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82 Cards in this Set

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What is a medieval romance about?
the adventures of knights and the institution of chivalry
Where does a medieval romance take place
in an idealized world
What does a medieval romance contain?
- mysterious, magical, and supernatural events
- a romantic hero
- pits forces of good against versus of evil
What is a romantic hero?
- a hero that is braver, nobler, and more honorable than an ordinary human
- has use of magical powers
- often disguised
a stroy that is only partly true (or completely false about a real or fictional character, legends usually include exaggerrations or unusual events or circumstances
King Arthur probabaly lived between _______________ if he was real
500-550 AD
King Arthur may be a form of ______________ name
Arthurius or Roman
If he did exist, it was as a ___________ who battled the Germanic invaders in the 6th century
Where did King Arthur's name first appear
in the 7th century poem Y Guddodin
830 AD, the munc Nennius wrote, depicting Arthur as an amazing figher
Historia Brittonia
1133 AD Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote______________ depicting Arthur as an amazing fighter
the History of the Kings of Britain
What information is unknown about the History of the Kings of Britain
how much detail was forged and how much was written
Name two embellishments to the Arthurian legend in the 12th and 13th century
-French poet Chretian de Troyes adding new tales and characters
- Thomas Malrys de Mark D'Arthur, wrote it into a very long unified epic, made it the definitive version
Who repopularized the Arthurian legend in the 19th century?
the Poet Tennyon in his long poetic work the Idylllis of the King
Who wrote the popular 20th century version of the Arthurian legend
T. H White created another very popular adaptation the Once and Future King
All acounts of Arthur describe him as a
- warrior
- man of justice
- embodiment of ideal christian knight
- integrity
What was the feudal system like in the times of King Arthur?
Monarch, Nobles, knights, peasants
Who had all the power in the British feudal system?
What was a peasant's life like in the feudal system
-worked for land
-were considered part of land
Where was the Tintage castle built?
on where it is believed that Camelot stood
According to legend, how did King Arthur come to power?
Merlin planned it, Arthur pulled the sword from the stone
Lancelot first appeared in the ___ century
His roots begin with the Author _________ poems
Chretian de Troyes
Lancelot is the protagonist in ___________________ where he played his most important role
Le Chevelier de Le Charette
Lancelot is the protagonist in
Who was Le Chevalier de la Charette composed for
Countess Aurie de Champagne
Lancelot showed a. courtly
b. spontanteous passion
Lancelot was in love with
Lancelot had an affair with King Arthur's queen, evantually leading to the destruction of _____________
Arthur's camelot
Lancelot was commonly known as the ______________ of "damsels in distress"
T/f Lancelot saved Guinevere when she was captured
Lancelot was tricked into thinking he was having an affair with Guinevere when it was __________
Elaine of Astolat
Together, Elaine of Astolat and Lancelot had a son named
Galahad evantually completed
th quest for the holy grail
Lancelot represents
- Family lineage
- Chivalry and Courtly Love
-the quest for the holy grail
- the order of society
-Adulterous relations
How does Lancelot represent chivalry
Lancelot courts Guinevere displaying affectionate and chivalric quantities
How does Lancelot represent conflict?
