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47 Cards in this Set

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what is the study of the body structures and the relation to one part to another?
what is the study of the processes and functions of the body tissue and organs?
what is the study of the development of the body from a fertilized egg, or ovum?
what planes of the body divides the body into right and left halves on its vertical axis?
the median or midsagittal plane
what planes of the body are drawn perpendicular to the sagittal and frontal planes, and divides the body into superior and inferior sections?
the horizontal, or transverse plane
what is the anatomical position
when the body stands erect with the arms hanging at the sides and the palms of the hands turned forward.
what is indicated by the anatomical term anterior or ventral?
toward the front, or ventral (pertaining to the belly; abdomen), side of the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "posterior" or "dorsal"?
toward the back, or dorsal, side of the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "medial"?
near or toward the midline of the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "lateral"?
farther away from the midline of the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "proximal"?
nearer the point of origin or closer to the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "distal"?
away from the point of origin or away from the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "supine"?
lying position of the body, face up
what is indicated by the anatomical term "lateral recumbent"?
lying position of the body on either side
what is indicated by the anatomical term "superior?"
higher than or above
what is indicated by the anatomical term "cranial?"
toward the head
what is indicated by the anatomical term "caudal?"
toward the lower end of the body
what is indicated by the anatomical term "inferior?"
lower than or below
what is indicated by the anatomical term "erect?"
normal standing position of the body
what are organisms?
all living things, animals and plants that undergo chemical processes by which they sustain life and regenerate cells.
what is the difference between organisms?
animals have sensations and the power of voluntary movement and require oxygen and organic food.
what is the process of absorption, storage, and the use of foods for body growth, maintenance, and repair?
what is the body's self regulated control of its inernal environment?
what is the smallest unit of life
the cell
what has been called "the secret of life?"
what is a typical cell made of?
the plasma membrane, the nucleus, and the cytoplasm
what is the process where solids and gases pass through the plasma membrane
what is the nucleus
a small dense, usually spherical body the controls the chemical reactions occuring in the cell
what is the water-to-gelatinous substance surrounding the nucleus and is contained by the plasma membrnae?
what is the name of the single cell of the amoeba (which is a unicellular animal)?
a simple of differentiated cell
what is the role of specialized cells?
they perform special functions (such as muscles which contract, or epithelial cells which protect the skin).
what are specialized cells similar in structure and function?
what are the four main groups of tissues?
spithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous
what is the lining tissue of the body (which forms the outer covering of the body known as the free surface of the skin)?
what are the three types of epithelial tissue
columnar, squamous, and cuboidal
in the digestive system, what is the chief function of columnar tissue
to secrete digesive fluids and absorb digested foods and fluids
what is the main protective tissue of the body
what is the cuboidal tissue?
it is both a secretory and protective tissue whose cells are cubial
what type of tissue supports the various structures of the body
what makes up connective tissue?
areolar, adipose, and osseous
what type of connective tissue's chief function is to bind parts of the body together
what type of connective tissue is generally called "fatty tissue"
what type of connective tissue is dense and forms tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bond?
what type of tissue is known as "bone tissue?"
osseous connective tissue
what are the three types of muscular tissue?
skewletal, smooth, and cardiac
what type of muscular tissue attaches to bones
skeletal (voluntary)
what type of muscular tissue are found in the stomach, intestines and the walls of hollow organs?