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43 Cards in this Set

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95 theses

the rules that Martin Luther made.


Christians who delay baptism until the candidate confesses their faith.


The act of invalidating a marriage in the eyes of the church.


One of the major leaders in the reformation; created Calvinism.


Believes in faith alone; only your faith can send you to heaven or hell not your actions. Emphasizes the grace of God.

Catholic Church

A branch of Christianity headed by the Pope.

Charles V

The Holy Roman Emperor;

Anglican (Church of England)

heavy belief in the Bible; belief that the bible contains the core of all Christian faith; Henry VII


a city independant from other cities in it's vicinity.

Classical Era

An era that started in the 1750s that contained people like Mozart and Beethoven.


A catholic, Italian explorer

The Council of Trent

A number of members of the Catholic church who played a part in the counter-reformation; reforming the catholic church to stop the spread of other beliefs such as Protestants. Created by Pope Paul the Third.


An Italian writer who wrote The Book of the Courtier; a book about court life.

English Reformation

when the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th-century.


The act of depriving someone of the membership of the Catholic church; to kick someone out of the Catholic church


A city in Italy where the Renaissance began.


Where John Calvin lived, important to the reformation. Protestant.


The place where the printing press was first invented.

Henry VII

Married 6 times, broke away from catholic church so that he could divorce his wives, main investor of english reformation, created the Protestant church.

Holy Roman Empire

a number of territories in Europe that was created in the Middle Ages


focussed less on blindly following religion and started paying attention to people, emotion, and education in a different way. Looked at science more critically.

Ignatius of Loyola

Created of the Jesuits; Spanish night and priest.


Payments that can be made to the church in exchange for cleansing on sins; entry into Purgatory.

Italian Renaissance

The earliest beginning of the Renaissance, a period of great cultural change that originated in Italy in the 16th century.


The society of Jesus; they believe to interact with the people and not be trapped in churches far away from civilization; obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope

Leonardo DaVinci

A famous artist during the renaissance.


Radical politician and author of "The Prince."


Mary, mother of Jesus

Martin Luther

Creator of Lutheranism


The first family not to win their royalty by warfare, marriage or inheritance but through commerce.


Famous renaissance painter (sistine chapel ceiling)

Northern Renaissance

the Renaissance that occurred in Europe north of the Alps.


portraying 3D on a paper or 2D object


head of the Roman Catholic Church

Printing Press

invented in 1440; a way to faster print books and writing and make them more accessible.


a branch of Christianity that does not agree with the catholic church; follow principles of reformation.


Famous Renaissance Artist; The School of Athens


A period of great cultural change originating in Italy in the 1600s


When people started breaking off of the catholic church and making their own religions with slightly different belief systems.


A famous playwright; aided in the throne of Queen Elizabeth I; helped her influence the people through his drama.

The Prince

A book by Machiavelli which states his opinions on how a leader should rule, tips to keep his rule, and ways to keep his people in line.


A government in which Priests rule in the name of God.

Thomas More

Killed for refusing to acknowledge King Henry VII as head of the Anglican church, wrote a book called Utopia.