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119 Cards in this Set

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Called the "Farmer President"
Andrew Jackson
When did Andrew Jackson become president?
What 4 jobs did Andrew Jackson have before becoming president?
lawyer, judge, plantation owner, United States Army General
What war did Andrew Jackson fight in?
War of 1812
Who did America defeat at the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson was a strict constructionist. What does a strict constructionist believe?
That the Constitution grants the central government only specific powers. All other powers not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the Constitution are reserved for the individual states.
What did Jackson believe in?
God, hard work, sound money backed by gold, the value of the family farm & business
Who said, "That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic rests." (referring to the Bible)
Andrew Jackson
Why did the newspapers call President Jackson's official cabinet his "kitchen cabinet"?
Jackson's cabinet was more concerned with politics than with serving the president, so he gathered a group of close friends to meet in the White House kitchen to discuss strategies.
What did the national bank control?
All of the money collected by the federal government.
Did President Jackson like the idea of a National Bank?
No because he said it violated the Constitution and the free enterprise system.
What was the original purpose of the National Bank?
To keep the nation's money supply stable by maintaining the gold standard.
All paper money had to be backed by ________ and __________.
gold and silver
True or false: President Jackson said that America ran the risk of being controlled by foreign banks because the National Bank sold stock to wealthy British investors.
Who was the director of the National Bank?
Nicholas Biddle
What did Nicholas Biddle do that made President Jackson so mad?
He opened even more branches of the National Bank and gave loans to congressmen. The National Bank was so big that our banks, especially out West, had to borrow money from them at high interest rates.
What was the "Bank Charter Bill" supposed to do?
Recharter the National Bank
True or false: President Jackson passed the Bank Charter Bill.
False - he vetoed it! He didn't want the National Bank at all!
What was "The Panic of 1837"?
The director of the National Bank, Nicholas Biddle, knew his bank couldn't survive without government money. He asked people for loans to keep the bank going. It put the country into a depression.
True or false: The National Bank kept its charter.
False - they lost it!
When was Andrew Jackson president?
Who was President Jackson's 1st term vice president?
John Caldwell Calhoun
Who was President Jackson's 2nd term vice president?
Martin Van Buren
Was President Jackson a democrat or republican?
Who was the 7th president of the U.S.?
Andrew Jackson
Where did Andrew Jackson live when he was elected?
What was President Jackson's nickname?
Old Hickory
What 2 states became part of the U.S. during Jackson's presidency?
Arkansas & Michigan
What did land owners do out West that made President Jackson mad?
Western banks financed Western land with cheap paper money not backed by gold. This forced the prices of land so high that most men couldn't afford to buy it.
How did President Jackson resolve the problem of the Western Banks making property prices so high?
issued a "Specie Circular"
What is a Specie Circular?
a statement requiring all public lands be paid for in gold and silver.
Did the Specie Circular stop land speculation with cheap paper money?
What 2 things did Jackson do while in office?
(1) championed sound money backed by gold (2) did away with the strong central bank that controlled the nation's money supply
What was the protective tariff on imported goods SUPPOSED to do?
Protect American made goods from foreign competition and raise money for the federal government.
What did the protective tariff REALLY do?
It taxed the Southerners. It benefited one part of the country at the expense of another.
Another name for Tariff of 1828
Tariff of Abominations
What is an abomination?
something that is hated
What senator helped the Southerners with the Tariff of 1828?
John C. Calhoun
What does nullify mean?
to cancel
Define nullification doctrine.
The idea that a state can nullify a federal law.
Define secession.
The actual leaving of the union by a state.
If a state leaves the Union, does it have to remain united for the defense of the nation against foreign invaders (like going to war)?
True or false: John C. Calhoun argued for states' rights but not secession.
Who argued the issue of states' rights ~ that the founding fathers did not set up the federal government to run the whole country?
Senator Robert Y. Hayne
Who was the greatest speaker in Congress?
Senator Daniel Webster (Webster's dictionary)
Why did Vice President Calhoun resign?
Congress passed a new tariff in 1832 that hurt the cotton growers in the South. He wanted to become South Carolina's senator to help them.
Who made the "Compromise Tariff of 1833"?
Senator Henry Clay
What did the "Compromise Tariff of 1833" do?
Lowered duties on foreign goods coming into the country over a period of 10 years.
Who proposed the Compromise Tariff of 1833?
Senator Henry Clay
What did the Force Bill do?
Gave the president authority to use the army & navy to enforce tariff laws.
What kind of people mainly supported Jackson during his first term?
In 1816, who controlled the money that the government collected?
The National Bank
Why wasn't it wise to have all the government's funds in the National Bank?
The bank controlled all of the money collected by the federal government and they had influence over other banks and the nation's money supply. With nobody checking the national bank, they became very powerful.
Why was the South especially hurt by the protective tariff?
It forced them to pay taxes on goods they received from England in exchange for their cotton. Even if they didn't EXPORT goods, they still had to pay taxes on IMPORTED goods.
What famous pamphlet did V.P. Calhoun write?
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Who did V.P. Calhoun get his ideas from to write his famous pamphlet?
Thomas Jefferson
What is the difference between states' rights and secession?
