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170 Cards in this Set

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○ Lack of confidence
○ Timidity and shyness
○ Yielding
§ Don't stand up for themselves.
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Obstinacy
§ Agrees in person, but disagrees in mind.
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Conscientious about trifles
○ Startles easily form noise
○ Anxiety from anticipation
○ Irritable like Nux--intense.
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Stitching/ Sticking pain
○ A hair on tongue
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Worse
§ Cold
§ Draft
§ Damp
§ Uncovering: esp. head
§ Full or new moon
○ Better
§ Covering head
§ Warm humid weather
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Cold
○ Offensive acrid foot sweat
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Ailments from
§ Suppression of foot sweat
§ Vaccination
§ Cold air on head
○ Profuse head sweat
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Desires: ice cream, cold water
○ Aversion: Meat, warm food, mother’s milk
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
§ Headache
□ Bursting out headache
□ Violent tearing, frequently one-sided, starting from occipital protuberances; extending to upward and forward. Violent, above eyes, so that he could scarcely open them
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
§ -This child is becoming much more touchy, more difficult, he resents interference and is more inclined to retire into his shell. He is fairly bright mentally, very easily tired out physically; liable to sweat, particularly about the extremities or about the head and neck.
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
§ Constipation very strong
□ Bashful stool
□ Fear of pain of stool
□ Before and during menses
§ Aversion to Mother’s milk
□ Immediately vomits afterwards
§ Rectal fissures and fistulae
□ Splinter like pains
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ Psychiatric
§ Anxiety disorder
§ Social anxiety disorder
○ Dermatologic
§ Keloid growth
§ Fissures
§ Foreign objects
□ Helps the body expel things
§ Poor infected wound healing
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
○ GI
§ Malabsorption syndromes
§ IBS with constipation
○ Neurologic
§ Headaches
§ Chronic fatigue
§ Seizure disorder
§ MS
○ Pediatric
§ Failure to thrive
§ Developmental delay
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
a. polychrest
○ Immune
§ Immune insufficiency
§ Frequent infection
§ Absesses
§ Poor convalescence
□ Lingering ssx
§ Vaccinosis
□ Children
§ Chronic fatigue syndrome
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
§ Constipation very strong
□ Bashful stool
□ Fear of pain of stool
□ Before and during menses
Silicea, Silicon Dioxide, Silica
§ Swollen tongue; takes imprint of teeth
§ Offensive odor
§ Excess salivation with thirst and sensation of dry mouth
□ Mapped tongue
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
§ Begins with creeping chill
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Psychiatric
§ Paranoid personality disorder
§ Antisocial personality disorder
§ Depression
○ Dermatologic
§ Poor wound healing
§ Eczema
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Immune
§ Immune insufficiency
§ Frequent infection
§ Abscesses
§ Poor convalescence
§ Chronic fatigue syndrome
§ Arthritides
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Anemia
○ Syphilis
○ Very weak, deficient patient.
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ eurologic
§ Chronic fatigue
§ Tremor disorders
§ Insomnia
§ Vertigo
§ MS
○ Respiratory
§ Laryngitis
§ Tonsillitis
§ Sinusitis
§ Otitis: Media and Externa
§ With otorrhea
○ GI
§ Stomatitis
§ Glossitis
§ Ulcerative colitis
§ Gastroenteritis
○ Opthamologic
§ Iritis
§ Conjunctivitis
§ Episcleritis
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Urologic
§ Cysititis
§ Urethritis
§ Nephritis/ nephrosis
§ Orchitis
§ Leucorrhea
§ Ovaritis
§ Mastitis
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Cold
○ Profuse perspiration that does not ameliorate
§ Worse at night
§ Stains the linen yellow
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Offensive odors
§ Breath
§ Perspiration
§ Stool
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Desires:
§ Sweets
§ Milk
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Worse
§ Night
§ Cold damp weather
§ Warm
§ Cold
§ Draft
§ Lying on Right side
§ Right side
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Pains
§ Burning
§ Stinging
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Hurriedness
§ Time seems to go slowly
○ Impulsive
§ To kill: at the sight of a knife
§ Sudden impulse to suicide
○ Slowness
§ Answers slowly
§ Reflect long before answering.
