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10 Cards in this Set

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What was the term for the mixture of different races, cultures and religions living in America?
- The melting pot

More than 40 million people had arrived in America by which year?


After the arrival of over 13 million immigrants in the years 1900 to 1914, US Congress passed how many laws to restrict immigration? What where these?


Literacy test-1917

Quota act-1921

Origins act-1924

What year was prohibition introduced?

1920- The 18th amendment

Who were sacco and vanzetti?

In May 1920 Sacco and Vanzetti were arrested and accused of armed robbery , during which two people were killed. They had radical anti-government pamphlets when they were arrested and they could not prove where they had been on the day of the murders. From the beginning, public opinion was against them because of their political ideas and because they were immigrants.

What was the monkey trial?

Johnny Scopes taught his pupils about Darwin and evolution in his biology lessons in order to make a political point. He was arrested for breaking the law.The court case received a great deal of publicity in the media, on the radio and in newspapers. Clarence Darrow was Scopes' lawyer, while the lawyer for the Fundamentalists was William Jennings Bryan.

What were the jim crow laws?

The jim crow laws were the laws that introduced segregation into the south.

Who were the KKK?

The Ku Klux Klan was a racist group established by people who believed that white people were better and wanted to see black people remaining slaves. It began in the southern states at the end of the American Civil War in 1865.

How did black people respond to the KKK?

(NAACP)- Established in 1909 by William du Bois. The NAACP focussed on opposing racism and segregation by holding non-violent activities, such as marches and protests.

(UNIA)- Established in 1914 by Marcus Garvey. UNIA members were more militant. Garvey encouraged black people to establish their own businesses and to employ black people only. .

Why did prohibition fail?

-Did not have enough support from the public.

-Government lost money from alcohol tax.

-Organised crime thrived because of gangs.

-Impossible to stop drinking.