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32 Cards in this Set

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Long speech when character shares his thoughts with the audience; character is usually alone on stage.
Long speech when character is speaking to the characters on stage
Short remark/ comment made to the audience that reveals thoughts or feelings, other characters are present but do not hear comment.
Difference between appearance and reality, or expectation and result.
Dramatic Irony
Contradiction between what a character thinks or knows and what the audience knows to be true.
Describe the plot cycle:
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, conclusion/denouement
Exposition: introduces the characters, introduces themes, setting
Rising Action: Suspense is built, foreshadowing, beginning of conflict, subplots develop
Climax: The height of action
Falling action: Pieces are coming together
Denouement: Closing, cliff hanger, problems resolved.
First Person P.O.V
the narrator does participate in the action of the story.
Third person limited P.O.V.
indicates a concentration on one single character throughout the story.
Third Person omniscent P.O.V
allows you to tell the reader exactly what is going on inside various characters’ heads in regards to their thoughts and feelings, while also showing their actions
Third Person objective P.O.V.
when a story is told by a narrator not involved in the story itself.
An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing:
Dictionary definition
A play on words
Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set in the story, or toward a subject.
Mood is the feeling or atmosphere perceived by the reader.
Dichotomy and Paradox
dichotomy is a classification into two opposed parts
paradox is a statement that contradicts itself
conjoining contradictory terms
A direct comparison
a comparison using "like" or "as"
influential fourteen-line fixed lyric form that has been practiced by English poets for five centuries.
Who is the author of To Kill A Mockingbird?
Harper Lee
What are some themes in To Kill A Mockingbird?
racism, importance of childhood memories, maturation process, true bravery/heroism, prejudice
Name main characters in To Kill A Mockingbird and traits of them.
Scout: tomboy, Jem's sister, spunky, speaks her mind, talkative
Jem: creative, adventurous, daring (Scout's older brother)
Atticus: Jem and scout's father; a lawyer
Calpurnia: The cook and maid; caring and stern
Tom Robinson:A black man, Atticus defends him, he is innocent
Boo Radley: Mysterious neighbor of Scout and Jem.
Bob Ewell/ the Ewells: greedy and manipulative family in Maycomb
What is the setting of To Kill A Mockingbird?
Maycomb, Alabama
during the Great Depression
What is the mockingbird Metaphor? (What does the mockingbird represent, what characters are "mockingbirds"?)
It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they do nothing to harm anyone. They want to put Tom Robinson away because they think he committed a crime, but he did not. Therefore, Tom is a "mockingbird" in that sense. Jem and Scout are mockingbirds, too. Bob Ewell wanted to kill them, but they did nothing to harm him.
Name the main characters and their traits from Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet: cautious, thirteen years old, has bold opinions
Romeo: charming, romantic, and persuasive
Lord Capulet: stern, stubborn
Lady Capulet: pensive
Mercutio: Jokester, Romeo's friend
Benvolio: Romeo's friend, calm and laid-back
Key events of Romeo and Juliet
Their families do not like each other, but they love each other, Mercutio is killed by Tybalt, a Capulet, and Romeo kills tybalt. Romeo is banished. Juliet's parents want her to marry Paris, but she already married Romeo. Friar Lawrence has Juliet poisoned the night before the wedding so it looks like she is dead so Romeo can run away with her.
What are the themes of R&J?
lust/love/marriage, rebellion, identity/masks, family/friends, dichotomy and paradox.
Who is the author of Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare
What is the setting of R&J?
Verona, Italy in Elizabethan time.
What are the motifs of Romeo and Juliet?
light v. dark, inside v. outside, stars
What is a motif?
A motif is a detail within the story that repeats itself throughout the work.