○ Anxious and restless as if some evil impended, worse at night, with sweat
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Stammering hurried speech
○ Weary of Life
○ Suspicious and paranoid
○ Confusion
§ Loses his way in familiar streets
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Fear
§ Knives
§ Night
§ Robbers
§ Insanity
§ Suicide
Mercurius, Elemental mercury, Mercury
○ Infection
§ Pneumonia
§ Sepsis
§ Typhoid Fever
§ Influenza
§ Pneumonia
§ Nephritis
§ Encephalitis
§ Recurrent abscesses
○ Chilly
○ Ailments following septic infections
○ Pulse out of relation to fever
○ Rapidly alternating temperature
○ Tongue large, flabby; clean and smooth as if varnished; fiery red.
○ Horribly offensive odors
○ Restlessness
○ Worse
§ Cold
§ Motion
○ Better
§ Warm
§ First motion
§ Changing position
○ Bed feels too hard
§Delusions about body
As if crowded with arms and legs in bed
○ Loquacity
○ Active mind during fever
○ Thinks and talks more quickly with fever
○ Restlessness
○ Sense of duality
○ Lamenting about the pains
○ Irritability during headache
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ Neurologic
§ Neuralgia
§ Chorea
§ Headache
§ Parkinson’s Dx
§ Colic
§ Sciatica
○ M/S
§ Cramping
§ Spasm
○ Angina pectoris
○ Dysmenorrhea
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ Neurologic
§ Neuralgic pains > warmth
§ Sudden violent paroxysms of neuralgic pain
§ Sharp, shooting, lightening like pains
§ Pains change place suddenly
§ Toothache > warm drinks
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ M/S
§ Cramps from overexertion
○ Gyn
§ Cutting pains extend down to thighs
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ Right sided
○ Chills run up and down the back
○ Thirst for cold drinks
○ Twitching/ Tics
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ Worse
§ Cold
§ Air
§ Washing
§ Lying on R. side
§ Night
○ Better
§ Warmth
§ Pressure
§ Rubbing
§ Bending double
□ Sudden violent paroxysms of neuralgic pain
□ Sharp, shooting, lightening like pains
Mag. phos., Magnesium phosphate
○ Nerologic
§ Neuralgia
§ Colic
§ Including: Cholycystitis
○ Cardiac
§ Angina pectoris
○ Gyn
§ Dysmenorrhea
Dioscorea villosa, Wild Yam, Dioscorea
○ Paroxysmal pains
○ Pains dart to distant parts
§ Pains in liver shoots to right nipple
○ Pains change place suddenly
○ Bends backward with pain
○ May double up but worse from this
○ Uterine colic radiate to fingers and toes
Dioscorea villosa, Wild Yam, Dioscorea
○ Worse
§ Lying
§ Doubling up
§ Tea
Dioscorea villosa, Wild Yam, Dioscorea
○ Better
§ Stretching out
§ Bending backwards
§ Hard pressure
Dioscorea villosa, Wild Yam, Dioscorea
○ Sharp
○ Cutting
○ Twisting
○ Griping
○ Grinding
Dioscorea villosa, Wild Yam, Dioscorea
VI. M/E-very important
* Capriciousness
§ Pulsitilla is more mild.
* Irritability
* Impatient
* Rude
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Aversion to touch
§ Will hit you.
* Aversion to be looked at
* Aversion to be spoken to
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Worse from
* Night
* Heat
* Coffee
* Narcotics
* Being looked at
* Worse from touch
* Don't like to be examined.
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Better
* Being carried and rocked
□ Not enough to just be held.
* Mild weather
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Hot and thirsty
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Numbness after or with the pain
* Ailments from anger
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Hypersensitive to pain
§ Pt has very low pain threshold.
* Ailments from overuse of (coffee) caffeine and other drugs
§ Effective tx for drug rehab centers.
* Restlessness
* Convulsions in nursing children from anger in mother
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
One cheek pale, the other red
* Respiratory
* Cough or Asthma from anger
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* GI
* Hot, green, watery, slimy, offensive stool *NPLEX
* Sulphur smell
* Like chopped spinach
* Pain & numbness coming together
§ Same part of body
§ Same time
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Respiratory
* Frequently in children
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Neuro
* H/A
* Neuralgia/Neuritis
* Chronic pain syndromes
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* GI
* Gastroenteritis
* Gyn
* Transition stage of labor
* Dysmennorhea
* Mastitis
* Metrorrhagia
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Pediatric
* OM
* Colic
□ Cramping pain in a hollow organ
* Teething problems
* Behavior disorder
□ Less likely
* GI
* Hot, green, watery, slimy, offensive stool *NPLEX
* Sulphur smell
* Like chopped spinach
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Numbness after or with the pain
* Ailments from anger
* Hypersensitive to pain
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Capriciousness
§ Pulsitilla is more mild.
