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50 Cards in this Set

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bombastic (adj)
given to pompous speech or writing

The principal's bombastic speech bombed in the eyes of the students; it only furthered their impression of him as a pompous jerk.
ebullience (n)
intense enthusiasm

A sense of ebullience swept over the lacrosse fans crowd when their team won the game.
embellish (v)
to ornament or decorate; to exaggerate

One can never trust that Anwar's stories are realistic; his details are almost always embellished so that his experiences sound more interesting than they really are.
exorbitant (adj)
exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness

I wanted to buy a Porsche, but the price was exorbitant, so instead I purchased a used mail truck.
exuberant (adj)
full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy

William was exuberant when he found out that he'd gotten into the college of his choice.
flagrant (adj)
extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable

Burning the flag shows flagrant disrespect for the country.
gratuitous (adj)
given freely; unnecessary

The film as full of gratuitous sex and violence inessential to the story.
lavish (adj)

Laura's wedding was a lavish affair, with six Djs, two elephants, and a large ice sculpture of the couple.
lugubrious (adj)
mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree

Lucas's lugubrious eulogy for his pet lobster quickly became ridiculous.
opulent (adj)
displaying great wealth

The ophthalmologist's opulent home was the envy of his friends; the crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and teak furniture must have cost a fortune.
ornate (adj)
elaborately decorated

The wood carvings were so ornate that you could examine them many times and still notice things you had not seen before.
penchant (n)
a strong inclination or liking

Penny's penchant for chocolate-covered ants led her to munch on them all day.
redundant (adj)
needlessly repetitive

The author's speech was terribly redundant, repeating the same phrases, saying the same thing over and over, and constantly reiterating the same point.
ubiquitous (adj)
being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent

Kenny had a ubiquitous little sister; whenever he turned, there she was.
vicarious (adj)
felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another

Stan, who was never athletic but loved sports, lived vicariously through his brother, a professional basketball player.
vignette (n)
a short scene or story

The poodle vignette in new film expresses the true meaning of Valentine's Day.
amalgam (n)
a combination of diverse elements; a mixture

The song was an amalgam of many different styles, from blues to hip hop to folk.
inundate (v)
to overwhelm as if with a flood; to swamp

The day after the ad ran, Martha was inundated with phone calls.
multifarious (adj)
diverse; various

The multifarious achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, ranging from architecture and painting to philosophy and science, are unparalleled in our century.
multiplicity (n)
state of being various or manifold; a great number

A multiplicity of views is essential to a healthy multicultural democracy.
alleviate (v)
to ease a pain or burden

Alvin mediated to alleviate the pain from the headache he got after taking the SAT.
ameliorate (v)
to make something better; improve

Winning a silver medal quickly ameliorated Amelia's angst at losing the gold.
beneficial (adj)
producing or promoting a favorable result; helpful

According to my doctor, tea's beneficial effects may include reducing anxiety.
curative (adj)
able to heal or cure

The aloe had a curative effect on my sunburn; within hours, the flaking had stopped.
palliative (n)
relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure

Watching professional polo on TV became a palliative for the screaming child; it was the only thing that would quiet him.
therapeutic (adj)
having or exhibiting healing powers

The therapeutic air of the Mediterranean cured Thomas of his asthma.
complement (n)
something that completes, goes with, or brings to perfection

The lovely computer is the perfect complement to the modern furnishings in Abby's apartment.
epitome (n)
a representative or example of a type

Se is the epitome of selflessness; no matter how much or little she has, she always gives to others.
felicitous (adj)
admirable suited; apt

Jamie Foxx made a felicitous speech when he won his Oscar.
belie (v)
to misrepresent

He smiled in order to belie his hostility.
debunk (v)
to expose untruths, shams, or exaggerated claims

The university administration debunked the myth that bunk beds are only for children by installing them in every dorm on campus.
dubious (adj)
doubtful; of unlikely authenticity

Jerry's dubious claim that he could fly like Superman didn't win him any summer job offers.
duplicitous (adj)
deliberately deceptive

The duplicitous man duplicated hundred dollar bills and gave the counterfeits to unsuspecting vendors.
fabricate (v)
to make up in order to deceive

Fabio fabricated the story that he used to play drums for Metallica; he has never actually held a drumstick in his life.
fallacy (n)
a false notion

The idea that there is only one college for you is a fallacy.
mendacious (adj)
lying; untruthful

John's mendacious statements on the stand sealed his fate; he was found guilty of lying to the court about his role in the crime.
specious (adj)
having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually false

Susie's specious argument seemed to make sense, but when I looked more closely, it was clearly illogical.
ambiguous (adj)
open to more than one interpretation

Big's eyes were an ambiguous color: In some lights they looked brown, and in others, green.
ambivalent (adj)
simultaneously feeling opposing feelings; uncertain

Amy felt ambivalent about her dance class: On one hand , she enjoyed the exercise, but on the other, the choice of dances bored her.
apathetic (adj)
feeling or showing little emotion

The apathetic students didn't even bother to vote for class president.
capricious (adj)
impulsive and unpredictable

The referee's capricious behavior angered the players; he would call a foul for minor contact, but ignore elbowing or kicking.
equivocal (adj)
open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead; ambiguous (antonym: unequivocal)

The politician made so many equivocal statements during the scandal that no one could be sure what, if anything, he had admitted to.
erratic (adj)
markedly inconsistent

Erroll's erratic behavior made it difficult for his friends to predict what he would do in a given moment.
impetuous (adj)
suddenly and forcefully energetic or emotional; impulsive and passionate

Mr. Limpet was so impetuous that we never knew what he would do next.
impetus (n)
an impelling force or stimulus

A looming deadline provided Imelda with the impetus she needed to finish her research paper.
sporadic (adj)
occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time

Storms in Florida are sporadic; it's hard to predict when they're going to occur.
vacillate (v)
to sway from one side to the other; oscillate

The cook vacillated between favoring chicken and preferring fish; he just couldn't decide which to prepare.
whimsical (adj)
characterized by whim; unpredictable

Egbert rarely behaved as expected; indeed, he was a whimsical soul whose every decision was anybody's guess.
flag (v)
to decline in vigor or strength; to tire; to droop

After several days climbing mountains in pouring rain our enthusiasm for the hiking trip began to flag.
jaded (adj)
worn out; wearied

Jade's experiences had jaded her; she no longer believed that the junk stacked in her garage was going to make her rich.