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214 Cards in this Set

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Abscess with a shiny, swollen appearance; pain that stings
< heat; no thirst
Abscess with deep inflammation and very sore; blueness, does not want to be touched!!
Abscess with burning and stabbing pain. BETTER by heat and WORSE after midnight; restlessness
Abscess with very bright red swelling, burning, throbbing, tender to touch. Worse cold air
Abscess that is very septic, with a serious illness; bleeding from mucus surfaces; "blood poisoning"
Crotalus horridus
Abscess which comes on easily with the least scratch; pain sharp and stabbing. WORSE any cold - wants to be wrapped
Hepar Sulphuris
Abscess that looks blue or purplish. WORSE heat. Restlessness. Loquacious
Abscess that slowly develops causing chronic septic condition; may affect deep tissues.
Remedy can help in recovery after abscess
Patient has just been burned and the shock and pain is intense. What remedy can help?
First Degree Burn. Remedy?
1st or 2nd degree Burn - lots of NERVE pain
1st or 2nd degree burn - lots of STINGING pain
Urtica urens (stinging nettle)
Second degree burn. Vesicules

(source: Help! & Homeopathy)
Third degree burn - hospital!! What remedy can help?
(source: Help!&Homeopathy)
Second degree burn. Burn is extensive, deep and destroying the skin
Kali Bichr
Patient collapsed. Marked fear and panic. What can help right away?
Patient collapsed. Injury and internal bleeding - going into shock because loss of blood
Patient collapsed due to loss of fluids - extensive diarrhea, vomiting, or blood loss.
Patient collapsed due to spinal trauma causing nerve damage. Blood pools - neurogenic shock. Two remedies to consider
Patient collapses due to insufficient oxygen (asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, foreign object) What remedy?
Carbo vegetabilis
Patient collapses due to high infectious fever and blood poisoing. Serious. What 2 remedies to consider?
Baptisita Tinc
Patient collapses due to lack of oxygen - air hunger! They desire to be fanned. They are COLD, cold breath.
Carbo veg
Patient collapses and skin is marble-cold and beads of cold sweat on forehead
Veratrum album
Patient collapses from emotional shock.
Nat mur
Patient collapses from a cerebrovascular accident. Unconscious/sleepy
Patient collapses. Has chills but "cold but unable to tolerate covering". Fear. Pulse barely perceptable.
Diarrhea. Brought on by exposure to cold, dry wind or from fright
Diarrhea. With colicy pains both before and after stool. Urgent need for stool -almost constant. Sweating from the weakness after stool
Diarrhea. Ate tainted food. Concomitant vomit, nausea prostration, restless. Stools excoriating and smelly
Arsenicum album
Diarrhea. Profuse purging, usually in AM and driving from bed. Great thirst OR dry mouth. Mostly from eating bad fruits. Don't want to move.
Diarrhea. Infant that is teething. Slimy green-grass stools. Smells like bad eggs!
Diarrhea. Debilitating. Painless. Offensive stools. Can get from eating fruit or taking a summer chill.
Diarrhea. Frequent urging, colicky pain, better by relieving pressure or bending double. Only temporary relief after stool is passed.
Diarrhea. Patient got cold and wet - a sudden chilling. Stools slimy/green/yellow and may contain blood.
Diarrhea from over-doing it. Dietary indiscretion. Or alternates with constipation. WORSE in morning. Much urging.
Nux vomica
Diarrhea. Painless. Nervous in origin. Or, toxic state (typhoid fever). Profuse watery stools. Relief after stool.
Phos acid
Diarrhea. Exhaustion. Urgent, early morning. Painless. Preceded by severe colic. Gushes. Offensive. WORSE after eating or drinking. Sinking feeling in pit of stomach.
Sensation: intestines will fall out!
Diarrhea. Cause: At night, drinking cold drinks, nervousness, after eating onions, rich food. No two stools alike.
Diarrhea. Drives patient out of bed in morning. Painless. Variable in consistence and amount.
Diarrhea. Accompanied by vomiting and icy cold sweat. Patient wants iced water and open air. May faint on bathroom floor.
Veratrum album
Diarrhea. Severe Food poisoning. Loss of blood. Patient is white with little pain. Fainting due to low BP. Diarrhea after shellfish!!
Fracture. Patient in shock, damage/bleeding, not stabilized
Fracture. Two emergency remedies:
(1)Swelling, bruising after the fracture.