* Irritability
* Impatient
* Rude
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
VI. M/E-very important
* Capriciousness
§ Pulsitilla is more mild.
* Irritability
* Impatient
* Rude
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Aversion to touch
§ Will hit you.
* Aversion to be looked at
* Aversion to be spoken to
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Worse from
* Night
* Heat
* Coffee
* Narcotics
* Being looked at
* Worse from touch
* Don't like to be examined.
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Better
* Being carried and rocked
□ Not enough to just be held.
* Mild weather
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Hot and thirsty
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Numbness after or with the pain
* Ailments from anger
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Hypersensitive to pain
§ Pt has very low pain threshold.
* Ailments from overuse of (coffee) caffeine and other drugs
§ Effective tx for drug rehab centers.
* Restlessness
* Convulsions in nursing children from anger in mother
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
One cheek pale, the other red
* Respiratory
* Cough or Asthma from anger
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* GI
* Hot, green, watery, slimy, offensive stool *NPLEX
* Sulphur smell
* Like chopped spinach
* Pain & numbness coming together
§ Same part of body
§ Same time
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Respiratory
* Frequently in children
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Neuro
* H/A
* Neuralgia/Neuritis
* Chronic pain syndromes
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* GI
* Gastroenteritis
* Gyn
* Transition stage of labor
* Dysmennorhea
* Mastitis
* Metrorrhagia
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Pediatric
* OM
* Colic
□ Cramping pain in a hollow organ
* Teething problems
* Behavior disorder
□ Less likely
* GI
* Hot, green, watery, slimy, offensive stool *NPLEX
* Sulphur smell
* Like chopped spinach
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Numbness after or with the pain
* Ailments from anger
* Hypersensitive to pain
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Capriciousness
§ Pulsitilla is more mild.
* Irritability
* Impatient
* Rude
Chamomilla matricaria-Roman Chamomile
* Neurologic
* Seizure disorder
* H/A
* Allergies
* Food
□ Ppl w/food allergies can be cured w/homeopathy.
* Inhalant
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Pertusis
□ In children & adults-immunity from vaccine only last 6-7 yrs.
□ Coughing at night for months; usually don't feel bad during the day.
□ Dx test for pertusis-nasopharyngeal culture for bordatella pertusis.
¨ Tx w/tetracycline prior to SSx.
¨ After a week, no more bordatella can be cultured. SSx are all autoimmune after that.
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Allergic
* Rubs nose frequently
* Grinds teeth
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Arches back when angry
* Cyanosis around mouth
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Respiratory
* Cough
* Gagging cough in the evening
* Violent cough
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Genupectoral sleep position
§ Knee to chest.
* Night Terrors
§ Wake up screaming.
§ Look as if you are awake.
§ Don't remember this the next day.
§ Not uncommon w/children.
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Burning heat in face with glowing red cheeks with pallor or cyanosis around mouth and eyes.
* Great hunger even after a meal
* Desire to be carried or rocked
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Worse
* Touch
* Being looked at
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Better
* Rocking
* Lying on abdomen
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Irritable and cross
* Stiffens out when looked at
* Temper tantrums
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Desire to be carried without relief
§ Does not help them. It will help Chamomile.
* Striking and kicking
Cina-Artemisia cina, Wormseed
* Dermatology
* Abscesses
* Ulcers
* Cellulitis
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Respiratory
* Tonsillitis
* Laryngitis
* Bronchitis/ pneumonia
* Pertusis
* Asthma
* Sinusitis
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Respiratory
* Cough
* When exposed to cold air
* Very sensitive to cold.
* Rattling and mucus in lungs but can’t expectorate (Ant. Tart.)
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Discharges smell offensive, like old cheese
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Desire for sour foods
Veratrum album, too
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Sweats profusely and easily but can not uncover because of chilliness
§ Mercury tox ssx
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Taking cold from cold damp weather
§ "get a cold, come down w/ a cold"
§ Dulcamera, too.
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Ailments from mercury toxicity
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Tendency to suppuration
* Sensitivity to pain
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Worse
* Touch: even slight touch
□ Lachesis, too.
