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89 Cards in this Set

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All life on Earth occurs in the...
The hydrosphere includes...
All of the water on or near Earth's surface.
The continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back into water sources is called...
The water cycle
Evaporation is the process by which...
Liquid water is heated by the sun, and then rises into the atmosphere as water vapor.
In this process, water vapor forms water droplets around dust particles.
Larger, heavier water droplets that fall from coulds is called...
Where is most fresh water on earth found?
In icecaps and glaciers.
Ground water that trickles through the ground and collects is formed from...
Rain and melting snow that sink into the ground, and run off the land.
How much of the water on Earth is ground water?
Less than 1%
An aquifer is...
A rock layer that stores and allows the flow of groundwater
The surface of land where water enters an aquifer is called a...
Recharge zone
What allows a planet to maintain and atmosphere and cycle materials?
Phytoplankton are...
Tiny, free-floating, marine algae
What do most organisms deep in the ocean feed on?
Dead plants an animals that drift down from the surface.
The part of Earth's atmosphere where life exists is called the...
How far does the biosphere extend?
11KM into the ocean, and 9KM into the atmosphere
In a closed system...
Energy enters and leaves the system; but matter does not.
In an open system,...
Both matter and energy are exchanged between a system and the surrounding environment.
An ecosystem is...
All of the organisms living in an area together with their physical environment.
T/F: Ecosystems do not have clear boundaries
T/F: Things move from one ecosystem to another.
Levels of ecological organization:
Organism (one), Population (one type), Community (alive), Biosphere
What are the 5 basic components of a surviving ecosystem?
Energy, mineral nutrients, water, oxygen, and living organisms
Biotic factors are...
The living and once-living parts of an ecosystem.
Leaves, and an organisms waste products are...
Biotic factors
Abiotic factors are...
The nonliving parts of an ecosystem
Abiotic factors are not associated with...
The activities of living organisms
An individual living thing that can carry out life processes independtly is an...
Species are...
Groups or organisms that are closely related, and can mate to produce fertile offspring
Groups of organisms of the same species that live in a specific area and interbreed are...
Communities are...
Groiups of various species that live in the same habitat and interact with eachother.
Habitats are...
Places where an organism usually lives
What naturalist observed that organisms in a population differ slightly from eachother in form, function, and behavior?
Charles Darwin
Some differences between organisms in a population are...
Darwin proposed that the environment exerts...
A strong influence on which individulas survive to produce offspring
Some individuals, because of _______ ______, are more likely to survive and reproduce than others.
Certain traits
Natural selection is the process by which...
Adaptations and favorable variations allow one organism to survive and reproduce rather than a less adapted organism.
Darwin proposed that over many generations, natural selection causes...
The characteristics of a population to change
Evolution is a change in...
The characteristics of a population from one generation to the next.
Darwin proposed that nature selects certain triats, such as sharper claws, because...
These traits are more likely to survive
An example of evolution is a population of deer that became isolated in a cold area, and...
The deer with genes for thicker fur were more likely to survive.
Adaptation is the process of...
Becoming adapted to an environment.
What types of changes are there that improves a populations survival ability?
Anatomical, physiological, or behavioral
The process of two species evolving in response to long term interactions with eachother is called...
The selective breeding of organisms by humans for specific desirable traits is called...
Artificial selection
The ability of an organism to tolerate a chemical or disease causing agent is called...
Life depends on...
The sun
How does energy from the sun enter an ecosystem?
When a plant uses the sunlight for photosynthesis.
The process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen is called...
A producer is an organism that can...
Make organic molecules from inorganic molecules.
What else are producers called? What does it mean?
self feeders
What else are consumers called? What does it mean?
other feeders
The producers in the deepest-ocean environment are...
Bacteria that use hydrogen sulfide present in the water
Other underwater organisms...
Eat bacteria or the organisms that eat bacteria.
An organism obtains energy from...
The food it eats
Cellular respiration is... (1)
The process of breaking down food to yield energy
Cellular respiration is the process by which cells produce energy from carbohydrates, and...
Atmosphere oxygen combines with glucose to form carbon dioxide
Where does cellular respiration occur?
Within the cells of most organisms
During what process do cells absorb oxygen, and use it to release energy from food?
Cellular respiration
Through cellular respiration, cells use sugar and oxygen to produce...
Carbon dioxide, water, and energy
Part of the energy obtained through cellular respiration is used to...
Carry out daily activities
Excess energy is stored as...
Fat or sugar
A food chain is...
A sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next through consumption.
A food web shows...
Many possible feeding relationships in an ecosystem
A trophic level is...
One of the steps in a food chain or food pyramid
Name the trophic levels
Producers, primary, secondary, tertiary
Each time energy is transferred, some of the energy lost is...
Less energy is available to organims at _____ trophic levels.
Acid precipitation occurs when...
Fuel is burned
Acid precipitation is dissolved in...
Rain or snow
Primary succession occurs on a surface where...
No ecosystem has ever existed before
Where are some places in which primary succession can occur?
Rocks, cliffs, and sandunes
Secondary succession occurs on a surface where...
An eceosystem has previously existed
Secondary succession is the process in which...
One community replaces another community that has been disturbed/disrupted
A species that colonizes an unhabited area is called a...
Pioneer species
Over time, a pioneer species willl...
Make the area habitable for other species
The final stable community in equilibrium with the environment is a....
Climax community
Some animal species depend on occasional forest fires because...
They feed on the vegetation that sprouts after a fire has cleared the land.
What are the 5 ways in which species interact?
Competition, commensalism, predation, parasitism, and mutualism.
In competition, both species are...
Negatively effected.
In predation...
A predator feeds on its prey.
In parasitism...
The parasit benefits from its host and usually harms it
In a mutualism relationship...
Both species benefit
Certian bacteria in our intestines form a...
Mutual relationship with us.
While the bacteria in our intestines helps us break down food we cannot digest, we give the bacteriae...
A warm, food rich habitat
In commensalism,...
One species receives a benefit and the other goes unaffected.
Symbiosis is...
A relationship in which 2 different organisms live in close association with one another
Symbiosis is most often used to describe a relationships in which...
At least one species benefits.
Overtime, species in close relations may coevolve. These species may evolve...
Adaptations that reduce the harm or improve the benefit of the relationship.