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102 Cards in this Set

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What were problems of reconstrustion
reconstruction governments ineffecient and corrupt,
blacks played a small role, reconstrustruction government failed to alter the social structure of the south
What was a goal of the KKK
to keep blacks in positions of servility and keep them and others from voting republican
Anti-klan laws (force acts)
1.Made interference with an election a crime
2. governement supervision of elections
3. allowed president to call out troops if necessary
Accomplishments of Reconstruction
1. reconstrustion stimulated industry
2. southern state constitutions more democratic
3. womens rights broadened
4. public schools established
5.15th admendment
15th amendment
corrected 14th amendment---vote could not be denied on the basis of race
The end of reconstruction
1. the election of 1876
2. compromise of 1877
The election of 1876
1. Samuel Tilden(D) vs. Rutherford Hayes(R)
2. 19 votes disputed-19 votes came from flordia
3. electoral committee decides for HAYES
Compromise of 1877
democrats dont filibuster and south gets home rule
Reconstruction under Grant- education and politics
education- many black schools established
politics- 16 blacks in congress between 1869-1880
Reconstruction under Grant (gov characterized by too much corruption)
1. Credit moblier case
2. whiskey ring
3. propped up bad governments in south
4. congress increased thier salary
Grants salary doubled
the south after reconstrustion
1. reedemers
2. corruption
3. jim crow laws
4. industry
Jim crow laws
segregation laws- the seperation began here
Black exodusters
many left for the west feeling chances for equality were gone in the south. ***they left because they thought their chances for life and equality in the south were gone
chacteristics of indians
1.warlike-they move around
2. hunt buffalo
3. tribes
4. organized government (simular to us government)
5. sign lauguage
6. duties (men hunt-women do everything else)
Concentration of indians
1. 1850s
2. territorial boundraies
3. seperate treaties
4. unsuccessfull
concentration of indians- 1850s
indian policy of the 1850s were we made seperate treaties with each tribe
Indian Wars
1. Chivingtons massacre
2. Sioux War 1865-1867
Chivingtons massacre
colorado springs- he slaughtered the army men
sioux war 1865-1867
gold miners
bozemen trail
fettermans massacre
Indian reservations
1. Peace commission 1967
2. Oklahoma &Dokata
Peace commission 1967
wanted to stop indian wars
isolate indians
teach and farm
Oklahoma & Dokata
where the indians were forced to move
Indian encroachment
people continued to move on to indian land even after the government declared it Indian. so fighting once again errupted
Red river war
indians crushed by the army
Battle of Little Big Horn
1. Indians gather to stop miners
2. George Cluster finds 2500 Sioux warriors
3. cluster killed
4.wrath of army
who led battle of little big run
Rain in the FAce
Crazy horse
sitting bull
What were the end results of battle of little big run?
1.US army wins over indian
2.superior fire power and technology
3. white man triumphs on great plains
Dawes Act 1887
1. dissolved community tribal lands
2. granted individual plots
3.granted citizenship
Indian Bureau
we tried to make them change thier culture to be like us
what steps were taken for Indian Bureau
1. help civilize indians
2./ children sent to boarding schools
3. suppress indian religion
What did the 1849 Gold Rush lead to
the Era of the prospector 1850s-70s
What type of mining took place
Placer mining- simple mining in streams
Indian Booms
1. Big Bonanza
2. Comstock Load
3. Sierra Nevadas
Big Bonanza
Boom---john McKay-richest man of his time
Sierras Nevadas
most of the silver and gold was located here
Mining camps
1. type of city government
2. 1/4-1/2 foregin born
Effects of mining
1.development of west
2. early statehood
Early statehood
people moved to find riches--Nevada, Montana, Idaho
(effect of mining)
Ranching-Post Civil War
introduced by mexicans
east needs beef
Cattle drive
Joseph McCoy
blacks, mexicans
Joseph McCoy
cattle drive- went to south to find cattle
Open range ranching
cattle runs free
refridgerated RR cars make it big business(with ice)
End to open range ranching
1. range overcrowding
2. bad winters (blizzards)
3. sheep herding(sheep+cow=bad)
4. homestead fences (barbed wire)
Life after open range ranching
1. section off land
2. plant hay
3. reduce herd size
Last roundup 1905
this era made beef become a part of American diet
Government encourages settlement of the west with the homestead act
Homestead Act
160 acres for $10 fee
not successful
why wasnt the homestead act successfull
lack of rain
Timber culture act
get an additional 160 acres by planting trees----fairly successfull
Farming techniques
1. dry farming
2. barbed wire
3.bailing press 1866