□ China, too.
* Cold
* Air
* Draft
* Winter
* Uncovering
* Cannot give hepar sulph if better from cold.
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Better
* Warmth
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Stitching pain
* Needle like pain
* Splinter like
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Wind blowing on the injured part or abscess
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Irritable
* From the slightest cause
* Discontented with everything
* Anxiety about health and family
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Desire to kill
* With a knife
* Set things on fire
* Throw her child in the fire
* Accidentally bump into this person & they stab you…commonly seen in prisoners.
* Violence
§ Impulsive violence.
Hepar Sulph-Hepar sulphuris calcareum
* Inflammatory conditions
* First stage without characteristic symptoms
* Tonsillitis/ Pharyngitis/ Laryngitis
* Bronchitis/ Pneumonia
* Gastritis/ Gastroenteritis
* Arthritis
* Influenza
* Common Cold
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* Febrile infections
* Anemia *NPLEX
§ Of which cannot be explained & treated otherwise.
* Hemorrhagic conditions
* Epistaxis
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* False plethora
* Pale face with circumscribed redness
* Easy flushing
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* Early inflammatory process
* Moderate fever
* Fever with hemmorrhages
* Nose bleeds when fever goes up w/cellulitis d/t yellow jacket sting b/c they have bacteria on them b/c they eat garbage.
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* Worse
* 4-6 PM NPLEX
* 4-6 AM NPLEX
□ Not clinically important SSx.
* Touch
* Jar
* Motion
* Right side
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* Better
* Cold applications
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
* Cheerful and laughing during the day, and poor mood at night
§ Just as sick during the day as nite.
Ferrum phos.-Iron Phosphate
○ Respiratory
§ Pneumonia
§ Chronic bronchitis
§ Respiratory Distress of newborns
§ Asthma
§ Croup
○ GI
§ Gastritis
§ Gastroenteritis
○ Pox Diseases
§ Smallpox, chicken pox
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Respiratory
§ Shortness of breath with cyanosis
§ Must sit up to breath
§ Rattling of loose mucus but unable to expectorate
§ Flaring of alae nasi
§ Cough
§ From anger
§ After eating
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ GI
§ Frequent vomiting of bitter substances
§ Vomiting better lying on R. side
§ Long lasting vomiting followed by weakness and sleepiness
§ Diarrhea and vomiting at same time
§ Diarrhea and flatulence
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Overpowering sleepiness
○ Perspiration with weakness
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Ailments from
§ Suppressed eruptions
§ Vaccinations
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Food cravings
§ Thirst for cold drinks frequently
§ Desire for acids which aggravate
§ Aversion to milk
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Worse
§ Warm
§ Room
§ Wraps
§ Weather
§ Anger
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
§ Lying on Right side
§ Being upright
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Aversion to be looked at
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Aversion to be touched
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Clings to those around
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
○ Peevish, whining and moaning
Antimonium tartaricum-Antimony tartrate-Tarter Emetic
* Immune
* Immune insufficiency
* Frequent infection
* Absesses
* Poor convalescence
* “Never well since”
* Ailments from loss of vital fluids
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* GI
* Peptic Ulcer Dx
* Gastroenteritis
* Malabsorption syndromes
* Hemorrhoids
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Cardiovascular
* Right sided CHD
* Arrythmias
* Varicosities
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Respiratory
* Progress downward to
* Bronchitis
* Pnuemonia
* Laryngitis
* Pertusis
* Early stage without characteristic sx
* Asthma
* Chronic bronchitis
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Dermatologic
* Gangrene
* Decubitus ulcers
* Palliative Care
* End stage Dx with collpase
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Flatulent distention
* Gastric
* Abdominal
* 30 minutes after eating
* Eructations ameliorate
* Cramping colicky pain
* Pt must bend double
* Offensive flatus
* Hemorrhoids
* Large, protruding, blue
* Burning, and fetid
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Cardiovascular
* Palpitations better from eructations
* Respiratory
* Hoarseness worse in the evening
* Cough with burning in chest
* Air hunger
* Respiration amel. by eructations.
