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11 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the staging system used and what are the criteria for the staging systems?
Ann Arbor
A and B symptoms - B = night sweats, fever (>38), weight loss (>10% of body mass in 6months)
Which is more common, Hodgkin or non Hodgkin?
non-hodgkin is 9-10times more common than hodgkin lymphoma
what is the typical presentation of hodgkin lymphoma
upper torso lymphadenopathy
mediastinal mass on CXR
B-symptoms - proportional to volume of tumor and due to cytokines release by tumor cells
Why is an excisional biopsy performed for diagnosis of hodgkin lymphoma and not an FNA or core biopsy?
malignant cells make up less than 1% of tumor mass, majority of cells are immune reactive stromal and inflammatory cells.

thus false negative from FNA/ cor biopsy is high
How is hodgkin lymphoma treated?
radiotherapy +/- chemotherapy
radiotherapy i used to target bulky sites. If disease is disseminated chemotherapy is required.
what are some prognostic markers of hodgkin lymphoma?
serum albumin, Hb, gender, Stage, Total WCC >15, lymphocytes, age >45
what is the standard chemotherapy regime for tx of hodgkin lymphoma
what chemotherpy regimen is used to treat advanced stage non-hodking lymphoma?
what are the long term complications of Tx of hodgkin lymphoma
Non-hodgkin lymphoma
pts who received RTx -> breast, thyroid, lung, bone, GI and brain Ca
what is the typical finding on lymph node biopsy suggestive of hodgkin lymphoma?
Reed-Sternberg cell - large cell with two nuclei with prominent nucleoli
what is the translocation in follicular non-hodgkin lymphoma and what does this cause?
results in bcl-2 -> impaired apoptosis