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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic problem behind Malignant Hyperthermia?
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum loses its ability to bind or reuptake Calcium
What triggers Malignant Hypertheremia?
Volatile Anesthetics
What could you use in MH patient for anesthesia?
Anything except Volatile and sux- you could use N20, IV induction agents, benzos, narcs, NDMBs, narcotics, locals.
What are specific signs of MH?
Increased CO2- early sign
Temp elevation
Muscle Rigidity
What are nonspecific signs of MH?
Tachycardia, tachypnea, acidosis, hyperkalemia
What are some current concepts of MH for signs/symptoms, etc?
Muscle rigidity may or may not be present. Temp elevation LATE sign. EtCO2 usually early sign, may occur at any point during anesthesia
What receptor is associated with MH?
Ryanodine receptor
Who does masseter muscle rigidity affect more? Describe MMR, when it starts etc.
Kids 4-12 Males more common. First clinical sign in 30% of patients.
What are steps in treating MH?
What are similarities of MH to other Myopathies?
Rhabdo, MMR, acidosis, positive or equivocal biopsy
What is difference between Duchenne and Becker's Muscular dystrophy?
Duchenne- death early age, absent dystrophin protein
Beckers- normal life span, defect on X chromosome, abnormal dystrophin protein
What is presenting sign/difference with MH to other myopathies?
Hyperkalemia presenting sign in others
What is the triad in the pathogenesis of MH?
Ryanodine receptor
Terminal cisternae
What are standard tests for MH?
Halothane, or caffeine muscle biopsy test
What is the only definitive test in detecting susceptibility for MH?
Contracture muscle test- fresh vastus lateralis muscle needed, limited centers to test.
What is the sensitivity/specificity of MH test?
When is MH testing contraindicated?
Children <4 or <20kg
What are significant predictors of MH crisis?
Muscle rigidity
EtCO2 >55
Rapid rise in temp
What is treatment of acute phase of MH?
discontinue offending agents
hyperventilate with 100% O2
NaHCO3 for hyperkalemia
Cool pt.
Treat antiarrythmias, no CCBs
What is dosage of Dantrolene in acute phase?
2.5mg/kg up to 10mg
What is dantrolene dose post-crisis phase?
1mk/kg every 4-6 hours for 24 hours up to 36 hours
What are some things you could do to prepare OR for MH susceptible patient?
Shut down/disable vaporizers
Flow 10LPM O2 for 20min through machine/vent
Change CO2 absorbant
What can you do to prevent cardiac arrests in MH and muscular disorder pts?
Avoid MH trigger dumbass. Avoid Sux in childred and adolescents except in rare situations, monitor temp, have dantrolene available
What is the genetic inheritence for MH?
Autosomal dominant- affects more children, males
What is most sensitive and specific clinical sign for MH?
increase in EtCO2