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20 Cards in this Set

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The U.S. is broken into 12 different regions when studying foods and its history. What are the 12 different regions?
? New England, Mid Atlantic, Mid West, Great Plains, South, New Orleans, Louisiana, Texas, Southwest, Mountains, Pacific Northwest, California, Northeast, Southeast
What is the difference between Creole and Cajun cooking
Creole: city food that grows out of the region’s earliest colonial history, influenced by Spanish, African & Caribbean food. Multiple courses. Cajun: food of country folk, often cooked all in one pot, using relatively few herbs, but served with plenty of hot sauces (gumbo, crawfish etouffe, jambalaya) all in one big pot.
The foods of the California Native Americans depended on what?
Fish (clams, mussels), berries, acorn. (Native Americans in general – the three sisters: corn, beans, squash)
Who were the first ‘whites’ to settle in the state and when?
? Spanish (built pueblos – small farms, and presidios – forts)
Historically, California cuisine was
reaction to attempt to not reproduce European influence no matter what it cost. Fusion of natural resources, agricultural abundance, and a diversity of people. Abundance of fresh vegetables/produce for dishes
90% of all raisins consumed in ____, California.
The drive-ins fit perfectly with the youth culture emerging in Los Angeles during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Why?
Revolved around the automobile. Combination of girls, cars, and late night food
What is one thing the Brothers McDonalds are famous for?
Something new: no knife, spoon, fork, dishes or glassware. Divided food preparation. Principles of factory assembly line were applied to a commercial kitchen.
What is obesity?
25% above the average weight of someone your age and height
What is the “Food Pyramid”?
Basic list of nutritional do’s & don’ts. Horizontal sections told people what to eat (old food pyramid). New: tipped over version of the old with all members of actual food stripped out, adapted to all cultures because not everyone eats the same.
Name two eating disorders. What is the difference between the two of them? What are the similarities between the two of them?
Anorexia Nervosa – relentless pursuit to thinness. Bulimia Nervosa – the diet-binge-purge disorder.
Just as with health attributes, there are some broad areas of intercultural agreement on_____
physical attributes
Nearly all cultures classify certain foods as necessary for...
a good diet, sufficient rest, and cleanliness as necessary to preserving health
Physical attributes are most commonly associated with well-being, including...
health attributes: weight maintenance, hair sheen, skin color.
What is vanity?
excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit
What is image? Why is it important?
? Image is what you convey to other people through your appearance, dress, bearing, voice, and surrounding environment. Image is important because the way you look and what that conveys is part of your performance. First impressions are everything
How has mass media caused normal concerns about how we look to become obsessions?
Cause people to view their body/self image in a way they haven’t done before. So many thin people in the media, want to be like them. Obesity is bad.
What is “self-esteem”?
The picture one holds about oneself, often based on what one believes are the perceptions of others
A strong sense of ‘self of identity’ implies...
that one has a realistic idea of oneself, including knowledge of one’s strength(s), shortcoming(s), and how one appears to others
The way you feel about yourself is how you will...
relate to others