Riis

Keen eyes and nose- Danish immigrant who wrote "how the other half lives" in New York City slums

Lincoln steffens

Brilliant New York reporter, launched a series of articles called "shame of the cities". Unmasked alliance between corrupt government and business

Ida Tarbell

Pioneering journalist, published devastating/factual work about Standard oil company

Robert La Follette

Governor of Wisconsin, was crusader who was most militant. A progressive movement Republican leader. Fight monopoly, wrestled considerable control from corporations and returned to people

Frances Willard

Founder of WTCU-women's Christian temperance union. Pray on saloon floors, mobilized nearly 1,000,000 women to make the world homelike. She found a vigorous ally in the Anti-– Saloon League, which was aggressive, well organized, and well-financed.

Florence Kelly

Resident of Hull House, Illinois first chief factory inspector and leading advocate for improving conditions. Control National Consumers League – safeguard women/children in workplace

J.P. Morgan

Organized railroad holding company – wanted virtual monopoly of railroads in NW – Roosevelt fought

Upton Sinclair

Wrote "The Jungle". Intended to focus on plight of workers in canning factories, but appalled public with description of disgusting food, filth, disease, etc.

William Howard Taft

Secretary of war and mild progressive – Roosevelt chose him to run for president. Later on, used lever of American investments to boost political interests abroad – "Dollar diplomacy". Smashed monopolies, split Republican Party – he and Roosevelt ended up rupturing their friendship


Voters could directly propose legislation themselves, bypass boss – bought state legislative.


Place laws on ballot for final approval by people, especially laws that had been railroaded through complaint legislature by free-spending agents of big business


Enable voters to remove faithless elected officials, those bribed by bosses.

Rule of reason

Legal doctrine to interpret Sherman Antitrust Act. Actions like possession of monopoly are analyzed under "rule of reason" and illegal when they effect unreasonably restraints trade.


Enterprising editors financed extensive research and encouraged pugnacious writing by bright young reporters – exposed evils of society

17th amendment

Establish direct election of US senators

18th amendment

Prohibit alcohol drinks

Northern securities case

A railroad holding company organized by JP Morgan and James Hill – monopoly of NW railroads

Muller v Oregon

Brandeis persuade Supreme Court to accept constitutionality of laws protecting women workers by present evidence or harmful effects of factory labor. Although discriminatory, celebrate triumph

Lochner v new yoek

Invalidate NY law, establish 10 hour workdays for bakers.

Meat inspection act

Prep of meat shipped over state lines subject to federal inspection from corral to can

Dollar diplomacy

Taft used American investments to boost American political interests abroad.

Old guard

Older segment of population

Woodrow Wilson

Mild conservationist turned militant progressive – president of Princeton. Entered politics in New Jersey, finally ran as president

Eugene V Debs

Socialist candidate for presidency

Louis Brandeis

Massachusetts attorney who fan the flames of reform with his book "other peoples money and how the bankers use it." Jew in Supreme Court

New nationalism

Urged national government to increase power to remedy economic and social abuses

New freedom

Called for stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, and tariff reductions

16th amendment

Allowed Congress to levy income taxed without apportioning among states.

Federal reserve act

Create and establish federal reserve system, central banking of United States. granted legal authority to issue Federal Reserve notes as legal tender.

Clayton act

Lengthened Shopworn Sherman act's list of business practices deemed objectable etc. also conferred benefits of labor

George Creel

Head of Committee on Public Information. Young journalist who was gifted with zeal and imagination. Sell America on the war and sell world on wilsonian war aims. Posters, pamphlets, movies, songs.

Eugene V Debs

Socialist who was convicted under espionage act in 10 years of federal penitentiary. Member of IWW

Bernard Baruch

Lone-eagle stock speculator who headed war industries Board. No more than small powers, disbanded in days of armistice

Herbert Hoover

Head of food administration. Successfully lead massive charitable drive to feed starved of war – voluntary compliance wheat less Wednesday's, etc

Alice Paul

Leader of National women's party hunger strikes and marches.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Chair man of Senate committee on foreign relations. Harvard PhD – hated Wilson, vice versa

Warren Harding

Senator of Ohio, small town newspaper editor. Republican president nominee

Self determination

Group of people form own state and choose own government – inspired by nationalism.

Collective security

Group of nations agree not to attack each other and defend from attack.


Sending out draft for people to join the army


Isolationist sentiment with a vengeance

Zimmerman note

Intercepted Ally proposal from Germany to Mexico recover its land.