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31 Cards in this Set

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What is chemistry?
Chemistry is the study of matter and how it changes.
What things are made of matter?
living and non-living things.
Why study chemistry?
because it explains our world, helps you make better choices, makes you an informed citizen, and a possible career path.
What was alchemy?
developed the tools and techniques for working with chemicals (the word chemistry comes from alchemy)
When and where did alchemy begin?
China and India since 400 B.C.
What is practical alchemy?
techniques for working with metals, glass, dyes, etc...
What was mystical alchemy?
concepts like perfection- Gold was a perfect metal.
When did a shift occur from alchemy to science?
The 1500s
Who was a supporter of the "Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge"?
King Charles II
what did the Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge do?
encouraged scientists to use more experimental evidence, and not philosophical debates.
Who was the father of modern Chemistry?
Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier helped transform chemistry from a science of ______ to a science of _________
observation; measurement.
What is the scientific method?
A logical approach to solving problems or answering questions.
What is observation?
noting and recording information and facts.
What is a hypothesis?
a proposed explanation for the observation; must be tested by experiment.
What is quantitative observation?
involves numbers
What is qualitative observation?
a word description, such as hot.
What does performing experiments do?
gathers new information to help decide whether the hypothesis is valid.
What are variables?
factors that can change.
What is the independent variable?
the variable that we change
what is the dependent variable?
the variable observed during the experiment .
For results to be accepted, the experiment needs to always produce the _____ _____.
same result.
Variables can only be tested........
one at a time.
Experiments with one tested variable are said to be....
What is a theory?
a well tested set of observations based off a lot of experiments.
What is a model?
A set of rules that follow a theory.
Why are models used?
to help predict what will happen in certain situations.
What is natural or scientific law?
when the same observation applies to many different systems; summarizes results. example: Law of Conservation of Mass.
A theory attempts to ______, whereas a law just makes a statement.
A theory is based off of __________ whereas a law is based off of ____________ __________ of a natural event
experimentation, repeated observations.
A law says something happens, a theory tries to explain___________
Why it happened.