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33 Cards in this Set

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Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) - class side effects
GI (nausea, vomiting, flatulence)
Lactic acidosis
Liver steatosis
Zidovudine (Retrovir - AZT)
(NucleoSIde RTI)
Active metabolite - myelosuppressive
Comes in IV formulation for pregnant women
Consider signs of anemia in pregnant women
Didanosine (Videx - ddI)
(NucleoSIde RTI)
Take on empty stomach
Acid-labile drug - watch for drug interactions
Contraindicated in pregnancy
Drug specific side effects - pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy
Lamivudine (Epivir - 3TC)
(NucleoSIde RTI)
Also has Hepatitis B activity
Abacavir (Ziagen - ABC)
(NucleoSIde RTI)
Metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase
Rare HS reaction - requires HLA-B*5701 testing (if positive, pt cannot take the medicine)
Emtricitabine (Emtriva - FTC)
(NucleoSIde RTI)
Very similar to 3TC; fluorinated 3TC
Also has Hepatitis B activity
Drug specific side effects - hyperpigmentation, discoloration of palms and soles
Tenofovir (Viread - TFV)
(NucleoTide RTI)
Active against both HIV and HBV
Drug specific side effects - osteomalacia, renal impairment and failure
Watch out for HIV nephropathy
Dosing adjustments of Nukes in renal impairment
With the exception of ABC, dosing needed for CrCl <50 ml/min (this includes combo drugs - Atripla, Combivir, Trizivir, Epzicom).
Truvada is not recommended for CrCl <30 ml/min
Dosing adjustments of Nukes in hepatic impairment
No dosing adjustment is necessary.
Exception, ABC dose adjustment needed according to the Child-Pugh Score
Protease Inhibitors - class side effects
GI intolerance
Hepatic effects
Risk of spontaneous bleeding (esp in pts with hemophilia)
Indinavir (Crixivan -IDV)
(Protease inhibitor)
Drug specific side effects - hyperbilirubinemia, nephrolithiasis (unique SE - kidney stones), alopecia
Lopinavir/r (Kaletra - LPV)
(Protease inhibitor)
Has Ritonavir in the formulation
Drug specific side effects - significant increase in lipids (esp in TGs), QT prolongation
Atazanavir (Reyataz - ATV)
( Common protease inhibitor)
Blocks 3A4 and UGT 1A1
The only lipid neutral PI
Specific drug side effects - nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), elevated indirect bilirubin, PR interval prolongation, primary AV block
Fosamprenavir (Lexiva - FPV)
(Protease inhibitor)
Different dosing for naive and experienced pts
Specific drug side effects - rash (due to sulfa moiety) and nephrolithiasis
Tipranavir (Aptivus -TPV)
(Protease inhibitor)
Moderate-severe hepatic disease is contraindicated
Has greater risk for hepatotoxicity than other PIs - watch liver enzymes
Darunavir (Prezista - DVR)
(Protease inhibitor)
Different dosing for naive and experienced pts
Has greater risk for rash than other drugs
Non-nukes (NNRTIs) - class side effects
Liver transaminase elevation
Efavirenz (Sustiva - EFV)
(Common NNRTI)
Avoid high fat meal
Drug specific side effects : CNS symptoms - vivid abnormal dreams, increased lipids, false (+) cannabinoid test, teratogenic (neural tube defects during early weeks 5-6 of pregnancy only )
Rilpivirine (Edurant - RPV)
Need a baseline of viral load before starting the pt on this drug
Take with fatty meals to help with absorption
Not an option of NNRTI - resistance
Drug specific side effects: depression, insomnia and headache
Efavirenz + emtricitabine + tenofovir (Atripla)
Take on empty stomach QHS to avoid CNS side effects
Emtricitabine + rilpivirine + tenofovir (Complera)
Take with fatty meal once daily
Maraviroc (Selzentry - MVC)
(CCR5 Inhibitor)
Testing required prior to start (tropism testing) - very expensive - almost 2 G's
Raltegravir (Isentress - RAL)
(Integrase inhibitor)
Also UGT 1A1 metabolism
Well tolerated - diarrhea, nausea, headache
Elvitegravir (Stribild - EVG)
(Integrase inhibitor)
Only available in combo (EVG + COBI + TFV + FTC)
Well tolerated - D/N, renal impairment (TFV; COBI increases SrCr), osteomalacia (TFV)
Only use pts with CrCl 70 or greater
Lipid abnormalities - statins
Statins go through the 3A4 pathways - be cautious of drug interactions with PIs.
Watch dose - Rosuva, pravastatin and atorvastatin are okay to use ("RAPr")
Avoid - Simvastatin, lovastatin, pitavastatin (high drug interactions)
Drug treatment for lipodystrophy
1st FDA approved drug: Egrifta
Once daily injection
A synthetic growth hormone releasing factor
Standard regimen for HIV pts
2 nukes + PIs botted (Ritonavir, Reyataz or Prezista)
2 nukes + Integrase inhibitors (Isentress)
2 nukes + NNRTI (Sustiva or Atripla)
*2 nukes ie Truvada
Definition of AIDS
CD4 count < 200
Total lymphocytes <14%
Post Exposure Prophylaxis(PEP) - Occupational
Initiate therapy promptly - 2 nukes + PI for 4 weeks.
Follow up with HIV lab testing 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months post-exposure.
Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) - Mother-to-baby transmission
AZT to decrease transmission
Start at least 28 weeks (or sooner) in the mother
Preferred: Combivir (AZT/3TC) BID + PI (Kaletra or Reyataz)
Continue AZT prophylaxis for 6 weeks in infants (+3 doses of Nevirapine in 1st week of life if mom did not receive antepartum ARV)
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) - Partner prevention
Agent: Tenofovir/emtricitabine (TFV/FTC)
Treatment of HIV (+) partner - Early ART
Treatment of HIV (-) partner - dual ART 67-75% risk reduction
Vaccinations for HIV (+) Adults with CD4 <200
dTap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
Influenza (inactivated)
Hep B
(If indicated, Hep A and meningococcal)
Vaccinations or HIV (+) Adults with CD4 >200
All for <200, plus