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59 Cards in this Set

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Why was it different to enforce the laws governing prohibition?

It failed to budget enough money to enforce the law

To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went underground to hidden nightclubs known as this?


What was the Harlem Renaissance?

It provided foundation of African Americans intellectualism to whick African Americans writers, artists, and musicians contribute today

John T. Scopes challenged a Tennessee law that forbade doing this.


Fundamentalists believed that the Bible should be interpreted this way.

Taken Literally

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with__________, and convicted of___________. Both were also__________.

Robbery, Murder. Italian immigrants and anarchists; both had evaded the draft of WW2.

To expand it's membership in the 1920's, the KKK engaged in what activities?

Destroying saloons, opposing unions

The immigration policies of the 1920s limited immigration from what countries?

Italy, Japan, and England

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer believed that he needed to protect the American people from this group of people?

Political radicals

The first pratical peacetime use of airplanes was for...

Delivering mail

The first pratical peacetime use for airplanes was for this purpose.

Delivering for mail.

The main factor causing Urban sprawl in the 1920s was this.

The automobile

What were the causes of WW1?

Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, Alliance System

Who were the Big Four of WW1?

Italy, France, Great Britain, and the US

Who rejected Wilson's "fourteen points" peace plan?

The US Senate

What reasons did senators give for opposing US membership in the League of Nations?

It would drag the US into war

What simulated the US imperialism?

Foreign trade, cultural factors, European conflicts

Which countries residents became citizens of the US in 1917?

Puerto Ricans

Who told the artist Frederic Remington, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war"?

Williams Randolph Hearst

In what conflicts were US military troops not involved in at the turn of the century?

Boxer Rebellion

This governed relations between the US and Cuba starting in 1901.

The Platt Amendment

The Roosevelt Corollary was added to what doctorine?

Monroe Doctorine

What was the purpose of the Foraker Act?

To end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico

In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed what industry?

Meatpacking Industry

What law that required truthful labels on all goods?

Pure Food and Drug Act

What best states the primary goal of prohibitionists ?

To end the use of alcohol in society

The "Great Migration" of 1910-1920 refers to the movement of_________.

Thousands of Blacks to cities in the North.

Except for Government Corruption, alcohol caused all of the problems of society, according to most fundamentalists.

Government Corruption

This allowed women to she'd old roles in the 1920s when it came to work.

Equality in the business world, new managerial positions that were available, equal wages

The_______fought for legislation to protect African American rights under the leadership of this group of people and was under the leadership of this man.

NAACP, James Weldon Johnson

Nativists who found fault with the Emergency Quota Acts of 1921 would have been most likely to say the following when it came to immigration restriction.

It did not restrict immigration enough

The policy that kept the US out of the war for three years was called this.


Because Militarism had been a major cause of the war, the framers of the Treaty of Versailles did this to Germany.

Barred Germany from having an army

The war might have involved only two Nations, Austria-Hungary and Serbia, if not this.

The alliance system

The most compelling reason for the US to enter WW1 was this.

German submarine warfare

The Espionage and Sedition Acts affected freedom of speech because they allowed the government to do what?

Silence ideas that we're against WW1

Why were labor leaders targeted by the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

Encouraged workers to strike

Gains made by American women during WW1 included this.

Gained increased support for the right to vote.

The Treaty of Versailles overlooked the importance of this key aspect.

Treating all Nations justly including those that lost the war

This country was not an imperialist power in the late 1800s.


These countries came under some form of US control as a result of the Spanish-American War.

Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines

General John J. Pershing led a force of 15,000 soldiers in an attempt to capture this man.

Poncho Villa

Of the following statements, the one that best reflects an anti-imperialism is...

"It is not necessary to own people to trade with them."

The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to who?

Remove foreign influence in China

The US gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by encouraging this.

Panamanian Independence

The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the US to further this.

Trade interests

The rapid growth of industry in the US helped fuel Imperialism because of this aspect.

The US was producing to many goods for it's own people to buy

The seventeenth amendment called for the direct election of__________.


The recall allowed citizens to______.

Remove public officials

The referendum allowed citizens to_______.

Introduce legislation

Jacob Riis was a muckraker who________.

Photographed poverty in New York.

What effect did World War 1 have on suffrage movement?

Delayed attention to the issue as attention turned to WW1

What was the three-part strategy of suffrage?

Pressure the courts, national amendment, convince state legislatures to support it

This Progressive Party was headed by Theodore Roosevelt during the 1912 campaign.

Bull Moose Party

The election of 1912 included all the following candidates.

Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft

The 16th Amendment did this.

Legalized income tax

Muckrakers were concerned with_________.

Poverty, political reform, and alcoholism

The initiative allows citizens to__________.

Place a bill on the ballot

This was a result of the Selective Service Act.

Men were required to register for the draft.