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69 Cards in this Set

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What corrections must be made to make the following true?
The joints of your body act like the the bar of a lever.
The joints of your body act like the [fulcrum] of a lever.
What corrections must be made to make the following true?
A first class lever has the effort force between the fulcrum and the load.
A first class has the [fulcrum] between the [load] and the [effort force].
What corrections must be made to make the following true?
Cardiac muscles are the most numerous muscles in the body.
[Skeletal muscles] are the most numerous in the body.
What corrections must be made to make the following true?
Of the three types of muscles found in your body, only smooth muscles are involuntary.
Of the three types of muscles found in your body, only [smooth muscles and cardiac muscles] are involuntary.
What corrections must be made to make the following true?
Muscles always push, they never pull.
Muscles always [pull], they never [push].
What corrections must be made to make the following true?
Skeletal muscle movements are the result of single muscles working alone.
Skeletal muscle movements are the result of [pairs of muscles] working alone.
What percentage of your body mass is blood?
What is blood made of?
Red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma
What is plasma made of?
Nutrients, minerals and oxygen dissolved in water
Which gas does blood carry to the cells of the body? What else does is carry to the cells?
Oxygen and nutrients
What gas does the blood carry away from the cells of the body? What else does it carry away from the cells?
Carbon dioxide and waste
Which type of blood cells are more numerous in the body?
Red blood cells
What type of blood cells fight infection?
White blood cells
What blood type contains both A and B substances?
What blood type contains neither A or B substances?
How long do red blood cells live?
~120 days
How long do white blood cells live?
~30 days
Red blood cells contain _______, a chemical that can pick up oxygen and carbon dioxide.
A person receives blood or blood parts during a ___________.
Blood transfusion
A disease in which one or more types of blood cells are produced in greater numbers is called _________.
A disorder in which there are few red blood cells or too little hemoglobin in the blood is called ________.
The liquid part of the blood that is mostly made of water is called _________.
The odd-shaped cell fragments that clot blood are called ________.
________ fight bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances in the body.
White blood cells
Blood groups and ___________ are checked before transfusions are given.
RH factors
Your body reacts to infection by __________ its white blood count.
What causes most diseases?
Viruses and harmful bacteria known as pathogens
What happens when milk is pasteurized?
It is heated to a temp. that kills most bacteria
How is a disinfectant different from an antiseptic?
Disinfectant - kills pathogens on non-living things
Antiseptic - kills pathogens on skin
What are some ways communicable diseases are spread?
Air, water, food, contact and animals
How was the Plague spread?
Fleas that carried the disease, which lived on mice
What are some STDs that are caused by viruses?
AIDS, herpes
What kinds of STDs are treatable and what does the treatment consist of?
STDs that are caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics like penicillin
In every case of a particular disease the __________ thought to cause the __________ must be present.
pathogen ; disease
The _________ pathogen has to be separated from all other pathogens and grown in a _________.
suspect ; pure culture
When the pathogen from the pure culture is ____________ into a ___________, it must cause the original disease.
injected ; test animal
When the suspect pathogen is removed from the test animal and cultured again, it had to be compared with the _______________ to see if they are ___________.
original organism ; same
What is vaccination?
The process of giving a vaccine by injection or orally
Name four diseases which children can be protected from through vaccination.
Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, polio, whooping cough
What does a vaccine do?
It provides a person with immunity from a disease
Why are some diseases, such as whooping cough and tuberculosis becoming more common than they once were, even though vaccines are available for these diseases?
Many parents don't have children vaccinated against these diseases. Some people don't realize they need booster shots later in life for diseases against which they were vaccinated earlier
Why do some scientists want to keep cultures of viruses for diseases that people no longer get?
They argue that the cultures may be useful in producing future vaccines or other medicines for diseases similar to the earlier diseases. They also question the rights of humans to intentionally cause the extinction of a virus.
Why are some scientists in favor of destroying the live cultures of the small pox virus?
They fear the viruses may accidentally be released into the environment and cause illness of death to millions of people.
Why is the world population considered to be unprotected from the smallpox virus?
Vaccinations for the smallpox virus are no longer given.
The heart has two sets of ____________ that regulate the flow of blood within the heart's chambers.
One-way valves
Blood passes through an A-V valve as it moves between the _________ and ventricle in each half of the heart.
Blood passes though a ______________ as it moves from the left ventricle into the aorta.
Semi-lunar valve
A ______________ can cause blood to move back though a valve.
Heart murmur
One cause for a heart murmur may be an infection due to _____________.
Rheumatic fever
Symptoms of improperly functioning valves include shortness of breath, fatigue and sometimes ____________.
Severe heart murmurs may require surgery to replace _____________.
Damaged valves
In the US alone, nearly ____________ heart valves are replaced each year.
One technological device used to replace a valve is a plastic ______________ valve that allows blood to flow in only one direction.
bail and cage
Another method to replace valves is to replace the valve with _________________ a pig.
hissue from the blood vessels of a pig
A problem with certain valve replacement methods is that the body often _________ the materials.
Other problems associated with standard treatments include a risk of infection and possible formation of ___________ after valve replacements.
Blood clots
An artificial valve lasts only from _________ years.
A new technique is to grow a replacement valve within the _______.
In the technique of growing replacement valves within the heart, _________ is taken from the patient's heart and cultures.
heart muscle tissue
The cells that develop are placed into a material that serves as a ____________ for the growth of a living heart tissue valve.
The damaged valve is ____________ and the new cells in the framework material are placed in the valve area.
surgically removed
After six weeks, the framework material ___________ and the newly grown valve takes over the blood flow function.
What is Alzheimer's disease?
a failure of nerve cells in the brain to communicate
What happens when acetylcholine isn't produced in the body?
nerve impulses are not carried from one neuron to the next time
What symptoms are observed in an Alzheimer's patient over time?
Forgetting and misplacing things, forgetting what family members and others look like, forgetting certain abilities, death
What are two possible causes of Alzheimer's currently being researched?
Defective DNA and certain proteins in cerebrospinal fluid
What is one way to positively identify whether a person has Alzheimer's?
Autopsy of the brain after death
What are some ways that treatment of an Alzheimer's patient affects family members?
Proper care and treatment is expensive and emotionally stressful
Why is it likely that the number of people suffering from Alzheimer's will increase in the future?
More and more people are living into their 70s, 80s, and 90s, which are the ages when this disease develops