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58 Cards in this Set

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American Temperance Society


Boston, MA

successful in Northern States because of abolitionism

America's highest point in alcohol consumption


First state for law prohibiting manufacture and sale of alcohol


Upper South vs. Lower South crops

Upper: tobacco, wheat, iron works

Lower: cotton, sugar

Control of South's cotton trade by 19th century was with

New York Capitalists

Percent of whites that owned slaves

25% of white men

(1 in 4 of whites were landless)

NAT TURNER and the uprising - what happened?

very sensational slave uprising

57 whites died

56 blacks executed by Virginia for being part of the slave rebellion of Turner

Effects of Turner's slave rebellion

Southern states make it difficult for masters to free their slaves.

Economy right before civil war:

south vs. north - what happened?

-Less than 15% of goods were from south

-North became prominent manufacturer of goods

Why did south have little industry?

Because of slavery

Scattered population = railroad is not progressing as much

Leaders were not interested in investing in commerce or industry

When was the most dynamic period of change for technology in America?

1825-1850 (Emergence of Northern Industrial Juggernaut)

What were the terms of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850?

-Federal Marshall not arresting runaway slaves are fined $1000

-Slaves can be turned over based only on the word of the owner

-Black slaves could not ask for jury trial or testify

-Helpers of the slaves are fined $1,000 and 6 months in jail

-Officers are paid a fee for capturing slaves

What was Garrison's paper called?

"The Liberator"

Why was William Lloyd Garrison scary to many?

He used inflammatory rhetoric in his paper, and suggested dissolving the union to separate the nation from southern slavery - he wanted to even do away with the constitution for that

American Anti-Slavery society created


Frederick Douglass was against:

1) gradual emancipation

2) violent revolts

3) Colonization movements

Name a group of people who made up most of the abolitionists


American Colonization society

Made in 1816

First national convention in 1817 by northern free blacks against colonization

Who wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and why?

Harriet Beecher Stowe,

she wanted to make a strong statement against slavery after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

Underground railways

Helped runaways escape.

Anti-slavery households acted as "stations" for people to get food and money

What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?

~California admitted as 16th free state

~South was guaranteed no federal restrictions on slavery in Utah or New Mexico

~Texas gets $10 million in compensation for losing claims to New Mexico

~Capital maintains slavery, but slave trade is prohibited

~Fugitive slave Law

How was the Compromise of 1850 shattered?

with the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854 (Nebraska territory split into two: Nebraska and Kansas)

Effects of Kansas-Nebraska Bill

Repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1850:

It allowed the white males in those territories to use popular sovereignty to determine about allowing slavery in each state boundary.

What happened with Kansas and Nebraska

Kansas becomes Pro-slavery while Nebraska is a free state

Stance of the Republican party

They want to keep slavery out of the territories

Demand repeal of Kansas-Nebraska Act and Fugitive Slave Law (Start with "what is bloody kansas?")

What were the Lincoln-Douglass debates?

Debates of 1858: a series of SEVEN debates between Republican Abraham Lincoln, and Senator Stephen Douglass, democrat. They were trying to get their party to control Illinois when in fact they didn't differ much in their ideas about slavery.

Aftermath of the Lincoln-Douglass debates

Lincoln doesn't get a senate seat in Illinois, but he does get national popularity. He published his speeches in a book which later made him get nominated for President.

Harpers Ferry

John Brown, a militant abolitionist, leads a small party for attack on a federal arsenal in Virginia.

Brown is captured, tried, and executed for treason.

John Brown

Militant abolitionist who advocated guerilla war to end slavery. He gets captured and killed after an attempted attack on federal arsenal in 1859.

Northerners vs. Southerners about John Brown:

North: Brown is a martyr for Abolitionism

South: Brown is a typical radical abolitionist.

John Brown's effect

Many in the south started asking how many John Browns there could be in the north

The Lecompton Constitution

Voters have only two choices:

-Approve slavery or forbid it from further spread

*President Buchanan recommends Congress to admit Kansas to the Union with this constitution

*Stephen A. Douglass breaks with the Democrats because of this, and this causes Republicans to win 1860 election.

Election of 1860: who supports Douglass?

Northern Democrats support and nominate him; southern delegates refuse to support Douglass.

-) Southern Democrats nominate John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky

-) Republicans chose Lincoln

Who wins the election and by how much?

LINCOLN - wins 40% of popular vote but majority of electoral vote

(18 free states, 180 electoral votes)

What happened in March after the election

The Republican party would take possession of the Govt.

Expected results of Republican power:

-South will be excluded from common territory

-judicial tribunals will be made sectional

-a war must be waged against slavery until it exits the U.S.

What will happen when the war on slavery occurs?

-Guarantees of the Constitution no longer exist

-equal rights of states will be lost

-slave states have no more power of self-govt. or self protection

-basically the federal govt. is their enemy now

"Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union"

Adopted christmas eve, 1860.

(Lincoln never thought they would leave because of their attachment to the Union - he was wrong)

Which states seceded in late 1860 and early 1861?

Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas

Crittenden Compromise

Proposal by Kentucky Senator Crittenden in 1860 to acknowledge the reasons why slave states seceded. - Immediately declined by Lincoln.

What did Lincoln think of the secession?

-He believed only states within the Union even exist to begin with; therefore the secession was void.

-States have no valid reason to exist outside the Union and if they do, it is rebellion.

Fort Sumter

Confederacy takes control of all military and naval installations, ports, and custom houses.

EXCEPT Fort Sumter, which has managed to hold out.

Lincoln has to decide whether or not to resupply- if he does it will be seen as an act of war.

What does Lincoln decide about Fort Sumter?

To resupply - angers the south carolinians

They fire upon the federal troops in Fort Sumter, forcing its surrender.

Fort Sumter war and effects

Lincoln calls for remaining states in Union to recapture sumter, defend capital, preserve union


Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and N. Carolina

Neutral States

Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Missouri

Abraham Lincoln was a better politician than Jefferson Davis

State govts. in confederacy impeded with national war effort

disadvantages of north

they had no cause although they had industrial might, navy, and railroads.

advantages of north

larger population

industrial might, navy, arms, railroads

enough men and material

"King Cotton"

Plays important role in how South conducts foreign affairs.


Bull Run





Bull Run/First Manassas

FIRST major battle of the American Civil War.

Union forces were slow to position, this gave confederacy time to arrive reinforcements by train.

Confederate victory and disorganized retreat by Union.

Happened close to Washington DC

Confederates were too disorganized to follow up on their victory.

Battle of Shiloh/ Battle of Pittsburg Landing

Major battle in Western Theater of American Civil War. (SW Tennessee)

Gen. Ulysses led union army through tennessee river deep. encamped at Pittsburg where confederate forces surprised attack.

Confederates defeated on second day.

Antietam/Battle of Sharpsburg

fought near Maryland.

First major American Civil war battle to take place on Union Soil.

Bloodiest single-day battle in American history

confederates were first to retreat - means Union victory

gave Lincoln the confidence to announce Emancipation Proclamation


general Ulysses Grant takes away supplies of confederacy causing them to surrender.

Union got command of mississippi river

It cut off states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and texas from confederacy.


largest number of casualties of the entire war

war's turning point in a way?

Maj. Gen. Meade's army defeated attacks by confederates. Ended Lee's attempt to invade north america.

Political atmosphere

Radical Republicans vs. Moderate Republicans vs. Peace Democrats

Death of Lincoln

1865 April 15

Emancipation Proclamation really didn't free even one slave..