(2) Nerve damage - sharp shooting pains

Fracture. After setting the bones. Will help restore bone growth - may accelerate.
Contra - if bones not set.
Fracture. Healing of the fracture is delayed. This remedy can be used to stimulate bone growth. Often given after Arnica and Symph
Calc phos
Frostbite - superficial from exposure. First remedy to think of in frostbite. Numbness and tingling, neurological pain
Agaricus muscarius
Frostbite. Superficial. For severe pain, burning, stinging as the skin begins to thaw.
Frostbite. Injury is inflamed purple swelling.
Nitric acid
Frostbite. DEEP. Skin is frozen but also the tissue beneath. Start with Agaricus and/or Apis. But this remedy is thought of for purple-red blotchy color. (Help!Homeopathy)
Heart attack - crushing chest pain, like a band around chest. Shock. Dyspnea. First remedy to think of.....
(Help! Homeopathy)
Heart attack. Violent, percordial pain extending to axilla, down forearm to fingers with numbness. Pulse feeble and rapid. Sinking sensation. Cramping. Angina pectoris
Latodectrus mactans
Acute MI. Heart attack. Angina pectoris. Crushing pain, nausea, sweating, weakness or fainting
Cactus grandiflorus
Acute MI. Usual symptoms but also AIR HUNGER
Hearburn. Pain and fullness in pit of stomach - 2-3 hrs after food. Foul breath. WORSE cold drinks, heat, stress. BETTER eating food - esp warm food, flatus.
Heartburn/indigestion. Burning pain in pit of stomach soon after food. Like a stone in stomach. Can vomit. Exhaustion., chilly. WORSE any food, cold drinks, pressure BETTER warmth, warm drinks, after vomiting
Arsenicum album
Indigestion/distress soon after eating; heaviness, nausea and faintness when sit up; biliousness. WORSE chill, pressure BETTER lying down quiet, belching
Indigestion. Pain and tender pit of stomach - 30 min after food, spread to chest. Much bloating. Flatus. Aversion to meat, milk, fat. Desire sweet and salty. Desire for air WORSE simple food BETTER sitting up, belching
Indigestion. Constrictive pain in pit of stomach 2 hours after food. "Lump" in throat. Desire to retch. Burning, griping, bloating. BETTER eating food, hot fluids, lying down, belch, eructations
Indigestion. Burning, heaviness, pressure in stomach, severe bloating. Bilious, belch. Peevish. WORSE walking BETTER after eating
Hepar sulph
Indigestion. Constant pain in pit of stomach, as from a hard-cornered object; horribly ill, vomits, tongue feels burnt.
Heartburn Indigestion "Weight" immediately after food; pain to shoulder blades; other small spots of soreness BETTER eating
Kali bic
Hearburn. Indigestion. Cramping, clawing, throbbing, great feeling of weight. About 1-2 hrs after food. Severe bloating. Ineffectual inclination to vomit. Queasy nausea WORSE pressure, tight clothes
Nux vomica
Heartburn. Bloating. "Had eaten too much", "Stone" 1-2 hrs after food. Regurg. WORSE warm rm, rich food BETTER eating cold things
Earache. Acute onset. Violent pain. some relief with local heat.
Earache. Digging, throbbing, often right side, Face red and hot. Pain agg by least jarring. BETTER heat
Earache. Pain made WORSE by local heat. Child cross and fretful. BETTER if carried; pain severe
Earache. Stitching pains, sore throat, desire to be warmly wrapped, tender over mastoid, peevish. WORSE any draft. (may start in left ear and spread to right)
Hepar sulph
Earache. Often brought on by chilling when hot or getting feet wet. Fever. Pain. Wants attention. WORSE heat.
Bloodshot eyes with pain
Eye strain. Letters seem to swim or move when reading. Twitching lids. May see double. May oscillate
Eye strain. Vision dim. Film before eyes. Desire to close eyes. Lids heavy. Eye muscles weak.