4.hay loader 1878
5. harvester 1878
Farm life
1. hard life
2. sod houses (dirt) ($2.78)
3. bad weather
4. grasshoppers (crops are wipped out)
The Gilded Age background
Public had an interest- voter participation 80-90%(because politics was entertainment)
The gilded age parties
2. half-breeds
3. mugwups
1. white supremacist
2. immigrants
3. small business
conservative, no change in life (stick in the butt)
liberal, willing to make change
self-righteous, upper class, thought they were the only ones capable of running (both conservative and liberal)
White supremacist
Southern whites
from all over
Small businesses
(large businesses were republicans) so small bussiness joined democrat so they could fight republican
Presidents of the Gilded Age(late 1800s)
1. Rutherford Hayes
2.James Garfield
3. Chester Arthur
4. Grover Cleveland
5.Benjamin HArrison
Rutherford Hayes
Reformer-half breed
hard money
Bland allison-substituted limited for unlimited silver(they could coin as much silver as they wanted)
James Garfield
assanated July 2,1881
Chester Aurther
(Garfields VP)
republican 1881-1884
Pendleton act
begins navy(signs act to start it)
Pendleton Act
required people to take a test to work for government
Grover Cleveland
democrat 1884-1888
1st democrat to house in 25 years
lower tarriff
reformer(wants to see change)
Benjamin Harrison
republican 1888-1892
Mckinley Tarriff
Sherman Silver Purchase act
Dependant Pension act
McKinley Tarriff
highest tarriff in nations history at this point
Sherman Silver Purchase act
purchasing silver at market price(benefits silver people)
Dependant Act
grant pensions moeny to civil war veterans, thier widows, or their children
3rd party to run for president-mostly farmers
Levels of populism
1. Granges-social organizations(all talk,didnt actually do anything)
2. Farmers alliances-more political(did more than social org.)
3. National Alliances-one step away from a political party(came up with a list of demands)
OCALA Demands
1. sub-treasury plan
2. free coinage of silver
3. no tarriffs
4. federal income tax
5. direct election of senators
6. regulation of RR
The populist party
Convention in Omaha 1892
Adopted Ocala demands
James Weaver-canidate(didnt make it to presidency)
Grover Cleveland
(served 2terms)
Wilson Gorman Tarriff
repealed Sherman Silver
Purchase Act
Jacob Coxey(man who wanted gov works program)
Wilson Gorman Tarriff
raised some tarriffs-lowered others
William McKinley
Dingley Tarriff(highest tarriff)
Spanish-American war(president during)
Gold standard 1901
reelected 1990
assassinated Sept. 6,1901-died sept.14
Gold standard 1901
our money would be backed by gold
Characreristics of machine age
1. production of machines
2.manufactering workforce
3. factores
4.technical innovations (car,airplane)
5. expaned markets(sell our products far and wide)
6. transportation(RR,boats)
7. communication
8. population of growth
9. growth of cities
Tie people
outside products in(soap,wood)
eco. specialization
Miles of railroad tracks
What is a trunk line?
major railroad line that draws in traffic from smaller railroad lines
Trunk lines
When did railroads and US adopt timezones?
Transconinental Railroad
Problems of transcontential railroads
1. Paralled lines(disorganized mess)
2. competition(within RRs)
3. bankruptcy(for RR companys)
4. JP Morgan(banker financer)
Interstate commerce ACt
no price discrimination
*weak...but still stayed in effect
Carnegie steel
Bessemer Process
1890...US leads production
1900...US 4X GB
1900...Carnegie Steel World(dominated world)
Sold company in 1901
JP Morgan- sold for1/2 billion
1st billion company
John Rockefeller
1.ruthless business man(he cheated,stole,and bribed)
2. religios...
3. created "Trust"-forced other people out of business
4. retired with 900 million
Sherman-Anti Trust Act
1.Free competition
2.curb monopolies
3.court cases(Rockefeller would win bc$)
4. the act lacked definition of terms, no commission
Impact of Industrialization
1. new life styles(farm life to city life)
2. poor wages
3. unsafe conditions
4. hired women/children in order to cut wages
group that decides to stand together and do something
National Labor Union
Long range goals(ex: in the future- we want 8 hour work days)
not successful
Knights of labor
all workers-(white,black,mexican-everyone)
no strikes
not successful
American Federation of labor
1.Samuel Gompers-president
2. craft workers were only allowed
3. specific goals
4. in favor of strikes
5. successful!
hired unskilled and foreign workers
1. RR
2. Haymarket square riot
3. Homestead strike
4. Pullman strike
RR strike
2/3 tracks were shut down
2 weeks long
troops called
Haymarket Square Riot
McCormick Reaper Factory
bomb set off-killed policemen
Homestead Strike
Carnegie steel- 5 monthes
Pinkertons(private agency- brought in to stop the strike)
State militia was brought in
Pullman Strike
Pullman car
wages were cut so the western half was shut down