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26 Cards in this Set

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What was the basis for Hobbes social contract theory?(the building blocks) (the components of his theory)

Human Nature

The State of Nature

Nature of the Contract

Advocacy of Absolutism

How did Hobbes characterize the state of nature?

"The war of every man against every man"

What were Hobbes view on State of Nature? (The terms he used)






What was Hobbes underlying problem aith the State of Nature?

There were no common power to guide or control activities or behabiour of man

Why did men enter into the Social Contract according ti Hobbes?

•Self protection and self preservation

•To avoid misery and pain

According to Hobbes, the Sovereign was the product of the contract but........

He was not a party to the contract

Who should rule according to Hobbes?

The sovereign body which may be a king, assembly or council

Why did people need the Sovereign according to Hobbes?

Without the Sovereign power: law, order, peace and security could not be maintained in society and without these, life is short

According to Hobbes the Sovereign state is...





•Above Morality

•Creator of Property

What are some Analysis points I drew from Hobbes

What Mechanisms are there to hold rulers accountable

•I cannot completely give up all my rights

•Almost Machiavellian ina sense

•People who did not agree to this contract but are bound

•It's very hard to restrict the selfish nature of humans

What were the components of John Locke's Social Comtract theory?

State of Nature

•Features of his Social Contract

•Purpose of the Contract

•State and Government

•His Preferred Form of Government

What was Jonh Locke's view of the state of nature?

The state of nature was reasonably good ad enjoyable, but property was not secure

What made the state of nature good in John Locke's eyes?

The liberty to live one's complete life as they see fit

•free from interference of others

How did Locke characterize the state of nature?

"Not a state of war but of peace and goodwill

What was the problem Locke saw with the state of nature? (Incontinences)

•Every man was the interpreter of law

•Property and rights were insecure

Why was property and rights insecure in the state?

Absence of established law

•Absence of impartial judge

•Absence of natural power to excute natural laws

What did man give up under the Social Contract according to Locke?

Man surrended only the right to preserve order and enforce the kaw of nature. THEY DID NOT GIVE UP ALL OF THEIR RIGHTS.

What was the form of Government Locke envisioned?

A constitutionally limited government

What was the purpose of the Social Contract according to Locke?

The protection and preservation of natural rights

Life, liberty and property

What were the features of Locke social contract?

The First Contract

The Second Contract

What was the purpose of the First Contract?

Civil society is formed

Man entered this among themselves

What was the purpose of the Second Contract?

The government is formed

The contract between the community and the rulers

What was the difference between the state and Government according to Locke?

The state constituted of the ruled and rulers

Government only consisted of the rulers

What were the limitations on the power of the government according to Locke?

•It could not violate the natural rights of the people

•It could not govern arbitrarily

•It must govern according to laws

•It could not tax the individuals without consent

What was the best form of Government according to Locke?

Limited democracy in the hands of delegates, controlled by election

What was the function of government according to Locke?

To preserve the natural rights of the people