Eye strain. Vision dim. Eyeballs sore, esp on moving. Eyelds droop. Poss double vision
Eye strain. Gives out while reading. Letters run together. Eyeballs feel too large. Objects appear ringed. Can have hot tears. Lids may feel gritty
Nat mur
Eye strain. Vision obscured by mist or a veil. Eyes hot and burning. Tire easily. BETTER shading by hands
Eye strain. Weak vision with blurring. Eyes ache when using. Eyes hot and burning, esp evening. Water. May see a green halo round artificial light. Spasm lower lids
Lachrymation. Burning in eye. Discharge hot and excoriating. Intense photophobia
Arsenicum album
Lachrymation. Streaming eyes and nose, associated with much sneezing. Discharge makes nose sore but not skin around eye
Allium cepa
Lachrymation. Eyes water all the time; discharge burning and acrid. Constant blinking.
Lachrymation. Profuse, yellow discharge, not excoriate the skin. WORSE warm room, lids sore.
Eye - Burns to eye (chemical, cornea, light, thermal) Consider 3 remedies
(Help! Homeopathy)
Apis - pain & swelling
Eye Injury - fracture of bones around eye. 3 remedies for pain, bruise and bone heal
Bellis perennis
Symphytum (after surgery)
Eye injury - Blunt trauma. 3 remedies for shock, pain and help the eye heal.
Eye injury - Laceration or penetration. 2 remedies for pain and eye heal.
Eye injury. Retina detachment indicated by painless, floaters, vision clouded. ER situation. What remedy can also help?
Can't breath! Patient is "drowning in own secretions", face blue, cold, clammy sweat. Rattling respiration
Antimonium tart
Air hunger. Face puffy, blue, pale, mottled, covered cold sweat. Collapse
Breathing obstructed by a sudden severe swelling of tongue or throat
Gasping for breath. Face blue and cold "blue asphyxia", clutching throat
Fainting from anger
Veratrum album
Fainting from emotional upset
Fainting from excitement. Consider 3 remedies
Fainting from exertion
Nux moschata
Fainting from FRIGHT (2 remedies)
Fainting from a hot, stuffy atmosphere (3 remedies)
Fainting from kneeling
Fainting from loss of blood
Fainting from loss of sleep
Fainting from sight of blood
Nux vomica or Nux mocheta
Fainting from sight of needles (2 remedies)
Fainting from severe pain (3 remedies)
Veratrum album
Fainting from slight pain
Hepar sulph
Fainting from strong odors (2 remedies)
Nux vomica
Fainting in the morning or after a meal (2 remedies)
Nux vomica
Phosphoricum acidum
Sudden fear or fright from a definite cause or "out of the blue". Desperate with fear; beside himself, impatient. Oh my!!
Fear and apprehension beforehand (anticipation); stagefright. Exams. Sudden panic in crowd, closed spaces, high places, over water. Dread of death
Argentum nitricum
Sudden, unaccountable fear. Associated with unease, restlessness. Intolerable anguish, sudden waves of fear when alone
Arsenicum album
Paralysed with fear. Knees quiver. Trembling. Wants to be held to control shaking, particularly before an ordeal.
Fear of the dark or the sight of an glistening object
Plant poisoning. Rapid, racing heartbeat, falling BP, weak, sweat. skin cold clammy. (2 remedies to consider)
Arsenicum album (after having vomited with Syrup of Ipecac)
Poisoning. GI: vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, diff speaking, diff swallowing
Arsenicum album
Plant poisoning. Two sets of symptoms
(1)Hyperactive, excitable
(2)Stupor, coma
(1)Tarantua hispania
Skin irritant - contact poison. Perform emergency procedures. After - consider this remedy for burning symptoms
Arsenicum album
Chlorine poisoning. Inhaled. Severe repiratory, eye, throat, cough, choke, vomit, pulmonary edema. Emergency Room. Afterwards, consider 3 remedies depending on sxs
Arsenicum album
Carbolicum acidum
Stroke. Numbness, confusion, slurred speech etc. Emergency room, 911. Until help arrives, what 2 remedies to consider?
Ear injury. ER or 911.