States' rights - every state had the right to refuse to enforce the tariff within its own state borders. Secession - actually LEAVING the Union by a state, but they have to help the military.
What was the Jacksonian Era?
The years of Andrew Jackson's presidency.
What is a caucus?
A closed meeting of party leaders.
We still use nominating conventions today. When did they start & what was their purpose?
1832 - Party members in each state elected delegates to go to these conventions where they would choose the Presidential candidates.
What are "spoils"?
Property seized from the enemy.
Who said, "To the victor belong the spoils" about President Jackson's election workers?
Senator Marcy of New York
True or false: President Jackson believed in short-term government appointments.
The spoils system opened up the political process to more people, but it often put ________ people into government posts.
How much was an acre of land (about the size of our yard) in the West when Jackson was president?
True or false: Jackson made it easier for people to buy land for family farms.
What was the National Road?
Area that ran from Maryland westward across several states that Congress approved to promote improvements in developing lands.
Act passed in 1830 that required the American Indians living on lands east of the Mississippi River to move to lands farther west.
Indian Removal Act
Who was the chief of the Indian Sac and Fox tribes that were forced to move West of the Mississippi?
Chief Black Hawk
What happened during Black Hawk's war?
Black Hawk led the Indians back to their homes where the government told them they had to leave. When they refused to leave, the governor of Illinois called the state militia & some Indians were killed. Black Hawk was captured and the others had to go back to western territories.
What did the Cherokee Indians do to resist having to move?
They established farms, developed a written language and drafted a constitution. Also became Christians.
Define "Trail of Tears".
The long trip the Cherokee's made to Oklahoma when they were forced out of Georgia.
About how many Cherokee had to move from Georgia?
About how many Cherokee died on their way to Oklahoma?
People who want to do away with slavery are called _______________.
What abolitionist published a paper known as "The Liberator"? He also called for slavery to end immediately.
William Lloyd Garrison
Who published "The North Star" newspaper?
Frederick Douglass
Who was Nat Turner?
a black preacher who stirred up a slave rebellion in Virginia
What happened during the Nat Turner Revolt?
60 white people (mostly women & children) were murdered
What happened to abolitionist editor Elijah Lovejoy's printing business?
A mob destroyed it. He got another press and the mob caught that one on fire.
What was the whig party?
A new political party made up of former National Republicans and members of other political groups
What was the 1 reason that the whigs were united?
They didn't like President Jackson.
What assured victory for Martin Van Buren for presidency?
The whig party supported 3 different Presidential candidates.
Why did Van Buren only serve 1 term?
People associated him with hard times.
Who was the 1st Whig president?
William Henry Harrison
(picture Harrison wearing a "whig" ha ha)
Who had the nickname "Old Tippecanoe"?
William Henry Harrison (Harrison doesn't like canoeing.)
Who was the 8th president?
Martin Van Buren
Was Martin Van Buren a Republican or Democrat?
What major event took place during Van Buren's Presidency?
Financial Panic of 1837
Who was the 1st president to be born a U.S. citizen after the Declaration of Independence?
Martin Van Buren
Who was William Henry Harrison's Vice Presidential running mate?
John Tyler
Was William Henry Harrison a democrat, republican, or whig?
Who was known as a military hero in the War of 1812?
Gave the longest inaugural speech of 1 hour 45 minutes
Served the shortest term in office as president (31 days)
Who was the 1st president to die in office?
Harrison (He didn't wear a coat in the rain & died of pneumonia.)
Why didn't the whigs approve of President Tyler?
Tyler supporte dstates' rights, opposed the tariff, and supported the sound money and private banking policies of former President Jackson
Why did President Tyler's cabinet resign?
Tyler vetoed an attempt to recharter the National Bank put forth by whigs.
Who was the only person who didn't resign from President Tyler's cabinet?
Secretary of State Daniel Webster
Why did John Tyler become president?
because William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia
Was John Tyler a republican, democrat, or whig?
Who was John Tyler's vice president?
He didn't have one.
Who was the 9th president?
Who was the 10th president?
Who was the 1st V.P. to become President after the President's death?
What 2 major events took place during Tyler's presidency?
"Great Migration" of settlers to Oregon & 2 new states (Florida & Texas)
How were men judged in the frontier states west of the Appalachians?
By what they could do rather than who they were.
Who introduced the Spoils System?
Senator Marcy
What did the gradual abolitionists support?
gradually doing away with slavery
Name 2 well known radical abolitionist newspaper publishers
William Lloyd Garrison & Frederick Douglass
What was the former name of the whig party that opposed Martin Van Buren?
National Republicans
Why did the relationship with the U.S. and Great Britain get better?
The English minister to the U.S. was married to an American lady and was friendly to the U.S.
What 2 people made it easier for the U.S. and Britain to get along?
Secretary of State Daniel Webster and English minister Lord Ashburton
Desribe the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.
The U.S. gained more than half of the disputed territory between Maine and Canada. It settled other areas too.
What was the overriding issue of the day for the U.S.?
The states' rights
What was the "Caroline"?
A boat that was set on fire and killed 1 American because Americans were smuggling guns and ammo across the Niagara River
Who said, "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable?"
Who said, "Our union: it must be preserved."
Who said, "The Union: next to our liberties, most dear."