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Derm:
* Blue, cold, ecchymosed skin
* Ulcers
* Foul, burning, and bleeding
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Hemorrhagic tendency
* Lack of Reaction
* Burning heat subjectively: Cold objectively
* Cold
* Sweat
* Breath
* Extremities
* Nose
* Tongue
* Desire to be fanned
* Cyanosis from venous stasis
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Desires:
* Coffee
* Sweets
* Salty-sour
* Aversion: Fatty food
* Aggravation
* Fatty food
* Alcohol
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Worse
* Warmth
* Fatty foods
* Better
* Eructations
* Cool air
* Being fanned
* Loosening clothes on waist
* Lying down or raising legs
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Burning pains
* Raw sensation
* Weakness
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Timidity
* Fear of
* Ghosts
* Accidents
* People
* Frightful images in dark
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* MIND - ANXIETY - evening
* MIND - ANXIETY - evening - bed; in
* MIND - ANXIETY - closing eyes; on
* MIND - ANXIETY - face - heat of face; with
* MIND - ANXIETY - heart failure; in congestive
* MIND - ANXIETY - pressure; from - Chest; on
* Timidity
Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult
* MIND - CONFUSION of mind
* MIND - CONFUSION of mind - arouse himself, compelled to
* MIND - MEMORY - weakness of memory - dampness; from exposure to

* MIND - YIELDING disposition
* MIND - INDIFFERENCE - everything, to

Carbo vegitabilis-Vegetable carbon-Charcoal
* Respiratory
* Sinusitis
* Bronchitis
* Pnuemonia
* Asthma
* GI
* Gastritis
* Gastroenteritis
* Ulcerative Colitis
* Arthritis
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* Respiratory
* Stringy, ropy, tenacious mucus discharge
* Thick plugs
* Nasal Obstruction with pain at the root of the nose, like wearing heavy glasses
* Nasal polyps
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* GI
* Punched out ulcers on mucous membranes
* Arthritis
* Wandering pains
* Pains over small areas
* Cracking of joints
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* Chilly
* Food cravings
* Desire warm food and drinks
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* Worse
* Early moring
* Especially 2-3AM
* Cold
* Damp
* Undressing
* Beer
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* Sadness
* After irritation
* Better after eating
* Aversion to work and business
Kali bichromicum-Potassium bichromate
* Endocrine
* Graves Disease
* Psychiatric
* Paranoia/ Depression
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Respiratory
* Pertusis
* Pneumonia
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Laryngitis
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Respiratory
* Cough
* As soon as head hit pillow
* From tickle in throat as from crumbs, dust, or feather
* From deep in chest
* Deep barking cough
* With choking or retching
* With hemorrhage or epistaxis
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Respiratory
* Paroxysms of cough follow each other rapidly
* Deep, bass voice
* Asthma worse talking
* Must hold chest during cough
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Food Desire and aversion
* Averse and aggravated by sour foods.
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* He is dejected about the malice of others on all hands, and at the same time disheartened and concerned about the future (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.](MMP)
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Anxiety, as if his enemies would not leave him quiet, envied and persecuted him. [Lr.] (MMP)
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Worse
* After midnight
* Lying down
* Warmth
* Talking
* Laughing
* Singing

* Better
* Open air
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Dryness (in throat, with thirst)
Drosera rotundifolia-Round-leaved Sundew
* Respiratory
* Pneumonia
* Chronic bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Laryngitis
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* GI
* Childhood colic
* Neurological
* Seizure disorders
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Sensation of great weakness in chest
* Hollow sensation in chest
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Weakness from:
* Talking
* Laughing
* Singing
* Dyspnea from slight exertion
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Profuse mucopurulent discharge that is easily expectorated
* Sputum tastes sweet
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Cough
□ From anger
□ After eating
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Increased libido before menses
* Bearing down sensation
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Child wants to be carried on shoulder
* Colic better hard pressure
* Sometimes from a hard edge
* Smell of food cooking causes nausea
* Anorexia from weakness
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Extreme weakness
* To weak to talk
* Drops into chair rather than sitting down
* Trembling from weakness
* Weakness descending
* Complaints (pains) come and go slowly
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Worse
* Using voice
* Hard pressure
* Lying on Right side
* Expectoration
Stannum metallicum-Tin
V. Sensations
* Chest feels raw or hollow
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Restlessness
* Anxious, nervous, sad
* Frequent easy weeping that agg.
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Taciturn
* Fixed ideas
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Weak, miserable, discouraged
* Angry at trifles
Stannum metallicum-Tin
* Smell of food cooking causes nausea
* Anorexia from weakness
Stannum metallicum-Tin