If distress, panicky - consider 2 remedies. If pain persists, consider 2 remedies
Distress: Aconite, Ignatia
Pain: Hypericum
Foreign body: Arnica
Insomnia. Kept awake by sensation of fear of panic, shock or fright. Restless tossing
Insomnia. Sleep prevented by over-tiredness (physical or mental), bed feels too hard, must keep moving searching for relief
Insomnia. Sleepless after midnight from anxiety or restlessness; has to get up and walk the floor
Arsenicum album
Insomnia. Sleepy yet unable to sleep; restless sleep with frightful dreams; jerks awake when dropping off, surface heat
Insomnia. Sleepless and restless, esp in first part of night; gets up and walks the floor; as soon as bedtime comes is wide awake; irritable. If child - wants to be carried
Insomnia. Feels utterly wide awake, mind active, possibly with pleasurable thoughts, result of sudden news (exciting or distressing)
Insomnia. Sleepless after mental strain or over-indulgence; wakes about 3-4 am and after a wakeful period drops off - only to wake later cross, tired, unrefreshed; sleep dream and restless
Nux vomica
Insomnia. First sleep restless, and sound sleep when it is time to rise; gets too hot in bed, throws off covers, gets chilly and pulls them on again; put arms above head when asleep
Sore throat. Burning, smartness, drying, tingling in throat - very red. Sudden onset from exposure to cold wind; fever and thirst for cold water. Hurts to swallow
Sore throat. Burning, stinging pains in throat - swollen and soggy, desire cool. WORSE heat, absence of thirst
Sore throat. Develops slowly; recurrent tonsellitis; tendensy to quinsy; tonsil and neck lymph nodes enlarge
Baryta carb
Sore throat. Bright red throat, dry and burns like fire. Bright red tongue, spasm on swallow.
Sore throat. Burning pain in throat - soreness and raw, feels constricted, must keep swallowing; hoarseness, relieved by coughing up mucus
Sore throat. Develops several days after exposure in warm, moist, relaxing weather; diff swallow, cold shivers, lassitude, heaviness. No thirst
Sore throat. Comes with a well-established cold; fishbone sensation. Swallowing pain from throat to ears. Throat sensitive. Catarrah, very irritable, sensitive to cold draft
Hepar sulph
Sore throat. Soreness starts on left and later extends to right; throat blue/red; feels like it is closing up. Constant desire to swallow. Rawness and burning. Can swallow solids better than liquids. No pressure on throat
Sore throat. Very severe, rapid onset, prostration, ulceration of membranesk thick tongue, salivation, putrid odor, hot sweats
Merc cyanatus
Sore throat. Raw, sore, smarting, happens with every cold, foul mouth, thirst despite moist mouth and much salivation; thick, yellow coating tongue WORSE night.
Merc solubilis
Sore throat. Sore, congested and dark red; throat feels full as if would choke; every attempt sends shooting through ears, can't swallow even water. Sensation of ball of red-hot iron stuck in throat. Neck muscles stiff
Cough. Constant, short, dry, with feeling of suffocation; (or a dry ringing coug) after exposure of cold, dry wind
Cough. Persistent, rattling, great accumulation of phelgm, diff getting phelgm up; sudden sensation of suffocation - must sit up;
Antimonium tart
Cough. Wheezing respiration, frothy phelgm, can't breath freely, WORSE midnight-2am, restless, anxious, weak, exhausted
Arsenicum album
Cough. Dry, tickling cough in violent paroxysms; great dryness in larynx; cough seems to burst in head, fits
Cough. Hard, dry, spasmodic, shakes whole body; often with stitches or soreness in chest, bursting headache WORSE cold, dry weather, after eating, wants to sigh, ANY MOVEMENT, peevish. Holds chest when coughing
Cough. Hard, racks whole chest which seems full of mucus; rawness in throat and hoarseness, may get relief of drink cold water. Can have incontinence with cough
Cough. Violent tickle in larynx brings on fit coughing; accompanied by retching, gagging, causes pain below ribs WORSE night BETTER open air
Cough. Suffocative coughing spells, croup WORSE cold, dry weather, breathing cold air, uncovering a body part BETTER warm, moist weather
Hepar sulph
Cough. Spasmodic, suffocative with rattling respiration early in illness; wheezing, wt on chest. Intense nausea with clean tongue; not relieved by vomiting
Cough. Persistent. Very tough mucus - lumpy or stringy, constant hawking
Kali bic
