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30 Cards in this Set

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Why do kids not respond to talk therapy?
children may not have been encouraged or allowed to express their feelings and define their behavior.

children may not have the cognitive development to be able to express their concerns.
Why is it important to teach kids how to understand feelings?
they are able to better cope with or adjust to problems.
Why do we use play media?
the use of toys enables children to transfer anxieties, fears, fantasies, and guilt to objects rather than people.
How is divorce comparable to death?
in terms of stress:
Breakup of the home

psychological demands of having 2 homes

lowered standard of living

loss of noncustodial parent(dad)

parental stress

custodial vistitation battles

pressure to take sides

chronic after-shock
What is a common concern for kids about divorce?"
1. Fear: what will happen to me and who will care for me?

2. Sadness or loss: tearful, show signs of depression, sleeping, and eating disturbances, hope for reconciliation

3. Feelings of responsibility: as parents rely on their children for support, sharing inner most thoughts, feeling and fears, adolescents takes on an adult role

4. loneliness: adults preoccupied with their own needs distance themselves psychologically and physically from their kids

5. rejection: children blame themselves for the divorice, question their own self worth

6. conflicting loyalties: wish to maintain relationship with both parents; parents may compete for their child's attention and love

7. anger: expressed through temper tantrums or verbal attacks.
What are the skills kids need to learn in step families?
security, belonging, self esteem

expression of feelings


asertiveness training

problem solving

How is the best way kids cope with future losses?
embody hope?
What are children ages 6-8 perception of loss?
understand that death is concerte and irreversible

may fear darkness or being alone

believe spirit still lives

views death in a violent sense

may feel it is contagious

looks for natural explanations

concerns for peers

denies that death happened

fears that other loved ones with die
the grieving process: predictable or short lived?
How do kids react in the disorganized or panic stage?
withdraw? etc...
How many stages are in the psychoeducational model?
What is primary prevention?
prevention of a certain behavior and reduction of it afterwards
what is the strongest developmental predictor of a child's involvement in violence?
growing up in a violent home
Grizzly animals with teeth
perpetrators to children
domestic animals
protection, family relationships
represent the past, past history of the child's life
baby bottle
themes of regression to an earlier stage of development, a desire for nuturing
a desire for comfort or security
useful for a child to hide a secret; provide a place to contain emotions or symbolize struggles
re-create the family environment
an aggressive individual
What do you do with role play?
when the kid acts out an event, they can move toward an inner resolution, and then are able to better cope with or adjust to problems
Whats important about selecting play media?
should faciliate the relationship b/w the counselor and child

encourage expression of feelings and thoughts

aid the counselor in gaining insight into the child's world
Fantasies kids have during divorce
Difference b/w healthy and unhealthy families
Healthy family:
~ open to others outside the family system
~allowed to go outside system for help when needed
~parents set clear generational boundaries
~recognize stressful situations and handle them appropriately

unhealthy families:
~people compulsively protect feelings
~only certain feelings are ok
~performance is more important that person
~everyone must conform to the strongest person's ideas, values, priroities
Why use toys?
enables children to transfer anxieites, fears, fantasies, and guilt to objects rather than people/
Step Families go through stages?
Five stages:
1. fantasy stage
2. confusion stage
3. coming-together stage
4. conflict stage
5. resolution stage
Emotional skills are Inter or Intra personal?
What is the relationship b/w mind and body in a child that is having difficultiesw mentally?
when do kids regress?
age 15-18 dealing with death