- Lancelot is forced to deal with varous conlicts including his love with Guinevere, his illegitimate child, and elaine, his son's mother
How does Lancelot represent Bravery
Lancelot rescues Guinevere from the wicked Melagant
How does Lancelot represent Right/Wrong
Lancelot must choose between discontinuing the affair with his king's wife or contunuing in the name of life
How does Lancelot represent Loyalty
Lancelot vacillates in his loyalty to his king, falling short in the areas of loving Guinevere
How does Lancelot represent Betrayal
he betrayed the king by having relations with his wife
How does Lancelot represent conquest
Lancelot atempts to achieve the Holy Grail, although he fails
How does Lancelot represent Love
Lancelot loves Guinevere, Guinevere loves Lancelot and Arthur, Arthur loves Guinevere; Elaine loves Lancelot
How does Lancelot represent honour
Lancelot takes great pride in his name and his honour, trying to uphold his name despite his flaws
Lancelot places pride and attention to 3 values
- battles
- adventures
In most legends, Merlin is depicted as
an aid or conuselor whom posses magical powers
The story of Merlin is a combination of
many different tales and legends that orginated in 11th and 12th century Europe
Give orgin/ jobs or actions
Northen Welsh legends, became a prophet after wandering alone for fifty years
Myrddin ab Morfryn
Welsh or British, Believed by some researchers to have been a bard to Arthur
Historia Brtonum by Nennius, Prophet for Vortigern
T/f Merlin was a tutor to Arthur since he was a chld
T/F set up the sword in the stone contest to ensure Arthur's rise to power
Merlin was always superior to Arthur
Who created the round table
What are some medieval ideals reflected in legends about Merlin
Chivlary, Courtly love,
Who was Merlin's love interest
Vivenne, who was his downfall
What were some medieval anxieties refleced in legends about Merlin
- was an orphan to advisor
-explained the unknown suchas weather
The legend of King Arthur emerged roughly in the year
If Arthur really did exist in history, it was most likely as a
The legend of King Arthur brought the Celts hope because
it brought them monemtary glory, hoping Arthur would come back and save them
In his History of the Kings of Britain, this author devoted half of his work to ARthur's exploits and forged written account of Arthurian legend
Geoffrey of Mommouth
Within primary sources about Arthur, we learn how the Anglo Saxons infiltrated England. These Germanic warriors
were invited in by King Vortigern
In the 9th century, Nennius' Historia Brittonum is the first to mention
Arthur will kil his own son
The medieval system and institution of knighthood, a code of honor, is known as
Knights were also known as
Christian warriors
The prized object of quest for many of Arthur's knight was
the holy grail
T/F Courtly love was a code of behavior that applied only to medieval nobility
Courtly love is demonstrated in
Guinevere's affair with Lancelot
n various portrayals of MMerlin, he is seen as
an advisor to Arthur and a prophet
Arthur's mother of his child was
Morgan Le Fay
In one account of the Arthurian legend, Arthur banishesall babies born on May day due to a prophecy
his son will someday murder him
Mordred has never been portrayed as
A. a traitor
b. a savoir
c. Arthur's nephew
d. Arthur's son
a savior
Ironically, this character has been portrayed as both an adulteress and a nun
The downfall of Camelot was brought about by
Guinevere's affair with Sir Lancelot and Mordred's treachery
T/F Guinevere has become the focus of many 20th century feminist writings, giving her a voice and telling her side of the story
Which of the following is not true about a legend
a. it can be completely false
b. it has a clear historical origin
c. exaggereations are often included
d. unusual circumstances are involved
it has a clear historical orgin
Arthur's round table
a. was a wedding gift from his father in law
b. provided seats for 10 knights
c. was round so that everyone who sat at it was equal
d. all of the above
In the Lady of Shalott, the Lady exclaims at the end of Part II, I am half-sick of shadows. How does this line represent a shift in the poem? What motivates her to make this statement
This line indicates that the lady of Shalott wants a change. She has spent her entire life not being able to see life except through the shadows. When she sees Sir Lancelot coming she tries to see him but cannot. This indicates a shift in the poem because here prince charming is coming and here she will either be rescued or die
Name the 5 points of the pentagle
- free of sin
- Jesus's five fingers never failed him
- five words on the cross
- five joys which Mary had for Jesus
- Love and friendship for other men freed crom sin, courtesy that never failed, and pity
What happens on the first day of the hunt
- the men hunt a deer, not very dificult, win a deer carcus
- the lady tempts Gawain, who pretends he's asleep, but she kisses him
What happens on the second day of the hunt
- the men hunt a boar that his confrontational and illusive, tougher than the deer, but they win the boar's head and pork
- Gawain anticipates the lady, she challenges him, she kisses him
Wha happens on the third day of the hunt
- the men hunt a fox, very difficult and evasive, called a thief, they win fur
- lady offers gifts, Gawain accepts the green girdle