Cough. Dry teasing or spasmodic cough with gagging and retching; feverish. Can't move/uncover without feeling very chilly, bursting HA WORSE cold, dry wind
Nux vomica
Cough. Dry, hard tickling cough racks body, exhausting; tickle in larynx or lower; causes bursting HA; chest tight WORSE any chg temp, lying down night, laughing, talking
Cough. Dry, teasing persistent cough, possibly with spells of gagging WORSE warm room, lying down. Desire air and open windows
Cough. Dry, teasing cough with tickle deep in air tubes WORSE night, uncovering, taste of blood in mouth, restless, must move
Rhus Tox
Cough. Spasmodic cough, dry or tough tenacious stringy mucus; violent tickly - paroxysm WORSE lying down, night, sensitive open air. INSPIRED AIR FEELS COLD
Cough. Noise, raspy cough but no wheezing or rattling; wakes from sleep choking with violent cough WORSE talking, singing, swallowing, lying head low
Cold. The first sneeze or shiver, esp after exposure to cold wind. Thirst, restless
Cold. Paroxysms of sneezing, eyes and nose stream, nose & lips raw WORSE warm room BETTER fresh air
Allium cepa
Cold. Takes cold at every chg of weather. Sneezing frequent and painful. Thin, watery, burning discharge
Arsenicum album
Cold. Violent onset after exposure,esp to head; not much discharge, nose swollen and red. Very thirsty
Cold. Onset is delayed, symptoms slow to develop; much sneezing, eyes red and water, nasal discharge watery, great thirst BETTER lying down and no motion
Cold. Follows exposure to cold wet weather or being chilled; Severe sneezing WORSE cold room, wants nose warm. Eyes and nose stream, esp indoors. Neck stiff, throat sore
Cold. Early stage of cold - with few marked indications
Ferrum Phos
Cold. The Influenza type cold, from warm moist weather or chg of weather; discharge makes nose sore; heavy lids
Cold. Follows exposure to cold, dry weather. Much sneezing, discharge watery to think; WORSE least draft; peevish
Hepar sulph
Cold. Colds from every exposure, esp damp; Violent sneezing, watery acrid discharge, eyes water, HA, pain rt of nose WORSE heat
Kali iodatum
Cold. Sneezes violently, nose drips, corrosive, green-yellow, offensive, nose red, throat sore, hoarse, dry tickly cough
Cold. from exposure to dry cold; Much sneezing, nose alt. blocked or runs; stuffed night ; very chilly BETTER outside
Nux vomica
Cold. Begins chest or throat, sneezing --> pain in throat or head; nose blocked/runs, throat sore, hoarse, tight chest WORSE warm to cold, vice versa
Cold. Persistent, stuffed night or warm room; thick, yellow d/c - worse outside. BETTER outside
Influenza. Streaming eyes and nose, chilliness, great prostration; burning pains BETTER warm applications, thirst
Influenza. Very rapid prostration, high fever, gastric sxs, stuporous state, looks drugged, dull red face, smells bad
Influenza. Very hot, dry, wants to lie still and let alone, aches all over, irritable WORSE least movement BETTER pressure
Influenza. Severe pains in limbs and back, bones feel "broken", dare not to move, bursting HA, shiver, chills. Eyeballs sore
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Influenza. Chills up/down spine, cold/hot, great heaviness, tired body esp head and eyelids. Hard cough. No thirst. Bursting HA
Influenza. Very chilly, shivering, chill from drinking, aching limbs and back, stomach upset, nose stuffed night; irritable, oversensitive
Nux vomica
Influenza. Severe pains in back and thighs, SO chilly that no fire can warm, rapid pulse, intense restlessness, violent pulsations, bursting HA, bed feels too hard; SEPTIC STATES
Influenza. Clingy and weepy, BETTER sitting up. Yellow-green d/c or expectoration, THRISTLESS.
Influenza. Quickly affects the lungs, esp right lung. Lots of cough. Could bleed. Crave cold drinks.
Gastritis. Anxiety, vomiting and diarrhea at same time. Worse midnight, bad food. Burning pains
Gastritis. Vomit once ice cold water stomach. Fears being alone
Gastritis. Stomach pain better with rubbing, Lots of distention and gas; Better after stool and eating
Gastritis. Pain in stomach better after eating and lying down. Better warm food/drink, warm milk. Better eructations
Gastritis. Stomach pain worse motion, irritable, thirsty, heavy feeling
Gastritis. Stomach pain worse after fats, rich foods. Dry mouth but thirstless; bad taste in mouth. Weepy
Acute cystitis. Constant urging feeling, violent burning pain, blood in urine. Intense!!
Acute cystitis.Constant urging, fullness NOT better by urination, WORSE at end of urination. BETTER lying down
Acute cystitis. Intense urging not relieved by urinating; blood mucus, rectal urge concomitant, Never feels gets done, scanty burning, hot urine passes drop by drop
Mercurius corr
Acute cystitis. Sudden, painful urging and painful urination. JUMPS UP/DOWN WITH PAIN. Becomes a biting pain after urination. Wants to put something in urethra to soothe
Acute cystitis. Burning at the end of urination - cries out in pain. Feels need to stand.
Acute cystitis. Urging, pressure but difficult to urinate - a thin stream or drops; Better urinating. Irritable bladder. After intercourse
Dysmenorrhea. Great intensity, copious flow, bright red, PAINS COME SUDDENLY AND LEAVE SUDDENLY; BEARING DOWN SENSATION
Dysmenorrhea. PMS with heaviness, easy suppression (getting feet wet or cold). Heavy abdomen. changeable
Dysmenorrhea. Strong sxs. Worse before and during menses BETTER AFTER MENSES FLOW.
Dysmenorrhea. Irritable, long and associated with abdomen sxs. Long, copious flow. Dark. May have constipation
Nux vomica
Dysmenorrhea. PMS physical sxs. Menses too soon, last too long, flow too profuse. Pain before and during menses
Calc carb
Dysmenorrhea. Great tendency to bleed. Menses too long, copious. Bright red with clots. Shooting pains to pubic region from vagina, uterus or umbilicus. BACK TO FRONT, BELOW UP
Nausea. Botulism. Consider 3 remedies.
Arsenicum album
Carbolicum acidum
Nux vomica
Nausea. Ptomaine poisoning. Consider 2 remedies
Arsenicum album
Nux vomica
Nausea. Staphylococcus - food poisoning. Consider 2 remedies
Arsenicum album
Nux vomica
Mouth ulcers. Small ulcers of aphthous type. Mouth hot and tender. Tend to bleed if touched or when eating.
Mouth ulcers. Excess salivation, spongy gums that bleed easily; metallic taste, marked thirst
Mouth ulcers. Small blisters or extremely sensitive ulcers; relief from holding cold fluids in mouth
Nat sulph
Mouth ulcers. Ulcers accompanied by sharp, splinter-like pains, much salivation
Nitricum acidum
Pneumonia. Comes on quickly, causation of cold or fright, starts in night, restlessness
Pneumonia. Weak constitution, can't get slime out, rattling. lack oxygen
Antimonium tart
Pneumonia. Can't move. Irritable. DRY. Thirst. Fever, very pale/ashen
Pneumonia. Looks well but with red circles on cheeks; strong tubercular miasm, changeable, not too high of fever
Ferrum phos
Pneumonia. really ill children. They cough to vomit!! May have bleeding (nose, sputum) The power of the cough may cause bleeding - just a little bit blood. Capricious, tubercular miasm
Pneumonia. Rarely used in pneumonia cases; cough, weak <night, Feels guilty if things are not proper; guilt causing restlessness in moving hands (wringing)
Kali brom
Pneumonia. Kali sxs, strong personality, cough and have to sit up with arms on knees bent over
Kali carb
Pneumonia. Good for prodrome with pain in chest and constriction; need to walk fast to relieve pain then need to be very quiet. Two stages; need to know what happened before they became quiet
Pneumonia. Right sided lung, lying on ill side. Worse 4-8 afternoon, Needs company, moving of nostrils. Wants warm drinks and sweets
Pneumonia. Dangerous, syphilitic pneum.; stinking, fever worse night, sense that pneum is very dangerous
Pneumonia. they are COLD!! shiver when lifting the cover, irritated, oversensitive, causation = lack sleep, cold, anger
Nux vomica
Pneumonia. Left sided. Cannot lie on left side. Thirst, fears, protect by holding them, likes rubbing on back. Cause - cold air.
Vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously. Worse veg/fruits. Sweating. Painful stools.
Veratrum album
Nausea during diarrhea with vomiting. Pains that create restlessness and tossing about. Very GREEN diarrhea, fermentation, froth
Diarrhea after anger. Periodical, yearly diarrhea in summer. Much mucus in stool with much urging
Kali bic
Diarrehea. Lot's of exhaustion, looks septic, deathly sick; Severe cramps or painless, morning, rising 4am, Better as day goes on. Stool copious, watery gushes yellow. During dentition. Lost of offensive gas. Explosive after eating.